Sentences with phrase «rural temperature records»

Looking at my local rural temperature records for the past 100 years (and not the databases of NOAA, GISS, etc), there is no hockey - stick effect.

Not exact matches

On the other hand Plimer cited evidence that rural centres used to record long - term temperatures, mostly tended downwards.
These include that the land, borehole and marine records substantially agree; and the fact that there is little difference between the long - term (1880 to 1998) rural (0.70 °C / century) and full set of station temperature trends (actually less at 0.65 °C / century).
On the other hand Plimer cited evidence that rural centres used to record long - term temperatures, mostly tended downwards.
Back in ’88 there was still quite a debate about whether the world was in fact warming or whether the temperature record had been contaminated by the urban heat island effect of cities springing up around former rural weather stations.
This is one of the main challenges with the urban heat island problem — it is harder to keep enough staff to maintain a continuous temperature record at an isolated rural location for a century (or longer) than in the heart of a thriving metropolis.
If you only use linear trends for analysing the temperature record for Valentia Observatory, you might mistakenly conclude, «it shows a «warming trend», and it's rural, so even the rural stations show «unusual global warming»».
Most of the rural cities in my state show no warming at all since 1890 - 1895 when the records began but this is but one area and maybe it has some special properties that protect it, or shield it, from this assumed increase in accumulated global energy (therefore a raising of temperature) but in physics I learned that is not possible over a century of time even in a system even as large as the entire Earth.
In other words, it is one of our only rural station records that we can use for studying long - term temperature trends.
For the rest of the world, the Historical Climatology Network datasets didn't actually have enough rural stations with sufficiently long records to estimate global temperature trends.
The most likely explanation being that the land based thermometer record has become inaccurate due to station drop out, particularly high latitude drop out, a biasing towards airport stations, poor station siting and a failure to properly allow for UHI which is having an ever increasing impact upon post 1960s temperatures because of not simply an increase in urbanisation but also the drop out of rural stations and the ever increasing percentage of airport stations and airports have so greatly changed during the 1970s and 1980s.
There does seem to be enough rural stations with long records to be reasonably confident about the U.S. temperature trends for the 20th century, but not for the rest of the world.
The most likely explanation being that teh land based thermometer record has become inaccurate due to station drop out, particularly high latitude drop out, a biasing towards airport stations, poor station siting and a failure to properly allow for UHI which is having an ever increasing impact upon post 1960s temperatures because of not simply an increase in urbanisation but also the drop out of rural stations and the ever increasing percentage of airport stations and airports have so greatly changed during the 1970s and 1980s.
You don't seem to understand that the temperature records are calibrated to correct for urban effects, and the very close match between DFW and a nearby rural station shows that this is accurately done.
The stations locations are surfacing the property price wave, where the conurbation is spreading, the stations are pushed fastest, always recording the rapid rural to urban temperature profile.
There are some stable rural temperature stations with long term records of zero warming in the industrial era.
Seven rural temps in western europe with long term temperature records show zero warming.
Some of the temperature increases shown by Dr Jones in fact are caused by temperature recording stations that were once in rural locations on the outskirts of cities now being affected by the Urban Heat Island effect as urban development surrounded the weather stations.
The moral of the story is, find any rural station with an odd temperature record and I will show you nearby urban stations with a head - scratching adjustment.
They effectively replace the temperature record of all urban stations with the distance - weighted average of nearby rural stations.
Although the global network nominally contains temperature records for a large number of rural stations, most of these records are quite short, or are missing large periods of data.
How about rural good stations with MMTS having substantially lower trend that good rural CRS (if I am not wrong, the MMTSs do not have any TOBS issues, since they automatically record the highest and lowest temperature for a given day?)?
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, urban areas regularly record air temperatures as much as 6 ° Celsius (10 ° Fahrenheit) hotter than the surrounding suburban and rural areas.
As the trend in the US rural stations, which at least until very recently employed these min / max stations, has been from early evening observation (5 pm or 7 pm in most of the sources I've found) to early morning observation (usually 7 am), this has been presumed to put an artificial cooling bias into the temperature record, so a net positive, and increasing as more stations have been converted, correction has been added to the raw data.
One issue of the temperature data related to Urban / suburban / rural is that, given no microsite bias, all three temperature records are valid.
The fact that the raw data in long term rural reporting stations always show a long term flat temperature (or a decline) while the interpolated anomaly shows warming is going to tend to inform me that people are fudging the records.
Temperature records from around the world — from weather stations in both urban and rural areas, and from weather balloons and satellites — tell us the world is warming.
Over time, some weather stations that once recorded temperatures in rural areas have been surrounded by cities and suburbs.
I'm monitoring the monthly temperature averages for the period of record in the regions for each of the NWS Cooperative Climate Stations (rural, forested and small town areas) and creating average monthly temperature plots because I think someone needs to be doing this.
There have been a number of studies suggesting that ground - based data is severely compromised by urban heat island effects, inappropriate placement of monitors that increase recorded temperatures over what they would have been if the instruments had been properly cited, and the drop - out of a large number of rural stations in the 1970s.
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