Sentences with phrase «sacred scripture»

The phrase "sacred scripture" refers to writings that are considered holy and important in religious beliefs and traditions. They are seen as authoritative texts that hold spiritual wisdom and guidance, guiding followers in their understanding of faith and moral values. Full definition
The words «science», «intelligence» and «reason» do not find any place in sacred scripture which puts the source of human knowledge in the «heart».
Ideally, Christian students come to understand that early Christian writings emerged from the same sort of process that produced other sacred scriptures.
Not many religions can boast of sacred scriptures that provide support for the opposition party.
His sole object as a teacher was «to lay down a pathway to the reading of sacred Scripture for the simple and uneducated.»
Here were ecclesiastically appointed theologians who, without hesitation, approached their own sacred scriptures in a spirit of critical inquiry — not, as the philosophes of the Enlightenment would have intended, in order to destroy faith, but on the contrary in order to arrive at a better understanding of the meaning of faith.
The five books of the law had been accepted as sacred Scripture for four or five centuries, and for two or three centuries the books of the prophets had been recognized as a second body of sacred literature; but the rest of the Old Testament (known to this day simply as Writings or Scriptures) had not yet been «canonized.»
It fortunately declares that the Word of God is not limited to the letter of Scripture: «It is not from sacred Scripture alone that the Church draws her certainty about everything which has been revealed.»
This fool... wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy; but sacred Scripture tells us that Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, and not the earth.»
As creative and expressive as I may be, the words of God's appointed angelic messenger, conveyed to us through sacred Scripture and written by way of Divine Revelation, have always struck me as possessing a certain perfection that I could hardly outdo.
We can best do this by looking at what we like to call the pre-literate sacred scriptures.
This is based on a famous piece of Islamic sacred scripture, a saying by Muhammad: «Anyone who changes his Islamic religion - kill him!»
If you use your Bible very much, then you can pick it up, look at it from the side, and tell what your own sacred scriptures really are.
One of the main yogic texts is the Hindu sacred scripture the Bhagavad Gita.
They do not say this unless they think they know what God wants human beings to do — unless they can cite sacred scriptures, or the words of a guru, or the teachings of an ecclesiastical tradition, or something of the sort, in support of their own position (id.
Tradition is subordinate to Scripture, and should be shaped by Scripture, but Scripture, on the other hand, must be read in the context of «a vibrant and ongoing interpretative tradition that serves to provide authoritative parameters for expositing [the] sacred Scriptures.»
First the believers of the various religions listened to the Word of God in the various sacred scriptures of mankind and then in holy silence hearkened to the inner Word of God.
While feasting on bowls of Wick Fowler's famous red chili, Tolbert, who also authored the Texas sacred scripture, A Bowl Of Red, thinks up the perfect scheme to let that New Yorker find out who really knows about chili: a chili cookoff challenge featuring Wick Fowler's chili versus H. Allen Smith's red.
«Unless I am convinced by sacred Scripture, or by evident reason, I can not recant,» he told the church authorities in 1521, «for my conscience is held captive by the word of God, and to act against conscience is neither right nor safe.»
Were the actual charges against him about Copernicanism and the sun - centered universe or did they stem from his attempt to tell the Catholic Church how to interpret sacred scriptures?
She carries sacred scriptures in one hand and a lotus - the symbol of true knowledge - in the second.
Such contradictions emphasise the complications which can arise from the use of every word of sacred scripture as literal «tablets of stone».
The origin story behind Troll 2 is sacred scripture for bad movie devotees.
Preachers who choose to absent themselves from this discourse risk being genuinely sectarian: so out of touch as to miss an entire language in which their parishioners are far more conversant than with their own sacred scripture.
1 - 6) to the revelation of God in sacred scripture (vv.
Many Christians say that some Mormon beliefs, including that Mormon church leaders are prophets and that the Book of Mormon is sacred scripture, are incompatible with Christianity.
It is a contribution that begins in the family and is strongly reinforced in the parish, where... [we] learn to deepen [our] knowledge of the sacred Scriptures, the «great codex» of European culture...» These six points, while obviously contested, are also considered, well, obvious by many, many Americans.
Fred and I challenge one another to live fully into what our traditions and sacred scriptures have taught us — and as a result, we're growing together.
Others, like Protestantism, allow the individual freedom in its interpretation; but in some sense, among all it is the sacred scripture to which appeal must be made if one desires to know the truth.
All alike, however, of the sacred scriptures purport to be in some degree divine in origin.
A growing number of people have by now found inspiration in the sacred scriptures of the world and have been willing to join together in prayer with members of different religions.
Second, being the word of God, the sacred scriptures became the foundations upon which the several religions were erected.
The Gregorian sound, and the practice of chanting, whether by specialists or by non-specialists, gives the most perfect context for the hearing of the words of the sacred scripture.
Furthermore, we hope Hollywood would always strive to realize the proper balance between artistic creativity, character development, and honoring the sacred Scripture.
I'm doubtful that Paul would have agreed to having his epistles voted upon to become sacred scripture.
Yet our sacred scripture informs us in Ecclesiastes that there is not only a time for love, but also «a time for hate.»
He wrote, «We are grateful that Paramount is striving, with this disclaimer, to strike a proper balance between artistic creativity, character development, and honoring the sacred scripture
Churches are required to be agents of resistance to genocide or any other kind of social evil, as a basic expression of faithfulness to their God, their sacred scriptures and their social responsibility.
As the Second Vatican Council's Dei Verbum put it: «sacred Tradition, sacred Scripture, and the teaching authority of the Church, in accord with God's most wise design, are so linked and joined together that one can not stand without the others.»
We have found almost every element that goes into the making of sacred scriptures.
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