Sentences with phrase «sacred symbols»

"Sacred symbols" refers to objects, signs, or images that hold significant religious or spiritual meaning. They represent beliefs, values, and virtues and are regarded as holy or revered by a particular religion or community. Full definition
The very fact that the minister deals with sacred symbols, and standards may make it in some cases most difficult to get down to the reality underlying those symbols.
With regard to crèche and menorah displays, is there any religious need to place sacred symbols of any faith at the seats of government?
Jewish opponents of these displays have argued that «since there is no religious need to place sacred symbols of any faith on public property... there is no religious need to be accommodated by the government.»
Mia floated through, enjoying her unique perch of hearing a patois of French, Catalan, Spanish and English as we soaked up the yellow - pink - light - from - within stone on the arches, and fountain, and the carved sacred symbols on walls all across the monastery.
These groups are not substitutes for the total life of the congregation in worship and witness; but they may be a most important means of breaking through rigidities and opening up a frank discussion where there will be no fear of probing sacred symbols and doctrines.
Or it is possible Mexican nationalism might have ceased to be secular only and developed its own sacred symbols, the situation approached in the Soviet Union.71
There is, in a sense, a heightened capacity to work with symbols, to manipulate them to our advantage, to subject sacred symbols to textual criticism and yet to recognize them as truth, to distinguish myth from literal fact and at the same time to gain meaning from both.
To the Huichol, deer and peyote were a single sacred symbol.
The blue ribbons are a «Hadag», Buddhist sacred symbols that they often pray with.
Canada has even been trusted to provide ten years of custody to two of China's most sacred symbols, the pandas.
Like the film, black figures the focal point of Ikiré's collections styled in adorned in royal robes, crowns with sacred symbols and jewels.
a group having a sacred ideology and a setof rites centering around their sacred symbols.
I'd burn both, and a US flag, and a crucifex, and the Upanishads, and any other holy book or sacred symbols.
There is certainly no dearth of private spaces readily available for the public display of sacred symbols» churches, synagogues, religious schools, private lawns, and store fronts...
In fact, the ichthus or «fish,» which became the sacred symbol found repeatedly on the walls of the catacombs where the persecuted Christians took refuge, is an acronym formed from the first letters of the Greek words for «Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.»
After the pope departed the nuns wanted to place the sacred symbol inside the gate of the camp as a symbol of God's love... however, The Jewish community was in an up roar... for they felt that in this place God was not!
It makes known the works of God by way of the sacred symbols [the sacraments] and it prepares the postulants to contemplate and participate in the holy sacraments.
a) Verses I - 13 is a narrative account of the actual liturgy of dedication and the movement of the ark, Israel's most sacred symbol, into the temple.
In Mother Theresa, Hitchens recognized perhaps the greatest living icon of Christianity, charity personified — a sacred symbol he sought to profane.
Similarly with our national anthem, a sacred symbol trivialized.
«16 As he studied the values of American culture just after the Second World War, Warner concluded that the symbol system giving moral form to life relationships — especially family relationships — was a sacred symbol system.
For me, they have become a sacred symbol of my devotion to my practice of yoga and my journey through the Yoga Therapy program.
A slight detour takes you to the ancient petroglyph site, where mysterious carvings surround a freshwater pool at the base of a waterfall — archaeologists believe them to be sacred symbols carved by Taino Indians over 1,000 years ago.
Then the game was pulled at the last minute from release in India, supposedly because the game also features mutated cows, which are of course a sacred symbol in India.
These are seamlessly integrated into narratives that tell the stories of the sacred symbols of indigenes societies and the ravages of war.»
His projects span the areas of installation, text, music, film, performance and large scale activism, informed by mathematics, the politics of sacred symbols / anniversaries and poetic collaboration.
Each alchemical oil combination is energetically infused with love, sound, light, colour, sacred symbols, crystals, reiki and during a magical meditation ceremony.
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