Sentences with phrase «sacrificial love god»

But to expect that all tasks will get split evenly down the middle and neither spouse will ever do more work than the other is not only unrealistic, it's not the kind of sacrificial love God calls us to in any relationship.

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God is not a baby - killing deity, who seeks to exact revenge on His enemies for a crime many decades old, but is a self - sacrificial, enemy - loving God, who would rather die for His enemies than see His enemies die.
That is a good point about focusing on the big picture of God's sacrificial love.
As Christians, we believe our faith is founded in God's self - sacrificial love, a virtue we are commanded to emulate: «Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven» (Matt.
Now a considerable number of Christians see his divinity in some special feature of his humanity, such as his intense awareness of God, or his total self - giving and sacrificial love.
In pouring himself out in the form of a servant, and in living his humanity as an offering up of everything to God in love, the shape of the eternal Son's life was already sacrificial in this special sense; and it was this absolute giving, as God and man, that was made complete on Golgotha.
91 So Niebuhr retained his emphasis on man's freedom, sin, sacrificial love, and God's grace, vindicating their meaning by an analysis of contemporary history and experience.
Man's love is fragmentary and corrupted and needs God's sacrificial love to perfect it.
The Cross, God's sacrificial love for man, defined the limits and possibilities of history.
While Jesus did proclaim freedom from sin, He did not do so on the basis of the sacrificial system (or even His own sacrifice), but simply on the basis of God's limitless love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness.
This is because her life radiates beauty: through her hospitality to friends and strangers alike, through her joyful laugh, through her care of those in need, through her passion for education, through her love of framing things on film through the lens of a camera, through her ability to be patient with her doofus husband, through her genuine love for God, through her sacrificial generosity to those with less than we have, and even through her stubborn refusal to let me get away with any of my trademark snark.
In societies in which violence is rampant on the street and in the media, the nursing Virgin can perhaps communicate God's love to people in a way that a violent image, the image of one more sacrificial victim, can not.
The religious understanding of the conflict between good and evil, the fact of the stubborn resistance of the human heart to the love of God and its demands, the vision of the divine strategy of sacrificial love in the life and death of Jesus as the climax of history, all this is foreign to most of the philosophies of progress, but it was the heart of the great expressions of Christian liberalism.
Although sacrificial love transcends the realities of history (since it is grounded in the character of God), it is nevertheless validated in history where concern for others is manifest.
The perfect expression of God's grace is the sacrificial love demonstrated by Christ on the Cross.
Grace as sacrificial love is the pinnacle of the ethical norm of the Kingdom of God, the moral ideal of the Kingdom.
I just have never been satisfied with any of the proposals for how to reconcile the violence of God in the Old Testament with the self - sacrificial love of Jesus.
The well - known phrase «impossible possibility» stands here in Niebuhr's thought for the warning that the pure love of God transcends human possibility.17 At the same time an element of uncalculating sacrificial giving of the self to the good of the other is possible for man.
In Christ the Truth (Son of God and second Adam — Incarnation - Atonement and sacrificial love) God's grace has provided the self's norm.
He needed his self - sacrificial love of his virgin wife, he needed his tender care for the infant Jesus, and, most of all, he needed his decisiveness and holy fear of God for prompt and courageous action.
They are continually beset by temptations which assailed the Messiah - to live by material things rather than by the Word of God, to seek the cheap success of the market place rather than the «well - done» of the heavenly king, to establish an empire by force and fear rather than to win the nations by sacrificial love.
My fancy 100,000 word answer turned out to be little more than a long way of saying, «I have no idea how to reconcile the violence of God in the Old Testament with the self - sacrificial love of Jesus Christ in the New while still maintaining a conservative view of inspiration and inerrancy.»
Most of what I had written was a hypothesis, a theory, about how to reconcile the violence of God in the Old Testament with the sacrificial love of Jesus in the New.
The love and grace of God requires neither a sacrificial tortuous execution nor a death - defying miracle to prove or perversely demonstrate its existence and worth and validity — God is not an abusive parent.
Theologians refer to the Christian ethic of love of God and neighbor as a law of love that signifies the sacrificial quality required of those who, in the name of Jesus Christ, seek the good of their neighbors.
But if Rohr is right (and I believe he is), Calvary didn't change God's attitude toward us, it showed us what God has always felt about us: Deep, self - sacrificial love.
Rather as an amateur sportsman or woman may go to watch a star and feel his or her own game is inferior, so the worshipper as she or he senses the glory of God and the holy sacrificial love of Jesus Christ, recognizes her or his own shortcomings.
How would your life be altered if you truly believed, from the beginning, that God loves you with a sacrificial love?
In marriage, a couple who receive Holy Communion regularly drink deeply from that source of sacrificial love: they renew once again their desire to give themselves to God through each other and the spiritual food they eat gives them the strength and the will to die to themselves every day and give themselves utterly and irrevocably to their spouse.
The power of God is not «the ability to do everything (omnipotere) or to control everything (pantokratein)» but rather «the infinite power that springs from creative love,» and «sacrificial love... The divine almightiness consists... of unlimited capacity for creative love
(Isaiah 63:9) In the New Testament this insight is fulfilled in a God «rich in mercy,» (Ephesians 2:4) who «so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,» (John 3:16) and whose seeking, sacrificial compassion is incarnate in the suffering Christ.
Cross Vision, teaches believers how to interpret the Old Testament's violent portraits of God through the lens of the cross and to thereby see how these portraits bear witness to the self - sacrificial, non-violent, enemy - embracing love of God revealed on Calvary.
The Bible is somewhat similar, except that instead of turning out to be pathetic and sad, the story of Scripture reveals a loving and self - sacrificial God which looks in every way just like Jesus Christ.
From being a hard hater, their God became, in their imagination and belief, a merciful lover of his people, the depth of whose sacrificial compassions it strained their language to fathom: «In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old.»
The fundamental nature of this transcendent God is that of absolute sacrificial love.
The revelation of God in Jesus Christ indicates that the path of sacrificial love is the «law of life.»
The disclosure of God in Jesus Christ revealed most fully that the qualities of mercy and sacrificial love are necessary if the living of life is to have its justification.
For its only love and grace that truly sets us free from the power of the law and the orphaned heart of leaders who don't understand that it isn't their gifts, title, or works that make them acceptable to God, but the sacrificial love of Jesus.
Boyd says that out of self - sacrificial love, as seen in Jesus on the cross, God stooped or accommodated to human sin and failures.
Jesus is the very incarnation of the self - sacrificial love of God Christians are supposed to emulate.
Responsive parenting is truly a picture of God's sacrificial, unconditional love in that, as we respond to our children where they are, («This is how God showed His great love for us, that Christ died for us while we were still sinners [emphasis added]» Romans 5:8) comforting their cries, guiding their choices, providing for their needs, encouraging their individuality, we are, moment by moment, day by day, sacrificing our lives for them.
Modeling God's sacrificial love in our parenting is reflected by making parenting choices based on our children's needs, not our convenience.
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