Sentences with phrase «s final judgment»

She suggested allowing plaintiffs to manufacture a final judgment to trigger an automatic appeal could have negative repercussions, like permitting parties to skip over the district court on a legal question.
Successful entrepreneurs aren't afraid to step outside their comfort zones and take a new risk, because they realize that failure is a learning process — not a final judgment on their ventures.
It's been just a little more than a year since Atlas bought the plant, so it's wise to withhold final judgment.
Any damages that Retrophin is forced to pay to Su or Huang in the Schwab Action, whether through settlement or final judgment, and all attorneys» fees and costs incurred by Retrophin in defending the Schwab Action, are due to Shkreli's decision to block the sale of Su and Huang's shares for his own benefit and without consulting with Retrophin's Board.9
(B) at the election of the customer at any time before final judgment is rendered, statutory damages in a sum of not more than $ 5,000, as the court considers just.
How that story plays out will impact the final judgment on the film.
While Cajetan only understood Luther's views imperfectly, and regarded them as temerarious and mistaken, he was ready to recommend that they receive further discussion and consideration before a final judgment was reached.
Good luck with that at the final judgment.
Or Christ will return to the earth to pronounce final judgment.
Short of that final judgment, however, we should be grateful that such secularists are trying to do the right thing.
In the final judgment, it may be the greater treason to do the right thing for the wrong reason.
Salvation can mean the final judgment delivered by GOD when one's temporal life is over, that judgment is based on the whole life record.Or, 2.
Once this simple fact is recognized, there can be no truly final judgment.
In the end, he himself was executed without a trial, thus becoming the precursor of the One whose death signified the final judgment of God on all the powers and principalities.
The gospel is saturated with the expectation of both the imminent return of Jesus and some sort of final judgment.
I am not interested in discovering the facts, and I'm certainly not interested in making a final judgment.
I do, however, still believe that discovering those facts and details would be very important thing for all of us to do at some point before passing any final judgments.
Gods final judgment I don't believe anywhere is said to be changed
Apocalyptic thought provokes resistance, because it fuses an alternative vision of history's telos with warfare and final judgment, all within the context of a prophetic claim to have removed the veil that keeps humans from truly perceiving the world.
The Leprechaun King lives in Leprechaun Heaven, where he busies himself answering prayers, running the Universe and recording the lives of humans for their final judgment before him.
(b) As far as the records show, Jesus gave only one parable of the final judgment which all men face after the probation of this life.
That question is being answered in many different ways in this generation, but the final judgment on sexual action is what it means for the fulfilment of persons now and throughout life.
The pastor does not do the parishioner a favor by withholding teaching about this final judgment.
Even so quickly and suddenly will God» s final judgment come, as the Scripture testifies: He will come quickly and will not tarry, suddenly the Lord will come to His temple, the Holy One for whom you wait.»
Are these condemnations a final judgment on them?
This time the interpretation immediately follows the parable (vv 49 - 50), which again is explained as referring to the separation of the righteous and the wicked at the final judgment.
The Flood (Gen. 6 - 9) and the destruction of Sodom (Gen. 19) both serve as New Testament prototypes of final judgment (2 Peter 3; Jude 7).
Since no one else in the New Testament uses this Greek word for hell to talk about hell, I surveyed a dozen texts that mention two possible outcomes of final judgment, to see what words they do use to discuss the dreadful option.
According to Christian faith, God «will render to every man according to his works» at the final judgment (Romans 2:6; cf. Matthew 16:27).
The Old Testament contains many prophecies of the final judgment, but I will mention just two.
What God thus works in us and what we accept in faith and hope is the event which, while truly changing us «now», is yet wholly directed to the final judgment of God's mercy in which it will be perfected.
There is also a final judgment when we go to heaven.
Events will continue to escalate in frequency and severity until the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and his final judgments.
# 4 makes its own Plato - related point, but also provides a final judgment of «Time.»
He explains how the final judgment will work.
I leave to the reader, however, the final judgment on the cogency of these reflections for the enterprise of process philosophy.
The unifying thread in 24:37 - 25:46 is the note of w - Jesus admonishes his followers, in various ways, that they too will have to face final judgment and thus encourages them to steadfast obedience.
While this book itself is too late in origin to have affected Christian thought since it comes from perhaps the ninth century A.D., it is probably true that Zoroastrian beliefs concerning eschatology, here carried to such an extreme, did materially affect late Hebrew and early Christian ideas of the ending of the world and the final judgment.
The passage itself embodies a strongly christological thrust in the phrase «you did it to me,» which makes Jesus in some sense the referent of all the deeds of mercy done in the world.3 More importantly, Matthew attaches the pericope to a series of exhortations obviously intended to encourage the Christian community to persevere until the final judgment; 4 thus the deeds of mercy inculcated are direct responses to the Christian proclamation (7:794).
There is an eschatology of the individual with reference to concepts of heaven, hell, final judgment, and in general of «eternal life.»
In his concluding section on eschatological fulfillment, Jenson's interpretation of the final judgment as «rectification» deserves particular attention.
«10 Surely this foreshadows the scenes of final judgment of later Zoroastrianism, when all the evil shall be destroyed and only the good remain.
When the Church falls the final judgment is at hand as there is nothing left to resist the Evil One.
In the name of the Lord and in the light of God's own revealed values, we can and should anticipate something of God's final judgment when we have opportunity.
Gone was the view of the Fall, of man's sin, of the uniqueness of Jesus the Christ, and of God's final judgment over history.
In Sheol, some distinctions were worked out so that even before the final judgment, part of Sheol was Paradise, and part was like Gehenna, the place of ultimate judgment.
What we can not do is give her decision our blessing here and now, even though fully aware that the final judgment is God's, not our own.
Such is the background of this story, and it is an interesting insight into the state of Jewish thought at this time concerning eternal life and final judgment.
And the trouble with the traditional pictures of hell is not that they recall the wrath of God and the reality of a final judgment, but that they forget the ingredient of mercy in all God's judgment, and allow the human wish for revenge to dictate the divine policy toward sinners.
The first question concerns the final judgment; the other concerns the ultimate correcting of injustices.
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