Sentences with phrase «sad for»

One of my first thoughts (right after feeling terribly sad for Sir Hubby, who lost his mother to cancer a mere week before our Bug was born 6 years ago) is «that is exactly how newborns must feel when they enter the world!»
she got a little sad for a minute, then just wanted to cuddle.
I felt so helpless and so sad for her.
When we turned her around in the seat, it was thrilling for J, but I will admit a bit sad for me.
I dreaded the possibility that our son would cry and be sad for several hours straight for a few days or more.
Unfortunately, the majority of Americans still eat the Standard American Diet — often called SAD for short.
We may think about the blown money, time lost searching through the piles, and the space everything took up, but we rarely think about the waste in general — which is sad for the environment and our wardrobe as well!
Not only does it seem sad for a newborn to be so far away from his mother, but it also raises the risk of SIDS.
In these cases, which are sad for all involved, the temptation may be to continue treatment anyway.
Bob, I feel sad for you.
Sad for you because this here is another indicator that time is passing by fast (too fast).
Having my childbirth experience go so differently was so sad for me.
I'm projecting, I know, that it seems sad for him to have only one arm free and to have to play with the darn curtains, when he could be in his gym or bouncer.
It is sad for me to watch her struggle emotionally - I know that she will make it, but it is sad none the less....
But at the same time I feel sad for her (and for myself) that she won't get to experience being the first to see her grandchild.
I'm so happy and sad for you.
While it can make one jealous to see how quickly these celebs bounce back, it makes me feel sad for them.
It's amazing how fast they're growing up, but the transition from diaper - wearing toddler to big - kid can be a little sad for parents even as your child is celebrating their new accomplishments.
If your child seems distressed, despondent or sad for a prolonged period of time, have them seen by someone with diagnostic skills.
Let's face up to them — thankful for the good parts, sad for the bad parts, and realise that there are no perfect childhoods, no ideal schools or homes.
But truly sad for so many less fortunate children who have to rely on school lunches for their mid day nutrition.
I was very sad for many, many, many months.
When your child makes a sad face to reflect how a character might feel after getting hurt, he'll actually feel sad for a second.
You can simply say, «You might not understand, but I'm going to be sad for a while.
Confession, I am feeling all kinds of sad for myself.
It's sad for the kids who don't have a choice!
This news is sad for us, but we are leaning on God and we're doing okay.
I refuse to give my baby a nasty bottle and get so sad for infants being fed bottle and formula.
That was really sad for you.
I am so sad for them, but so angry at their stupid choice to risk their baby's life for woo.
Honestly, I am sad for her loss as well, because when I think of how bad the world seems after watching the news, I thank God that there are good people in the world as well.
So, I had to resort to formula, and I was very, and I mean VERY sad for a while about this, but I would have been even more depressed by the whole debacle had my daughter become dangerously dehydrated, and labeled as «failure to thrive.»
I felt sad for my baby that I knew my supply was inadequate.
I feel sad for these people because they are missing so much of life in their race to «win» the competition.
I am sad for you and women like you who live in the fantasy world of «trust birth» and continue to blindly trust lay people with your lives and the lives of your babies..
The only downside is... I feel sad for my original Ergo baby carrier, I don't know when I'm going to use it anymore!
As a rule of thumb, you can decide that if the baby has been sad for say 5 minutes together with dad, baby can come to the nipple.
The idea of making a man uncomfortable by nursing openly in front of him makes me sad for him.
The two options strike Brubach as «pretty sad for what they say about the narcissistic ways adults use their children: as a means of healing their own past, as a mirror for themselves.»
We also decided that if our daugter would be sad for more than 5 minutes she would be allowed to breastfeed.
I can not help but feel sad for the baby who has to shit herself, myself wanting to be evangelical, and also feeling slightly frustrated that we parents are taught to wait til our babies poop themselves and THEN clean them up.
This makes me sad for all of the negative commenters, because your life must be so dull and empty you have to bully people on the internet.
He also refused to go to sleep, which is annoying, but more importantly it makes me feel sad for him.
That's so sad for the kids!»
Still made me sad for your cats though, and makes me a little less eager to read your posts
Still, I'm sad for the kids who'll someday suffer through a theoretically «better» schedule.
And I'm sad for all of your children who won't know how to love other living things.
Lets face it, most women will Never go with a man that makes much Less money than they do which makes it very sad for many of us men that really wanted to get married to have a family since many women just Can't Accept us for who we really are.
My son is 22 and he has struggled with GAD and SAD for more than 3 years.
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