Sentences with phrase «sacramental life»

The phrase "sacramental life" refers to living a life that is deeply connected with religious rituals and ceremonies. It means actively participating in and appreciating the sacred and symbolic actions and symbols of one's faith, such as baptism, communion, or other religious rites. It's a way of experiencing and expressing one's spirituality through these rituals and allowing them to shape and guide one's daily life. Full definition
The public sacramental life of the Church is now seen as the locus of assurance, of certitude, the place where an entirely undialectical salvific communication takes place.
«That sounds logical, but if that happened, then the concern for Christian unity — in terms of overcoming the inherited separations in doctrine and in sacramental life — would be lost officially.
By the summer of 1518, «The public sacramental life of the Church is now seen as the locus of assurance,» and the Luther of the Reformation era is more, not less, catholic than he was before the Ninety - Five Theses.
And from that reality flows the entire sacramental life of the Church.
We are not even talking, in this case, about the role of the Church in the «public square,» but about the Church's internal sacramental life.
A strong sacramental life will call them back to make God their starting place.
Theirs is a daring undertaking; they need an active sacramental life.
Both in liturgical and sacramental life as well as in facilitating proper legislation, human desire could be shaped and oriented toward God and the common good (neighbor love).
There the council fathers insist that the grace of Christ found in a perfect way in the Catholic Church is also at work, however imperfectly, in the genuinely Catholic elements of tradition and sacramental life found in other ecclesial traditions.
Klopf, the previous pastor, had sensed the challenge of a genuinely urban ministry, had begun to meet the challenge; he had enriched and deepened the liturgical and sacramental life of the congregation, and he was a pioneer among Lutherans in racial integration.
More than anything else, Jim needs someone and some church community to guide him to that sacrament of our Lord's forgiveness in particular, and to the entire sacramental life in general.
Sacramental Life.
At this interior theological level, what might be termed the sacramental life of each respective community, each community must regard its own truth as superior to all others.
For Schickel, that conservative language is found in the ordinary, everyday realities, a reflection of his belief that «the sacramental life of the Church is a recapitulation of the daily rituals of eating and drinking, working and resting, gathering and dispersing.»
The core of this document is about the renewal of religious education along with wholehearted commitment to ongoing conversion through the sacramental life, personal prayer and Christian action.
It is not as if matter has been invested with some divine quality in its own right — that would indeed be a magical understanding — rather it is the dynamic, Spirit filled presence of the Christ in an enfleshed relationship with his People that constitutes the principle of sacramental life - giving empowerment.
St. Francis championed the Church's sacramental life, but the drama of his imitation of Christ took place in the world, not within the Church's sanctuary.
It presupposes a sound formation in the fullness of the Catholic faith, nourished by the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church.
It is given its raison d'etre by living the Prayer of the Church both in the Sacramental life and in the obligation to pray the Divine Office.
Sustained by prayer, especially before the Blessed Sacrament and in the Divine Office of the Church, and by the sacramental life, she was immersed in theology, particularly spiritual and mystical theology; she also retained her love of literature.
Most of that renewal has come from outside the Protestant tradition — from the oriental emphasis on immediate experience and harmony with nature, from the Catholic emphasis on community and the sacramental life, from the Jewish experience of keeping the faith in the midst of disaster.
«A clear and convincing testimony to the salvation wrought for us in Christ Jesus has to be based upon normative apostolic teaching: a teaching which underlies the inspired word of God and sustains the sacramental life of Christians today.»
In the sacramental life of the Church, Baptism is given once for all; but Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper, is a continually repeated sacramental action.
Thus a spirituality was evolved in which the accent was on the sacramental life with their exopere operato effect.
There are many Christians for whom the sacramental life of the Church and the Holy Communion would have power beyond anything they can at present imagine if a genuine connection should be established in their understanding between the Sacrament and the mutual ministry which is going on all the time in the life of the Church.
Josiah Royce's definition of the Church as «a community of memory and of hope» is a valid pillar of all sacramental life.3
Adopting Conrad Pepler's formation of the imagination is one way in which we can unite creation and the sacramental life in order to «generate resistance to the assault of the technocratic paradigm» so that we may join the chorus in singing Laudato Si, mi» Signore with full voice and heart (1).
The matrix of this human relationship with the risen Jesus, which is thereby full of Divinity, is the sacramental life.
The sacramental life offers an entry into the supernatural reality which assists in forming the imagination.
In obedience to the truth borne by the sacramental life of the Church, Bernanos knew himself to be free.
In the Encyclical Ut unum sint we read: «For a whole millennium Christians were united in a «brotherly fraternal communion of faith and sacramental life.
The charge that you develop at some length, tracing the problem all the way back to the order's founder, is that Jesuits instrumentalize the sacramental life of the Church.
Penance Services were introduced in recent decades to emphasise the communal aspects of sin and the ecclesial dimension of the sacramental life, and also as a way to reintroduce large numbers of people to the practice of confession.
That perfect response is one which she, free from original sin, is able to make perfectly, but which we can only make by the redeeming grace of God, through our incorporation into the Body of Christ in its sacramental life.
We know of more than one case where confessions have actually been killed off completely in some parishes because priests have openly discouraged it, to the point of tacitly eliminating it altogether from the sacramental life of a parish.
Its fellowship and its sacramental life are intended to have these effects.
Informed parents should be well motivated to foster vocations, as they will be concerned about the sacramental life of their children and grandchildren.
Meszaros says that future development «must be extracted by the mediation of the Christian believer who is in touch with the divine realities transmitted by the doctrinal tradition and sacramental life of the Church... with ambiguity and struggle.»
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