Sentences with word «sacramentality»

The surprising sacramentality of the created order convinced him, in fact, that our lives are surrounded and upheld by a grace which inheres in the very substance of things.
A famous canonist, Eugène Corecco, used to say that the root of the problem is specifying the degree of faith necessary to bring about sacramentality.
Dillenberger links the evaluation of images in the history of British and American Christianity to views on sacramentality in a way that is most suggestive, but in no way conclusive.
He loved to write about monastic and religious characters; he had a keen sense of sacramentality in symbol; and his work seemed to reflect the themes of Catholic....
Such separation of symbolism from sacramentality empties out the Eucharistic meaning of both.
As McBrien noted, this powerfully suggests the need to be attentive to justice issues within as well as outside the church This principle of sacramentality undergirds the statement in the U.S. Catholic bishops» pastoral letter Economic Justice for All: «All the moral principles that govern the just operation of any economic endeavor apply to the church and its agencies and institutions; indeed the church should be exemplary» (no. 347).
The concrete sacramentality and historical relativity in our speaking of God is, therefore, not a problem to be solved in spite of our Christo - centrism.
But something else was going on, and this brings me to my second hypothesis, equally tentative and a good deal more controversial: It's often thought that «high liturgy» and «high sacramentality» go together.
She reports on three Evangelicals whose journeys reflect a «sacramental yearning» and an «ache for sacramentality» that can not be satisfied in traditional Evangelicalism.
It took up the history and sacramentality of the diaconate itself, identified several theological questions that have been raised since the restoration of the diaconate as «a proper and permanent rank of the hierarchy» by Vatican II (Lumen gentium § 29 and Orientalium Ecclesiarum § 17), and reported on its contemporary implementation.
Question: So that if the subject were to exclude the sacramentality of marriage, just as if one were to exclude children, for example, at the moment of the wedding, this could also make the contracted marriage null.
It leads us to think that besides the classical criteria for declaring the invalidity of a marriage, it is necessary to reflect more on the case in which the spouses exclude the sacramentality of marriage.
Luther's impatient arguments for the reform of sacramental practice and theology, and his frequent vilification of received usages and opinions, should not therefore be allowed to obscure what might be called his «deep catholic» commitment to the sacramentality of grace, with its unmistakable Patristic resonances.
«Therefore, the Church, with a renewed sense of responsibility, continues to propose marriage in its essentials - offspring, good of the couple, unity, indissolubility, sacramentality - not as ideal only for a few... but as a reality that, in the grace of Christ, can be experienced by all the baptized faithful.»
Among other controversial teachings of the Church, he developed a much needed line of thought about the sacramentality of the sexes in the plan of God (more fully outlined in Sexual Order and Holy Order, Faith Pamphlets).
Its ritual absolutes and rules look legalistic, rubric - mad today: but they spoke with a sure confidence of the sacramentality of life, the rootedness of the sacred not in pious feelings of «spirituality,» not in our heads or even exclusively our hearts, but in the gritty and messy realities of life, birth, death, water and stone and fire, bread and wine.»
Furthermore, it is impossible to understand the Church's teaching about the sacramentality of marriage without some reference to the modern papal Magisterium that begins with Leo XIII and continues under John Paul II, whose instruction on marriage and family remains one of the outstanding features of his pontificate.
Given that the diaconate in itself is ambiguous — and, as Coll rightly points out, Vatican II restored the permanent diaconate but did not definitively rule on its status, so that debate on its sacramentality and character continue (p233)-- it seems rather naive to suggest that ordination, or simply the institution of deaconesses, would marginalise the debate on women priests.
The properly theological question, treated in the ITC document, is the sacramentality of the diaconate itself.
Liturgy, creeds, dogma, iconography, music, and sacramentality all survived the turmoil of the Reformation.
It is the doctrine of the Church» and with it questions of ministry, sacramentality, and liturgy» that the essays in this short volume address.
The integration of the theology of creation in which the very laws of matter are aligned on Christ allows, among other things, for a profound renewal of Christian eschatology, a new light on the meaning of the Immaculate Conception and a much needed line of thought about the sacramentality of the sexes in the plan of God.
The Incarnation, God becoming present in and through human nature, is the exemplar and foundation of all sacramentality.
The balance of sacramentality, mystical openness to the future as God's future, silent waiting, and vigorous action ensures the revelatory power and religious integrity of his gospel of hope.
Furthermore, the religious temptation to flee impatiently from history is also offset by the sacramentality of Jesus» teaching, especially in the parables.
While such assurance emerges in an adequate way only in the sacramentality of religious existence, it can be argued that it is also implicit even in criticism, doubting, and suspicion.
If it were not still tethered to the sacramentality of present experience, and to the mystical and active aspects of hope, it could easily pass over the border to an anarchical hatred of present reality.
Some months later in 1982, the Pope's catechesis turned more directly to the sacramentality of marriage.
A sacramentality.
[21] We come to see that at the heart of the sacramentality of the word of God is the mystery of the incarnation itself: «the Word became flesh» (Jn 1:14), the reality of the revealed mystery is offered to us in the «flesh» of the Son... The sacramental character of revelation points in turn to the history of salvation, to the way that the word of God enters time and space, and speaks to men and women, who are called to accept his gift in faith.»
Interestingly, Pope Benedict encourages more study of this as beneficial to the life of the Church: «A deeper understanding of the sacramentality of God's word can thus lead us to a more unified understanding of the mystery of revelation, which takes place through «deeds and words intimately connected»; [23] an appreciation of this can only benefit the spiritual life of the faithful and the Church's pastoral activity.»
We find this in the section «The Sacramentality of the Word», where we read:
«High» liturgy raises doubts about the sacramentality of creation too.
The specifics of the sacramentality of marriage, however, was a developing doctrine until the eleventh century, and as such there was little legal or theological consensus as to what exactly made marriage valid.
And then comes the properly theological question: the sacramentality of the diaconate itself.
In Fr David Barrett's September 2007 article in this Magazine «The Church and Sacramentality», he explained Edward Holloway's definition of a sacrament as «the...
John Paul applies his «total vision of man» to the vocation of celibacy for the kingdom which he treats before the sacramentality of marriage moving lastly to a reflection on Humanae Vitae.
In the second part of the catechesis the Pope considers the application of his adequate anthropology and deals firstly with celibacy for the kingdom, the sacramentality of marriage and thirdly to love and fruitfulness (a reflection on Humanae Vitae).
But instead of Larkin's secular cynicism about traditional marriages, he sharply evokes the shallowness and instability of the fashionable idea of «partnership» in a culture now devoid of sacramentality and deprived of the Holy Spirit.
[30](b) The Sacramentality of Marriage This part of the catechesis is made up of twenty - two general audiences delivered in 1983.
If that is true, then his second «marriage» was a violation of the sacramentality of the original marriage and nothing more than an affair (which most people have already pointed out).
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