Sentences with phrase «rushed policy process»

«My research shows that a rushed policy process, without thorough consultation with communities or key stakeholders, may have dramatic implications for the success of the law change.

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There's no great rush, but if obfuscatory noises are coming out of Downing Street at, say, this time next year, the Chairman of the»22 should quietly have a word with the Prime Minister, and tell him that the Committee will begin its own policy development process the following summer, if there's no movement from Number Ten in the meantime.
WHEREAS, the rushed process in drafting the NY SAFE Act resulted in complex policy changes, many of which have been left up to interpretation, are confusing, and were not thoroughly considered; and
Because the proposed policy is not a radical departure from current practice in the district, there is no reason to rush the process.
Later research into the peer - review process that allowed the publication of their paper uncovered that Energy and Environment editor - in - chief Sonja Boehmer - Christiansen had rushed the paper into publication for «policy impact reasons, e.g. publication well before COP9.»
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