Sentences with phrase «sacrifices for what»

People are often willing to make sacrifices for what they believe is a good and noble cause.
Perseverance and sacrifice for what is right brings rewards — anything else is just taking the easy road that leads to mediocracy and decline, which is the way the US is headed and most are just Spiritually blind to see it.
Youngsters need to know that sacrifice for what is right is the deepest form of love, and that, through Christ's self - offering, it will bear fruit.
The tagline of the series — «what would you sacrifice for what you believe?»
Beautiful post & there is nothing wrong with a bit of dirt under your nails when it's a sacrifice for what you love to do
The slacker panda whose favorite word is «awesome» is singled out for heroism when all the other characters have worked long and hard (the definition of kung fu) and sacrificed for what they've accomplished?
Know what you are willing to sacrifice for what amount of money.

Not exact matches

What Cornell sacrificed in pomp and circumstance, he made for up in candid opinions.
LendEDU surveyed 1,238 employed people in the U.S. and asked what they would be willing to sacrifice for a 10 % raise.
I don't want public attention because I don't want the story to be about me... I want it to be about what the US government is doing... I'm willing to sacrifice all of that because I can't in good conscience allow the US government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building.
The team researched what kind of technologies Howard's could incorporate that would be most cost effective for Howard's without sacrificing the «old school» feel to the store, Miramontes says.
But while Ron Paul is running on the Republican ticket, Moriarty said he believes Paul will not sacrifice what he believes for the Establishment.
It might seem quirky — or even strange — for such an incredibly wealthy man to live so frugally, but Buffett doesn't sacrifice his preferences because of what's expected of him.
The preparation I put into it, the mental and physical sacrifice that goes into what I do as a basketball player allows me to be ready for those moments and to meet the storm with the ultimate calm, cool and collectivism that I like to have about taking advantage of those opportunities.
Yondu always had a soft spot for Quill, and that's what makes his sacrifice so touching.
Yes, the CEO was sacrificed, but the company still blamed «rogue engineers» for what happened.
What the company sacrifices in lower - margin hardware, it makes up for in lower overhead.
Greutman recommends taking the time to go through every receipt and credit card statement to figure out what's non-negotiable and what can be sacrificed for the sake of paying off debt.
I wan na be loved for being a good dude and for being confident in myself because I know who I am and what I carry and what I sacrifice.
«I thought about my wife being a Starbucks barista when I was in Iraq, and wondered what would have made her feel acknowledged for her sacrifices too,» he said.
You'll be interested at what this inventor sacrificed to get a licensing deal for his product idea.
«He's an egomaniac devoid of all moral sense» ---- said the society woman dressing for a charity bazaar, who dared not contemplate what means of self - expression would be left to her and how she would impose her ostentation on her friends, if charity were not the all - excusing virtue ---- said the social worker who had found no aim in life and could generate no aim from within the sterility of his soul, but basked in virtue and held an unearned respect from all, by grace of his fingers on the wounds of others ---- said the novelist who had nothing to say if the subject of service and sacrifice were to be taken away from him, who sobbed in the hearing of attentive thousands that he loved them and loved them and would they please love him a little in return ---- said the lady columnist who had just bought a country mansion because she wrote so tenderly about the little people ---- said all the little people who wanted to hear of love, the great love, the unfastidious love, the love that embraced everything, forgave everything, and permitted everything ---- said every second - hander who could not exist except as a leech on the souls of others.»
We show how absolute returns can be some - what «sacrificed» for an improved risk adjusted return stream, which then can be later leveraged as per the investors risk appetite.
NOt unorthodox!!!! Its about sacrifice or just making an extra effort in your daily life in remembrance of what God has done for us... whether it be good deeds, praying more, spending less on vices or earthly pleasures, etc...
If there is no sin that separates man from God, what did the sinless Jesus sacrifice himself for?
It does not mean settling for what's second best because a group of people, the majority of which are not willing to make the ultimate sacrifice of putting themselves in harm's way for others, are thinking about themselves as individuals and putting that ahead of the majority best interests.
What I am hearing from you is a passion to want to see the wives submit to husbands done on the light of initially husbands sacrificing for wives and then the wife being comfortable to submit in a spirit of mutual submission having an atmosphere of security and safety that has been created by the husband.
Carrying an attitude of entitlement and focusing on what we think we «deserve» is an irrational response to Christ's sacrifice on the cross for us.
We can respect each other for what we believe without sacrificing or stealing dignity.
Military folk by default will sacrifice for our civilians no matter what the civilians believe.
I say kudos to anyone choosing to acknowledge what God and Jesus sacrificed for all of us.
Regarding your second fold, God Himself is unchanging; it is out of His Grace that He kept renewing His Covenants with man who could not keep and broke them until He (God) made the «Ultimate Provision» for our redemption by the «Ultimate Sacrifice» of His only begotten Son, the «Passion of the Lord Jesus Christ,» the «New Covenant,» the «Good News» — Salvation, hence, the method of redemption is what changed.
I applaud what he is doing and hope that he brings others to God throught the torture and bloody human sacrifice of his son (himself, actually) where he died (well, for a few hours anyway) for us all (at least so the story goes) so that we may live with him in heaven (a great place for which no evidence or photographs exist) until the end of time.
The experience left him with an appreciation for what a pope sacrifices.
She says that churches should BEND towards what people today want in order to allow their sin, to allow their desire to live as we ought not, and to make our selfish hearts even harder, to not realize sacrificing self is not about the church sacrificing the Message, but for people to turn to their own hearts and how hard they have become.
They could sure use some help from the Christians on how to barbeque, what with the Christian recipes for animal sacrifice and all.
But Malinin's observation is that he would not be sacrificing himself for a noble principle, but «For what would you sacrifice yourself?&raqfor a noble principle, but «For what would you sacrifice yourself?&raqFor what would you sacrifice yourself?»
Jesus is painted as an atonement by Paul — however — what that atonement actually means is truly up for deeper discussion since in the Torah that sacrifice (of the once a year for the community) was for all people there — for their sins committed in ignorance (or by accident).
What you describe is moral deism, not the belief that you have been restored and made right with God through his loving sacrifice for you.
Yeah, it's oversimplified (what if we sacrifice our knight for nothing?)
I think the «sin» is not in being different than the norm, but in trying to force something that isn't right for you — sacrificing, not in a noble way but a harmful way, who you are, remaining in a relationship or trying to be something you simply can not be, because that's what's expected regardless of the consequences to your wellbeing.
For some, what alleviates their panic is to sacrifice people through their simultaneous worship of Jesus and Santa Muerte (Mexico).
And history clearly records that they would have been willing for such sacrifice had they felt that was what He truly meant.
And then Jesus came upon his disciples and said, «What's this shit I've been hearing about me being a human sacrifice for your sins!!? Who in the goddamned hell came up with that Neanderthal bullshit!!!? What are we, living in the fucking Stone Age!!!!? Blood sacrifice!!!!!!!!!!!?? Are you fucking kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??? Listen, brethren, thou can takest that pathetic, immoral, sadistic, evil, sickening, disgusting pile of Cro - Magnon donkey shit and shove it straight up thy fucking asses!!!»
You mean as part of what it means to make sacrifices the greatest of which being God having to make the greatest sacrifice of all that unlike Abraham who was at the last minute spared from having to make the sacrifice of his beloved son Isaac, God on the other hand due to his love for all of us imperfect beings had to actually sacrifice his beloved son.
It makes sense why an animal had to die in place of a person as a sacrifice, it makes sense as to why Our Lord have himself as a sacrifice for our sins and undeservedly took our punishment (which was a painful and humiliating death)(what a loving Lord we serve!)
, avoids discussion of many moral sticking points of the next few millennia (even though he knew in advance they'd be sticking points and could have provided clearer guidance), and then makes one of the central points of the entire story — and his entire reason for being here really — a personal sacrifice that is so va.gue that no one can even explain how or what was, in fact, sacrificed.
Fasting helps express, deepen, confirm the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice anything, even ourselves, to attain what we seek for the kingdom of God.»
What of earth do I need to let go of, fast from, sacrifice completely, to reach for what is unseen, to reach for the One more life - giving than What of earth do I need to let go of, fast from, sacrifice completely, to reach for what is unseen, to reach for the One more life - giving than what is unseen, to reach for the One more life - giving than air?
Again and again we are told that we must sacrifice what we have valued for the sake of progress, and usually «progress» means increase of gross product rather than improvement in the quality of life.
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