Sentences with phrase «sacrifice of one's life»

Today, we still take time to honor those who serve and have served, especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives.
We also honor our military and first responders who continue to make the supreme sacrifice of life and limb for our country.
We should rejoice that momoya and Bob have escaped from religion that demands sacrifice of living things.
«Open adoption is opening your heart to the woman who made the biggest sacrifice of her life to give you the best gift of yours.»
Yudhisthira, conscience - stricken at the vast sacrifice of life and property is about to abdicate his throne and become an ascetic.
Our job is a real sacrifice of your life, so when a guy makes that at a club for 10 years and gets the results that Moyes has made, he deserves a huge credit.
That could be due to the fact that Jack doesn't make the same sacrifice of his life as Anne did but this movie feels different from the original in a lot of ways besides that.
His faithful companion (and possible love interest) Elika sacrificed all of her life force to contain the evil god Ahriman.
On the eve of Joe's Nobel Prize for Literature, the crown jewel in a spectacular body of work, Joan's coup de grace is to confront the biggest sacrifice of her life and secret of his career.
One feature of this ethic is that it proposes a criterion for action when the sacrifice of life is required.
On the contrary, its human dignity is enhanced by its sacrifice of its life for the betterment of humanity through, for example, medical experiments and fertilization procedures.
This interpretation of the scriptures and understanding of Christian anthropology gave Christian spirituality a view of God as a harsh judge who wanted the sacrifice of the life of Jesus as expiation and atonement for the sins of humanity.
(d) In any event the sacrifice of animals is unavailing because what God desires is the sacrifice of a life dedicated in loving obedience to his will (10:5 - 10).
Finally, this profession implies a total engagement not only of words but of acts and, in the extreme, in the sacrifice of a life.
By these expressions our language means that the witness seals his bond to the cause that he defends by a public profession of his conviction, by the zeal of a propagator, by a personal devotion which can extend even to the sacrifice of his life.
Even the sacrifice of life for a stranger in peril may be no more than a natural response to danger or an expression of comradely feeling.
It is a type of enduring object, but I will follow Whitehead's usual practice of using the latter term to refer to the far more numerous societies that achieve endurance by the sacrifice of life.
So then it is the blood of Jesus Christ, the sacrifice of his life, which saves his people from their sins, and from the judgment of God.
She gives us the perfect example of how to join the sacrifice of our lives to that of Jesus.
He does not even reckon labor as part of his life, it is rather a sacrifice of his life.30
Since when does the Government grant permission to murder animals for some stupid Religion; and what Religion could call itself a Righteous Religion that has the sacrificing of a living thing as part of it's ceremomy?
The Synoptic Gospels, therefore, think of Jesus as making the sacrifice of his life for the sins of the world.
For example, Sister Alice Domon remarked to the Archbishop of Toulouse thus: «I have already made the sacrifice of my life».
«It's very demanding and it's a sacrifice of your life.
«You don't stay 22 years at a club the stature of Arsenal without a total complete commitment and the sacrifice of your life.
It just so happens that whomever or whatever did require the sacrifice of a life to obtain the Soul Stone happened to have the same broken concept of love that Thanos did, which was lucky for him, I suppose.
Such as, whether an extra three months of life for a cancer patient — spent in and out of hospitals, enduring painful treatments — is worth the sacrifice of a life's savings.
You want to enjoy your retirement, but not at the sacrifice of your life today.
Interestingly enough, some of the bosses use the darkness mechanic to hide their weak spots, forcing Garcia to sacrifice some of his life, to sacrifice theirs.
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