Sentences with phrase «run organize religion»

All this BS talk about loving your fellow man is a crock — people who run organized religions are such hypocrites.

Not exact matches

If that was the only side of organized religion that I encountered, I would run from it as well.
Can't CNN find something else meaningful to report: the number of children in the US that go to sleep hungry; can we ever have a country that is not run by corporations; why has journalism gone down the toilet; why can't we tolerate each other; the real truth — organized religion divides people in this world instead of unitng them.
I have fallen away from the church though the older I get the more I realize that any organized religion freaks me out, but here is the thing there are lots of homeless shelters and hot food banks that run off churches so they do some good for the community.
Then, after a few months, at best only three years, of a public career in which He was hailed by a crowd which proved fickle and had won the adherence of a coterie of men and women who did not fully understand Him, He ran afoul of the leaders of the organized religion of His people, was accused by them of fomenting rebellion against the civil government, that of Rome, and was crucified by the order of the local representative of that government.
The exhibition is organized, not chronologically, but in such a way as to bring out the many themes and patterns that form the running thread of his oeuvre: consumer society, political propaganda, new technologies, sexuality, religion, urban development, etc..
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