Sentences with phrase «saber tooth tiger»

They didn't care how many times they ate per day and they didn't die from starvation mode, they died because they got torn in half by saber tooth tigers.
The wooly mammoths and saber tooth tigers who roamed the region that would become Fullerton tens of thousands of years ago understood that life in Southern California entails dramatic risks.
This is classic gatekeeping — it is innate in new moms going back to cave moms; since saber tooth tigers, etc. etc. no longer exist, you have become the major threat to her baby because you don't do it her way.
She is essentially a cave mom thinking saber tooth tigers are roaming around.
«Our caveman and cavewomen ancestors did short, intense bursts of exercise, say, when a hungry saber tooth tiger chased them,» says Virgin.
It was nature's intention that we MOVE in order to survive — to catch and hunt down that wild boar, to forage, to escape saber tooth tigers, to climb trees, to fight the guy who wants to take your food and bag your pretty woman.
We get giant saber tooth tigers, flying turtles and beasts connected by the tail.
See first hand an Ice Age mammal that once roamed the earth alongside saber tooth tigers and woolly mammoths.
Woolly mammoths and saber tooth tigers rule the Earth, and humanity is at the bottom of the food chain.
The wooly mammoths and saber tooth tigers who roamed the region that would become Fullerton tens of thousands of years ago understood that life in Southern California entails dramatic risks.
Dr Jana explains this saying that in the early human times, an evolutionary response to a saber tooth tiger was to run away — and not wonder whether the beast was hungry or not.
Why not just stay in the more active state all the time in case that's when the saber tooth tiger attacks?
(Imagine running from a saber tooth tiger!)
Your valiant instructor will handle any saber tooth tiger that attempts to enter this safe, nurturing domain while you stimulate this precious nerve.
The mechanisms probably worked great in the Neanderthal days when a saber tooth tiger might be looming on the horizon or outside the cave.
However, today the same response designed to save you from a saber tooth tiger is now activated by a suitable, sexy single!
Want to mount up on a saber tooth tiger?
For example, humans were taming wolves to help them hunt mammoth — they probably never tamed a saber tooth tiger.
Once there were dinosaurs and later wholly mammoths and saber tooth tigers.
Sometimes individuals succumb to «fight or flight,» that tremendous adrenaline response that saved our ancestors from being eaten by the saber tooth tiger.
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