Sentences with phrase «safe against crime»

California renters insurance isn't just to keep your property safe against crime.

Not exact matches

«The biggest mistake people can make is to think that it just doesn't happen here, that we're safe,» says FBI special agent Roger Young, an expert on crimes against children, who worked on the Pearson case.
Amaraizu assured the public that the command would not rest on its oars in the ongoing onslaught against crime and criminality until the entire area and its environs were made safe and secure.
European research and the fight against crime outlines some of the EC - funded projects, such as explosives trace analysis and criminal identification through ear prints, designed to make us safer citizens.
Schools have a vital part to play in our fight against knife crime by creating a safe, positive place for students, spotting danger signs and spreading the message that carrying a knife is more likely to ruin your life than save it.»
The legislation required schools and districts to develop «safe school climate plans,» it established deadlines for reporting, investigating, and notifying parents about bullying incidents, it prohibited retaliation against those who report bullying (i.e. the Torrington situation) and required school officials to notify police when they believe bullying conduct constitutes a crime.
Being transgender I also just generally don't feel safe in public often due to my short life expectancy and the high rate of hate crimes against trans people.
Today women are not safe even in prestigious institutions of the world; we can hear in news such crime cases against them every other day.
And Goldsboro has the highest crime rate on our list, which goes against the stereotype of a safe small town.
Last Friday marked the 31st day of my indefinite hunger strike against Prime Minister Stephen Harper's new draconian crime law, deceptively christened «Safe Streets and Communities Act.»
The crime rate is low compared to most places, but you still need to feel safe against unpredictable events (which can happen anywhere anytime).
You remember, I'm sure, those heady days in 2008 - 9 when we were thrust, un-deputized, into the fight against crime, pitting our laptops and our wits — at least half of them — against the drug cartels existing in the minds of the Ottawa bureaucrats charged with the duty of keeping Canadians safe — and unlaundered — from terror.
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