Sentences with phrase «run time like»

A longer run time like this can permit actors to play with a scene more and possibly get even more out of it than originally thought possible.

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But at a time when the U.S. and Europe is fighting costly political battles in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, poking a country like Greece — which sits at the crossroads of these regions — could be far more expensive in the long run.
For an entrepreneur, time spent on social media might seem like a distraction from the more important tasks central to running a business.
Speaking at the New York Times DealBook conference, Cuban said that his family is a huge factor in why he hasn't officially announced plans to run for president, and it sounds like his wife might be his biggest opposition.
Let's say a pollster like Miringoff were to run that same poll 100 times.
Saying «no» means being the bad cop at times, but it also means understanding that running a business is not about being liked.
Back in the old days of television programming — say, 15 years ago — most standup specials like Black's ran for a limited time on one of the three main cable channels that aired comedy (HBO, Showtime, Comedy Central) before being shuffled off to the archives.
MacLellan goes on to quote the researchers: «Everyday activities (like household chores or running errands) may afford families quality moments, unplanned, unstructured instances of social interaction that serve the important relationship - building functions that parents seek from «quality time».»
Banks run promotions like this all the time, so grab some real cash quickly if you're in need.
«Like most people in the business, my wife thought I was crazy, wasting time and money on domains,» says Hoffman, who lives in Palo Alto, California, and also runs, a review site for domain parking services.
The offense runs through him, and though the Cavs, like all teams, have plays that they run, a lot of the time, it's James dictating the action and poking holes in the defense.
Like trying to manage your own books, your time is better spent serving your customers and running your business.
But time is running out, according to some big name entrepreneurs, like Steve Case, founder and former chief executive officer of AOL, who spoke to Inc. in late May about immigration reform.
One of Hamilton's defining traits is his ability to «write like he's running out of time
Normally many of the object - oriented programming languages clean up for you because they notice when you are running low on memory and haven't used a bit of code in a while, but in the case of these terascale systems, it would be like having a kitchen the size of a football field, so by the time you ran out of room, it would take weeks to clean it up.
Tools like online dashboards and online strategic planning tools allow your accountant to spend more time strategizing for your business and less time running reports and crunching numbers on a moment's notice.
By doing daily exercises like running on a treadmill or using resistance bands, Brady said he feels better because his mind better recognizes it's time to work out.
Whether they help pass the dead time in traffic or spiral you to run harder on the treadmill, they're the perfect mix of information and entertainment — it's really like killing two (or three) birds with one stone.
You're talking about a property that runs at a healthy 80 % occupancy even in a market like today when it's not the strongest of times.
CTAs vary widely, though the most common ones are promotional offers, referral savings and phrases like «Buy before time runs out.»
Like the Italians who used to declare, «At least Mussolini made the trains run on time,» this CEO's half - hearted attempts at paying someone a compliment were so feeble that it would have been better if she'd said nothing at all.
It's a tried and true method, but it's probably costing you a bucketload of money and creating schedule feast or famine — periods where you stress through the lean times and run like a lunatic in the busy ones — according to a new ebook titled Breaking the Time Barrier from online accounting company FreshBooks.
First you slip in small ways, like when you're running behind one morning and don't have time to cook egg whites, so you scarf down a couple of Pop - Tarts in the car.
And, if your business is like most of the SM newbies out there who are running to catch up while wearing concrete sneakers, you've got a lot of otherwise productive time and energy being spent by your people (and possibly a pile of money as well on outside vendors) in the unclear pursuit of who knows what.
She acted like she had run out of time and didn't have a choice to really do what she loved.
Small - business owners waste their time on what I call $ 10 an hour work, like running to get office supplies.
Some sports comparisons baffled me, though, such as «starting a business is like running a race against time
To me, that means figuring out the best way to spend time with my husband and children and also run my business without feeling like I'm compromising on either.
Roughly one in five Americans has downloaded one of Plank's apps, Plank has said, so he wants not only to help users keep track of their running times or weight loss but also to compare their data with that of millions of other people like them and offer valuable insights.
Light - based or photonic computers have the potential to run at least 20 times faster than your laptop, not to mention the fact that they won't produce heat or suck up energy like existing devices.
The New York Times notes that both sites plan to tweak their marketing efforts going forward, most likely to avoid running afoul of regulators like Schneiderman.
It's not too hard to understand why workers might like this plan; it offers them the ultimate flexibility: Instead of running out or cramming vacations into the last few weeks of the year, vacation days can be taken at any time.
Schiff is only 24, but he runs his company like someone three times older.
I felt like I was lost most of the time, and as a result, running late.
People get lazy when it comes to travel because any prep work, no matter how much time it may save in the long run, just seems like another dreary task on the to - do list.
Some innovations, like stockings that don't run or light bulbs that last a long time, have meant that industries compete on quality and service and not quantity.
Travis Peres Run your business like a marathon, but at night, with a flashlight, one hurdle at a time.
Run Several Scenarios When you choose the area of your business you'd like to expand, it's time to examine the «what ifs.»
There's also a cautionary tale in the form of Munchery, a California startup that, like Maple, also runs the «full stack,» but has reportedly suffered from food waste and other issues despite raising more than three times the amount in Maple's coffers.
Glickman, 27 at the time, quickly zeroed in on phone costs: like almost all countries other than the United States, Argentina had a state - run phone company that charged an arm and a leg for international calls, and Amex Argentina was running up a monthly bill of $ 25,000 in international calls.
While a number of publications like The New York Times and BuzzFeed have partnered with Facebook to publish directly to the site, Vox launched an entire publication just to run on the social network.
You can't run in, even for a pint of Hä agen - Dazs Vanilla Swiss Almond or the New York Times, without running into someone you know — like the mother of the obnoxious overachiever in your son's class.
Picking and packing becomes more like a game of Pac - Man, in which workers must gather the correct items before time runs out.
I'll keep my phone until it dies or a model with enough additional features (like the ability to have multiple instances running at the same time) entices me to upgrade.
Kurtz recommends finding a sense of accomplishment even in some of your everyday tasks, like waking up in the morning, running errands or paying your rent on time.
How to Make Your Small Business Seem Bigger: Start With the Basics So you run a small business, maybe even a business of one, and you feel like it's time to take it to the next level.
It feels like people get excited about the idea of running a venture fund and being a VC, but don't actually take the time to really evaluate whether it's a life they want.
It sounds like a mouthful, but we use this data to run various cohort - type analyses to track customer growth trends over time.
Some quality issues were simple rookie mistakes, like the time Handy ran a big promotional offer without realizing it was Easter weekend, and almost no cleaners were available, forcing the company to cancel bookings and issue credits en masse.
If you can run carefully structured promotions, like I outlined in my last column, Fresh Thinking for Uncertain Times, and see a bit of a pop in your business without eroding margins, I would go that route.
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