Sentences with phrase «sacred stories»

The canvases also double as sacred stories and songs about sacred beings or sites.
Christian performers of sacred stories must have drawn upon the standards of excellence in performance behavior that were dominant in Greco - Roman culture.
Though the Christian movement preferred orality as its repository for sacred stories, its leaders freely employed the art of writing.
Rather than fearing contamination by the «other,» Catholicism habitually attempts to consecrate whatever can be consecrated within its own sacred story, even when it leads to substantial adjustments in that story.
For religion to deserve its place in this forum, it must tell and enact sacred stories and teach universal ideals, defining what it means to be a good person, and what makes life worth living and a society worth living in and working for.
Performance of sacred stories and subsequent oral interpretations made the faith of Judaism accessible to outsiders and helped to assimilate pagans into the communities of worship.
They also often return to the sacred stories and symbols of their religious heritage but without being stuck in a theological box.
In these moments, I am much more aware that the community of the church is so much more than the sacred stories that bind us together.
But it is more importantly a matter of the sacred stories told in community.
«24 The gospel story, modeled on the story of Jesus, does this and more — it not only provides an ordered context from the past (as do all sacred stories) but also leads from the past into the future, for the gospel story, strongly eschatalogical, is a story of hope.
They begin to see life as a mystery and often return to sacred stories and symbols but this time without being stuck in a theological box.»
What I «know» about reality when, for instance, participating in the enclave's ritual enactment of the sacred story is very different from what I «know» when going about my everyday business in the modern world.
The narratives of the Bible report those acts for the same purpose and even prescribe ritual events for the telling and retelling of the sacred stories.
British loyalists failed because they had no story to match the sacred story of human rights.
These three dimensions of Ireland's story came together in the symbolic politics of the Easter Rising of 1916, which offered to the Irish a link between Ireland's secular struggle for independence and the sacred story of Jesus Christ.
Each week's sermon preparation presents another opportunity to learn about the 1914 Christmas truce, say, or a medieval English traveler in China, and to connect these stories to sacred stories.
The heart of his instruction was that Augustine should not destroy the pagan temples, rituals, and sacred stories but should try to incorporate indigenous beliefs and practices into orthodox Christianity.
Mo «olelo, which means myth or sacred story, is formed from two root words meaning «series» and «tongue.»
Her website features a poster of «the sacred story of creation», in which man moves from human life as it now is through «the wheel of co-creation» in which we «enter the cosmic mystery together» to something called «universal humanity» and on from there to «infinite potential.»
Yet for men and women of faith, the sacred stories by which we hymn the unity of our species and its animal and cosmic neighbors need not be invented.
I am honored to be on the receiving end of these sacred stories.
From the foundations of time, the big bang, and the creation of the cosmos, to the fate of the earth as predicted by leading scientists and the sacred stories and traditions of Native peoples, this acclaimed collection of the world's wisdom shows that the future of the planet lies in listening to both these worldviews.
And they want to live the larger story of their lives; their sacred story.
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