Sentences with phrase «sacred secret»

These are why our friends matter so deeply: they are witness to the sacred secrets.
Then, if we are ourselves good, that is, if we are full of fatherly love and childlike trust, if we are so «silly» and so «naive» to risk this, we shall be embraced and supported by the strength of the sacred secret of the world and of our own existence which we call God.
Sometimes Altizer would have us wait quietly without terror; more often it seems he would have us attack the profane world with a kind of terrible hostility so that it might give up its sacred secret.
Jesus said that only his genuine disciples would be «granted to understand the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, but to those people it is not granted.»
That God has «sacred secrets
We could call them «sacred secrets
It's this sacred secret that only our small circle shares — a special club.
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