Sentences with phrase «runaway warming future»

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There is no science behind the claim of future runaway warming from positive water vapor feedback.
There are continuing major questions about the future of the great ice sheets of Greenland and West Antarctica; the thawing of vast deposits of frozen methane; changes in the circulation patterns of the North Atlantic; the potential for runaway warming; and the impacts of ocean carbonization and acidification.
In light of the recent IPCC report released this past week and stating essentially that global warming is a runaway train that can't be stopped for centuries, it may be tempting to give up hope for a brighter future... But like any patient who suffers from a chronic disease that is potentially fatal, not only is education about the condition itself essential, but also what we can do to help mitigate its impact.
-- > a coming Ice Age — > global warming — > anthropogenic global warming — > runaway global warming — > climate change — > disastrous climate change — > a «warming hiatus» (currently)-- > irreversible and catastrophic climate changes (the future)
In a sharp change from its cautious approach in the past, the National Academy of Sciences on Wednesday called for taxes on carbon emissions, a cap - and - trade program for such emissions or some other strong action to curb runaway global warming.Such actions, which would increase the cost of using coal and petroleum — at least in the immediate future — are necessary because «climate change is occurring, the Earth is warming... concentrations of carbon dioxide are increasing, and there are very clear fingerprints that link [those effects] to humans,» said Pamela A. Matson of Stanford University, who chaired one of five panels organized by the academy at the request of Congress to look at the science of climate change and how the nation should respond.
Clearly, observed temperature trends are predicting a future temp that resembles the IPCC projection if CO2 was held constant - the actual trends are multiple times below the «runaway» and «accelerating» global warming that Obama and the IPCC still push.
Does this paper not prove, in other words, that we have already crossed the tipping point into runaway global warming, that warming will continue even if we remove all of the initial «forcing» of all future human releases of carbon into the atmosphere?
Surely what matters are (i) the effects on future generations over tens of thousands of years if runaway warming of several C is allowed to occur (ii) loss of biodiversity forever (iii) effects on developing world in our lifetime as well as beyond.
But... do the scientific facts and latest empirical evidence indicate that sort of «runaway tipping point» and extreme warming fate is even remotely possible for Earth in the future?
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