Sentences with phrase «sad state of»

When architect David Lopes bought his Charlottetown century home in 2006, it was dark, dingy and in a sad state of disrepair.
Those are the only «before» shots I have and although they aren't great they at least show you the sad state of our bathroom before.
Mr. & Mrs. Consumer — its a sad state of affairs for Real Estate in Canada.
I find it a sad state of affairs that everybody — the public and real estate agents as well — have completely gone numb to doing the right thing, and to being honest and accountable.
Blame the comfortably numb types at the top of the pyramid, those who are there forever, lifers, those who milk this sad state of affairs for all that it is worth.
The vast majority of members either don't understand the extent of the sad state of affairs that we're in, don't care, or have just accepted the situation as being hopeless.
A friend and I were bemoaning this sad state of affairs just the other day, grousing about what seems to be an epidemic lack of character in much of modern society, when it occurred to me that I work for an organization that's chock - a-block with outstanding role models.
It's a sad state of affairs.
It's a sad state of affairs when registrants do not know that agency essentially boils down to employer (client) employee (brokerage) and that the agent must carry out any lawful orders the client demands.
The fact that so many Realtors need to be reminded of this kind of advice as well as of other commons sense - based information is a testament to the sad state of affairs that Organized Real Estate finds itself in as it continues to populate its ranks with charismatic know - nothings (beyond answering some questions correctly — well, at least 80 % of them anyway — on three exams) paying for whiz - bang websites and script - ready manipulative speeches designed to make consumers think that they are the cat's ass when it comes to who will best represent their fiduciary interests (read... get them the most money for a sale or the most house for the money).
We all know on some level the sad state of affairs that has arisen in recent years when it comes to not paying attention, not even to those most important to us, not even to our own selves.
This sad state of affairs is solely due to the father, who has gone to considerable lengths to undermine the smooth working of this arrangement, and whose hatred of the mother has poisoned any chance of stress - free time sharing of the children's lives.
This study gives insight into the sad state of gender and the sciences, and highlights the role that goals (and goal conflict) play in women's decisions about their interests and career paths.
Graduate training in group psychology and psychotherapy seems to be waning and this is a sad state of affairs.
The sad state of affairs, in many of our state run agencies charged with the protection children, is that if a child even suggested that some adverse event occurred that it simply must be true.
But we're also very much aware of the sad state of Microsoft's mobile OS, and many of us now use iOS and Android phones (gasp!)
Since we all know about the sad state of Windows 10 Mobile, this is a welcome addition for anyone who's recently made the switch over to a different mobile OS.
The new phones come with a USB Type - C port, and thankfully, also come with a 3.5 mm headphone jack port (it's a sad state of affairs when one has to specifically list this specification).
Windows 10 Mobile is in a bizarre place right now, its Insider Program is a sad state of affairs, and support for the platform from developers and indeed Microsoft itself is nothing short of a joke.
Considering the sad state of tablet cameras, this doesn't feel like a huge loss.
But the sad state of things is that pay TV customers now have the choice between one big, expensive, limiting option in cable or satellite, and many small, inexpensive, limiting options in streaming TV.
It's a sad state of affairs that mutual customers and friends can't play a game they enjoy with each other because of corporate politics, but it looks like it's just another day in the video game industry.
The latest proof of that sad state of...
Allianz DID pay but it is a sad state of affairs when you have to use threats to get results but it worked.
In spite of the litigation, I doubt the Patriot Act will be amended anytime soon to modify the unfettered authority of customs, given the sad state of international affairs.
If so, it reflects a sad state of affairs.
Political recognition of the sad state of affairs in family law?
In part, this sad state of affairs is a reflection that in too many cases, our services as lawyers really have become too expensive for low and moderate income people who need them.
Our post here Monday, A Cold Slap for Law Students, discussed that day's Wall Street Journal report on the sad state of the legal job market, Hard Case: Job Market Wanes for U.S. Lawyers.
Efrati's article and related Law Blog post note that some law students are unhappy with their law schools for failing to warn them about the sad state of the employment market.
This is a sad state of affairs, as the experts should be there to assist the administration of justice.
He attempts to sell his discomfort with uppity feminists and misguided social engineers by blaming them for the sad state of educational quality.
What a sad state of affairs that we live in one of the «freest» countries in the world but yet the current laws have deemed those who have made an error in judgement (certain individuals with criminal records) unworthy of their own freedom.
Below, a few halloween costume ideas that take advantage of this sad state of affairs.
Have you seen the sad state of affairs at CJR in the comment threads?
Sad state of affairs, like many human endeavors.
It's a sad state of affairs when your primary methods to support the seriously flawed CAGW hypothesis is by insulting those who would dispute it, hiding the science that disputes it, preventing a rational discourse and pushing ever more ludicrous explanations for why the science is wrong and you are right.
A sad state of affairs, and one that damages the credibility of the warmists.
It is a real Sad state of mind that they have.
It's yet another depressing report about the sad state of science education.
With the sad state of raw data and the fudging that goes with it, I think they ought to get back to «careful and methodical» and back away from their hysterical conclusions.
But isn't it a sad state of affairs?
Science journalist and editor Hannah Hoag dives into the sad state of affairs that drives freelancers to supplement their income with better - paying work.
Maybe we need to lance this boil once and for all, but the path that has led us here reflects a very sad state of affairs for climate science.
What a sad, sad state of affairs when information from private institutions, like the Heartland Institute, is obviously more reliable than information generate with public tax funds!
It is a repugnant underhanded rhetorical attack that insinuates that they are «anti — science» because they raise solid scientific issues over the sad state of climate science and do bow to the «church of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming»
Sad state of affairs.
It really is a very sad state of affairs... these guys are without honour, integrity or shame.
Pretty sad state of the AGW movement at this point in time — and on a track to get even worse.
A sad state of the world.
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