Sentences with phrase «sad child»

Are these parents aware of how sad this child appears?
I'm not complaining — my waistline is shrinking and that's a good thing for me — but I'm pained every day watching my hungry kids stay hungry after eating lunch and nearly every day I have to comfort sad children who don't understand why they can't eat what they want when they are presented with a long line of choices.
Their study showed that, when presented with four snacking options, sad children ate more chocolates than the happy children, who in turn ate more chocolates than the neutral group.
For the (somehow) uninitiated, TBoI and its many offspring are roguelikes centered around a small, incredibly sad child and his quest to do... well, a number of things that I won't spoil for you.
Pope Francis never said anything to a sad child about puppies in paradise.
Some parents make the mistake of trying to cheer up a sad child.
Conversely, for the goldfish crackers, the neutral group ate the most, followed by the happy children and the sad children.
Upon his departure we see his sad children following their carriage down the length of the road and also lonely scenes of his wife and kids eating dinner without him.
What, the end of human civilization isn't enough, they have to throw in a wildly unnecessary subplot about a sad child?
Bilhah was a sad child and it was easier to leave her alone.
Little Nightmares, though, offers the saddest child of 2017, as grotesque people regularly attempt to eat your character on a horror show of a boat while your character slowly starves to death.
It's never been a better and worse time to be a sad child in a game, what with Inside and Rime showing that kids have it tough in service of entertaining players.
I think if I picked up my save of TW3 right now, I'd be right in the middle of a quest about a sad child, a sympathetic cannibal, or a broken marriage (there are several of these, I know).
Sad children, young and old, affected by insensitive mothers and who may now struggle with attachment challenges, low self - esteem, fear of abandonment, fear of rejection,... too many adverse effects to list here.
This makes me sad my child is a 4th grader and he has loved Sequoyah for many years I hope this change in principals was worth it to OKCPS because I am afraid my student will suffer because of this.
I'm sad my children will be going back to school, but we do love looking through the stationary aisles at the shops together picking out new things.
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