Sentences with phrase «running balanced budgets»

Policy changes in the wake of the general election, cost pressures from increased national insurance and pension costs, and the fragmented landscape of academy, maintained, multi-academy and other school structures added to the difficulty of running balanced budgets and legally compliant buildings.
When asked to rate how important it was to run a balanced budget, May said: «In the scheme of things, not very.»
New Democratic Party chief Thomas Mulcair says he doesn't need a statute to force him to run a balanced budget.
Even if the government ran a balanced budget or a budget surplus, the Fed would still be able to inflate the money supply (therefore, Mr. Hussman, with whom we agree on nearly everything else in his highly readable weekly comments, is in error on this particular point).
Most councils are currently forecasting a deficit in 2016/17, forcing them to raid their reserves in order to meet the legal requirement to run a balanced budget at the end of the year.
Or, consider the troubles that the states are in, since they have to run balanced budgets, unlike the Federal government, which can borrow in dollars, and inflate the currency as needed.
California is running a balanced budget, and paying down old debt and investing in new infrastructure this year.
The states, most of which had to run a balanced budget, cheated in a different way — they didn't lay aside enough cash for their pension and retiree healthcare promises.
It is rare, possibly even non-existent to find countries that run balanced budgets, have sound monetary policy, and haven't overpromised on entitlements.
But it does not do well with macroeconomic management, so it should give up on that, run balanced budgets, and replace the Fed with a currency board.
3) The states are in more trouble than the US Government, because they have to run balanced budgets, and can't print money.

Not exact matches

They elevate the importance of balanced budgets by trying so hard to convince voters that they too would run tight fiscal policy.
Balanced - budget law allows the federal government to run a deficit when recession looms.
Keep the budget balanced or run a small surplus, then have a «rainy day» fund for emergencies.
Yes, the budget was balanced, and indeed we were running a surplus.
While a balanced budget in 2013 - 14 is not assured, in the medium run revenues do not appear to raise serious challenges.
But like many would - be entrepreneurs, I don't know much about balance sheets, cash flow, marketing budgets, ad sales, or other essentials for running a company.
OTTAWA — Mandatory balanced - budget legislation, interprovincial booze runs, public sector bashing and lifetime prison terms are among a grab bag of populist Conservative promises in a mid-mandate policy makeover.
In normal circumstances he believed in a balanced budget and maybe a bit of a surplus for bad times but what he believed was fatal to a nation was running deficit trade imbalances.
Financial experts say the central bank's intervention seems to have catalyzed a virtuous circle: As new governments come in and promise to deliver spending cuts, tax increases and balanced budgets, once gun - shy banks have an added incentive to tap new financing from the central bank and jump back into bond markets that they were running from just a few months ago.
Second, we now know that the Conservatives actually think that running a governmdent is like balancing the family budget.
That is, will the legislation require that surpluses be realized during normal economic times to offset the run up in federal debt during the economic crisis or that only balanced budgets are required?
We will run modest deficits for three years so that we can invest in growth for the middle class and credibly offer a plan to balance the budget in 2019.
With the federal budget coming soon, it is also worth recalling that the Liberals promised to run deficits of no more than $ 10 - billion for a maximum of three years, but the government's latest projections peg its annual deficits at almost $ 30 - billion with no timeline for returning to a balanced budget.
This is not meant seriously, but an easy way to balance the US Budget in the short run is to issue Japanese Yen - denominated debt.
The previous government implemented the Balanced Budget Act, which precluded the running of deficits, except in extraordinary circumstances.
He stressed the importance of balanced budgets earlier this month when announcing former Saskatchewan finance minister Andrew Thomson would be running as an NDP candidate in Toronto.
Monetary stimulus has run its course and now is no time to be slavishly balancing budgets
You have the ability to help someone get their small business running, assist a local business with marketing, bring your organization or leadership skills to your church's next conference or children's event and even use your accounting skills to help your church balance its budget.
Besides, Reagan ran on a balanced budget platform.
Obviously, the frugal Franciscan Friars who take a vow of poverty and who run the topic University need to balance the school budget, something our federal, state and local government obviously are not capable of regarding their own budgets.
As Dayle Hayes, the registered dietitian who runs the School Meals That Rock Facebook page told me, «Thousands of schools are balancing complex regulations, limited budgets and picky eating habits to serve delicious, healthful real school food that real students eat and enjoy.»
Maloney said, «I'm running because there is an urgent need to take back our Congress from extremists who reject smart investments in health care, education and infrastructure; who reject sensible tax policies that create jobs and balance budgets; and who would end Medicare as we know it.»
Citizens Party office holders may not vote themselves payraises or new perks unless the budget is balanced or running a surplus.
New York State has been relying on a stream of legal settlements with Wall Street and beyond to balance its budget — but that stream is running dry.
Val has helped to craft a smaller, smarter county government that runs more efficiently; and her insight and expertise have helped produce balanced budgets that continue to give residents the highest quality of services, while providing relief under New York State's property tax freeze program.
I heard one astute observer say a week ago: «I can't wait until they run that first TV ad of a mean - looking Hein (if they can find such an image) with the announcer intoning, «He laid off 300 people in the pits of a depression and sold the nursing home to balance his budget.
State spending can be particularly vulnerable during recessions, because states have balanced - budget rules, which prevent them from running temporary deficits during downturns to compensate for revenue shortfalls.
«It's very clear our time is running out in terms of our global carbon budget, which is the amount of carbon civilization can put into the atmosphere while hoping to keep climate change under control,» Walsh said, adding that we could use the balance of our carbon budget in the next 40 years.
This will not only be far more accurate but will encourage employment within the scale range budgeted for; projecting year - end balances differently depending on the detail, such as for staffing items if running a salary monitor, project actuals plus commitments.
The board of education turned to the federal court on Sept. 13, as a 10 - day reprieve from the state law requiring Chicago schools to balance their budget was running out.
Emergency fiscal aid from the federal government helped prevent even deeper cuts but ran out before the economy recovered, and states chose to address their budget shortfalls disproportionately through spending cuts rather than a more balanced mix of service cuts and revenue increases.
Equally appalling is the fact that even this year's state budget is balanced by using one - time revenues and budget gimmicks that Malloy promised he would not utilize when he was running for governor.
Historically, principals have operated behind closed doors: hiring staff, balancing the budget, and making sure the buses ran on time.
That's about 4 miles below the budgeted range — possibly due to a few stoplight zero - to - 60 test runs I did just before testing — but balances out with the 3 - mile surplus of the previous trip to land me pretty spot - on with Kia's estimate.
Under normal circumstances, where a few defaults don't threaten the whole economic system, and the government is running close to a balanced budget, and the Fed isn't in a liquidity trap that they themselves created, there are relationships that are useful for analyzing value in the markets.
New Jersey has bitten the bullet in the short run, and has balanced its budget through shared sacrifice.
Running up balances on travel cards could make other parts of your budget difficult to manage if you are unable to meet your financial obligations (pay off your balances).
If you are prone to clear out your balances, only to go out and run them up again, you should re-think that refi and consider budget counseling.
If you are running short of cash every week, find a way to balance your budget by cutting costs or increasing your income.
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