Sentences with phrase «running public conversation»

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At the same time, digital campaigners can run ads with the entirely different goal of influencing the broad public conversation.
Finally, a Twitter interview can be an interesting way to run a one - on - one public conversation, though it practice it can feel like competitive poetry or a freestyle rap showdown — i.e., a public balancing act on a very narrow wire.
In this conversation, she describes her «Green New Deal» platform, explains why she thinks that spending more public dollars could actually lower the nation's debt in the long run, and contends that only the Greens are offering real solutions to the environmental challenges facing the nation and the world.
On transit, he said the next mayor must start a public conversation about how to improve the current funding scheme for the cash - strapped Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which he ran for a little less than a year before stepping down to campaign for mayor.
That's the conclusion of a 5 - year study, which found that when news organizations ran a number of stories on controversial topics like water quality and climate change in close succession, they significantly boosted public conversations about these topics — and even changed some people's minds.
If it makes you feel better, buy a copy of the comic and then send a letter to the Cannons urging them to go DRM - free; they'll be running an old - fashioned letters column in Double Barrel, and I bet they'd be willing to have this conversation in public in future issues.
At the conclusion of its decade - long run, the Menil's director of public programs, Karl Kilian, began to wonder, in his words, «what would happen if we cast the net wider, expanding the idea and the conversation beyond the visual arts.»
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