Sentences with phrase «sacred tradition»

"Sacred tradition" refers to the beliefs, practices, and teachings passed down through generations within a religious or cultural community. These traditions have a special and revered status, seen as essential to preserving the identity and teachings of a particular faith or culture. Full definition
There are stories and depictions of human sacrifice and other sacred traditions in the Maya civilization.
And there are no proof - texts for these things, which largely come from sacred Tradition or are derivatives from other theological truths (like the communion of saints).
What I find so incredibly offensive about this is that the LDS community is not only taking liberty with sacred traditions that do not belong to them, but actually prohibiting real Jews from buying the real wine they need for their authentic, Jewish seders.
there exists a close connection and communication between sacred tradition and sacred Scripture.
Unless your passion and hobby and degrees are in Christian theology, I seriously doubt most agnostics have a clue about sacred tradition and scripture and the divine revelation.
What we do with this difference in the two creation accounts is, first, acknowledge it, and second, explain that they are both there because each was a part of one of the two or three sacred traditions put together by an editor to make up the book of Genesis.
For Sacred Scripture is the word of God inasmuch as it is consigned to writing under the inspiration of the divine Spirit, while sacred tradition takes the word of God entrusted by Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, and hands it on to their successors in its full purity, so that led by the light of the Spirit of truth, they may in proclaiming it preserve this word of God faithfully, explain it, and make it more widely known.
Written, directed, and produced by its star, Tommy Wiseau — an enigmatic figure about whom little more is known now than when the film came out over a decade ago — The Room is regularly celebrated with midnight screenings at indie movie theaters around the world, by a rabid fan base that upholds such sacred traditions as hurling plastic spoons at the screen during one key scene.
The installation, while commemorating those involved in these traumas, focuses on the ways in which Southeast Asian sacred traditions, here in the form of drawings and objects, are continued forms of resistance against conflict, colonial oppression, and displacement.
In the early eighties, after a ten - year career as one of the early seventies writers, he broke away from one of graffiti's most sacred traditions: the letterform as subject matter.
Smith utilizes this universal device to create her own contemporary allegoric depiction of secular life infused with imagery sometimes drawn from sacred traditions.
she says, as if I have broken with sacred tradition.
Hence there exists a close connection and communication between sacred tradition and Sacred Scripture.
The alternative to seeing Mendelssohn as an utterly sincere interpreter of a sacred tradition, however, is not to regard him as a trickster and a liar.
Is this simply a hold - over from an earlier day which the general conservatism of the educational world perpetuates because it has become a sacred tradition, or is there something in the study of literature which, regardless of the field of specialization into which one goes, makes it of vital importance?
Each was sacred tradition; neither could be discarded.
Why ought we believe that the tinkerings of, say, an autonomous thirty - two - year - old generated by societal uncertainties should trump the verities of sacred tradition?
It concludes with solemn pledges of reform: «We want to denounce imperialism in all its forms and concomitantly pledge ourselves to work with native peoples in their efforts to recover their lands, their languages, their sacred traditions, and their rightful pride....
To be honest in our day is to embrace relativity as a virtue and to recognize that absolutism is a vice — any kind of absolutism, whether it be ecclesiastical, papal, biblical or the absolutism of sacred tradition.
The Bible, the creeds, the sacred traditions are only pointers to God which must be transcended, explored in the light of each new day.
As the Second Vatican Council's Dei Verbum put it: «sacred Tradition, sacred Scripture, and the teaching authority of the Church, in accord with God's most wise design, are so linked and joined together that one can not stand without the others.»
The Princeton Proposal is driven by theological concern, and the document admirably sets forth, on the basis of Scripture and sacred tradition, why the quest for visible Christian unity is not optional.
People walk around with their yamakas, practice all their sacred traditions, etc. but if I were to do the same thing, I'd be looked upon like a crazy extremist.
This reality makes us aware that every narrow definition of Christian doctrinal certainty will finally have to be abandoned; every claim by any branch of the Christian church to be the true church or the only church will ultimately have to be sacrificed; every doctrine of infallibility — whether of the papacy, or of the Scriptures, or of any sacred tradition, or of any individual experience — will inevitably have to be forgotten.
The Gospel of Mark is the sacred traditional book — that is, the book setting forth the sacred tradition — of a religious movement or sect.
The opening of the document clearly indicates that the demand for human freedom in society expressed in part through constitutional limits on government prompted the council fathers to return to the Catholic Church's treasury of sacred tradition.
Stop making it sound like AA will come get you in the night for violating the sacred traditions so blatantly.
Still others have a sacred tradition of freedom of expression in religion, morals, and political affairs which may or may not foster and encouraging milieu for countercultural modes of expression.
He believes that this model better fits what we know of the way early Jews handled revered or sacred traditions than does the Buitmannian one, which contends that the Gospel material was handled rather like ancient folklore such as Homer's Odyssey or Iliad.
The other two are sacred tradition (the relationship between God and man started long before writing began) and the Magisterium.
Boldly he confronted the sacred tradition and said repeatedly: «You have heard that it was said... but I say...» This rash effrontery was more than some conscientiously could stand; their whole sense of what was sacred made them enemies of this bold impostor — as he seemed to them.
The Church serves humanity by promoting an integrated Christian wisdom rooted in sacred tradition, at once dogmatic and metaphysical, systematic and practical.
We may get away with it in so far as poverty, oppression, and injustice are concerned, but we will hardly find room for those faiths, cultures and ideologies outside the sacred tradition of the church.
The Exile community had been ripped from their native soil, torn away from their sacred tradition, separated from their temple, their worship, their homeland.
And much of this interaction consists of discourse: we talk about our beliefs, listen to sermons, read the discourse of sacred tradition, and may even hear the voice of our own conscience.
Therefore both sacred tradition and Sacred Scripture are to be accepted and venerated with the same sense of loyalty and reverence.
Even the sacred traditions themselves recognize the importance of the word, the kerygma, as the vehicle of creation, reconciliation, and community.
Hadith — the sacred Traditions of Islam which were originated by Muhammad; specifically, the Traditions uttered by Muhammad or based on his actions.
Much of this discourse is highly codified in sacred traditions.
«It's become a sacred tradition,» one local revealed, «almost as important as repeating that next year is our year.
She learns from the sacred traditions of her people: cooperation, respect for the trees, engaging in peace.
It is one of the sacred traditions of the external intelligence trade to admit nothing and to deny nothing,» Akinyemi said.
But the hundreds of thousands of tourists that visit every year disturb both the Aborigines» sacred traditions and the site's fragile biodiversity.
Coffee is a sacred tradition across cultures that can bring people and communities together.
Our faculty has a wealth of knowledge and experience to offer and knowing them all personally, I have the highest level of respect for them as people and teachers of this sacred tradition.
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