Sentences with phrase «safe country for»

Italy is generally a safe country for foreign visitors, with petty crime being the most that can happen to a traveler.
While no country can ever guarantee you that nothing will go wrong, Belize is generally a very safe country for visitors.
Travel advice and advisories for Belize While no country can ever guarantee you that nothing will go wrong, Belize is generally a very safe country for visitors.
Abstract: On December 30, 2011, the UNHCR issued a formal statement declaring that Rwanda is a safe country for Rwandan refugees to return, thereby requesting their host countries to apply -LSB-...]
Not because of any inherent threats — it's one of the safest countries for women to travel in, and has no dangerous wildlife — but because of the cost.

Not exact matches

Chinese equities saw heavy losses Thursday following new liquidity rules in the country and as global investors opted for safe - haven.
Every week, when Pacific Blue — the USA Network's «Baywatch on bikes» series — airs in 80 countries, millions of viewers are exposed to the wheel as the comely cast fights to keep Venice Beach safe for muscles and melanoma.
The where - to - be-born index «attempts to measure which country will provide the best opportunities for a healthy, safe and prosperous life in the years ahead,» says a statement.
The NSA's Rogers argued that all parties involved should find a way for the agency to collect intelligence that keeps everyone safe — and to do so within boundaries the country, as a whole, is comfortable with.
In the midst of possibly the worst economic downturn of our time, it's safe to say that small business owners across the country are looking for answers on how tough times are affecting the value of their businesses.
And it has been a safe place for people to invest and an important source of financial capital for other countries.
High tech agricultural techniques provide Florida's nearly 47,000 commercial farmers with advanced, efficient and safe methods for producing a major supply of our country's crops.
Through safe and responsible operations, the Company is committed to meeting the country's growing demand for clean - burning energy, while continuing to provide a rewarding workplace and enrich the communities where its employees live and work.
Alternatively, new country - specific ETFs are debuting all the time, though most investors will find it simpler and safer to aim for broader regional exposure.
Perhaps the criminalization in other countries of the inexplicable business model used by the vast majority of American «financial advisors» will serve as an example of what real reform looks like and suggest to Americans that financial advice is in fact not «free,» that financial advisors are actually true professionals, and that it's infinitely safer for your wallet and better for your peace of mind to be invoiced by your advisor and never have to wonder if you got good advice or just a good sales pitch.
An added headwind is the seemingly steady trend towards more onerous conditions set by host countries for extractive industries in general, and the seemingly steady erosion of the rule of law in locales once thought to be safe for new investment.
Consequently, many developing countries started turning to the United States for safe assets.
For one thing, it suggests that productive capacity in these countries will wane; real estate, stocks, and other financial assets will increasingly be sold or exchanged for safer alternatives; and social costs will rise, whether they are affordable or nFor one thing, it suggests that productive capacity in these countries will wane; real estate, stocks, and other financial assets will increasingly be sold or exchanged for safer alternatives; and social costs will rise, whether they are affordable or nfor safer alternatives; and social costs will rise, whether they are affordable or not.
That has added to the pool of hot money that is now fleeing the weakest European countries and heading for safe havens.
Mexico has rebuffed the Trump White House's past attempts to make its borders a turnaround point for asylum seekers, although Republicans in Congress have floated the possibility of somehow unilaterally declaring Mexico a safe third country.
They did not found this country to be a safe haven for Christians only.
But the big point is they were all TRAITORS who fought to keep their country safe for race - based slavery.
Suppose, in a kind of contented abstinence, we were to refrain from trying to understand more of the landscape before us than the landscape cared to display for us, that we were willing to follow the bend of bough and straggle of gravel and tilt of pole wherever the bend and the straggle and the tilt chanced to take us, that we concerned ourselves not with pattern or profit or even pleasure but merely with watching like a token sentinel in safe country, that we gave our eyes a quiet carte blanche and permitted our minds to play at liberty over the face of an untouched terrain?
I care about all the families that lost love ones that day I also care about all the armed forces that have die for us who went to war to defend our country to keep us safe.
Even a basic study of history indicates that Jews were MUCH safer living in Muslim countries than Christian countries for most of the time periods that both religions have existed.
The bishops in the United States have worked very hard to make the Catholic Church the safest institution for children in the entire country.
«Internationally the Government must take a lead in its role on the UN Security Council to support calls from the United Nation's own committees for the creation of a «safe zone» in Iraq, enforced by UN peacekeepers, to protect the country's minorities.
Sweden may be one of the most secular countries in Europe, but it still is a safer haven for immigrant converts to Christianity than their home countries in the Middle East.
Sometime the rationale, may not make sense to us, but, I am for «just about» anything that will help make our flights, and our country safer.
For decades Americans felt safe from the problems and dangers of other countries, often while being oblivious to the suffering that we caused in the world.
The symbolic significance of the Army's murder of the country's leading academic and religious figures can not be overstated: the deaths signal that, once again, no one is safe from Army and death squad violence... The Bush Administration has taken the position that the Jesuit murders were a dramatic departure from Salvadoran army policy, and represent an opportunity for President Cristiani to demonstrate that the army is not above the law.
IF Mirosal is to be believed it has lived on the public dime for a good many years undermining the country all the while personally safe from any serious threat.
Across the country, churches value and defend American militarism, rely on law enforcement to handle minor disturbances in communities and turn away homeless or «dangerous looking» individuals in their congregation for the sake of keeping their members safe.
- «Since 2009, terrorist bombs have exploded in two large and two small U.S. cities, killing hundreds, and the entire country is fearful, for no place seems safe
I, too, wonder about all the parents who pray that there will be enough food for their children, or that they will be safe from harm, especially in impoverished and war - torn countries.
After baking and individually packaging each cookie for a safe journey across the country, I wished my cookies well on their journey, hoping the mouths to receive them would enjoy them as much as I did.
Lauren, while those cookies look great and your daughter is adorable, I have to be a party pooper and point out that Country Choice Oats are NOT safe for anyone on a gluten - free diet.
Countries from all over the world have sent their rice to the International Rice Genebank for safe keeping and to share for the common public good.
A player in a similar situation to Theo is nearing the end of his career and gets one last shot at making it for his country so then begins to play it safe, sometimes too safe as they rule themselves out on form.
Hunters who can afford it are flying by plane into safer and better country for their sport.
But, around that same time, Egypt was hit by the blasts and the scheduled trip to the country was therefore not considered safe for Messi.
Rice is a staple in most parts of the country and combined with yogurt is a safe meal for everyone, particularly for sensitive or unsettled stomachs.
More and more experts feel that even in developed countries, breastfeeding may be the safest option for babies exposed to HIV.
So, clearly American manufacturers have already figured out safe substitutes for these dyes, but they won't put that know - how to use in our own country until they're actually required to do so by law.
We have worked for years for safer composition, labelling and marketing standards in the EU and at Codex — where the powerful producer countries and corporations are currently pushing to expand the market for formulas for older babies.
In many countries, where formula feeding is difficult or dangerous, mothers can be treated with ARV drugs, and encouraged to breastfeed exclusively to six months, and to continue breastfeeding with complementary feeding for 12 months, or until they are able to provide a nutritionally adequate and safe diet.
While breastfeeding provides a safe and nutritious food for infants in countries without reliable access to clean drinking water, the risk associated with formula feeding decreases exponentially in countries where women have easy access to regulated infant formula, properly cleaned bottles, and safe drinking water.
It is safer for women to give birth in 49 other countries besides the U.S. I think its safe to say that obstetrics can use some MAJOR improvements
Despite a wealth of evidence supporting planned home birth as a safe option for women with low risk pregnancies, 1 — 4 the setting remains controversial in most high resource countries.
A combination of big city apartments, grad student housing, and living in countries that don't do the whole Halloween thing means that I've never actually had someone show up at my door looking for candy, let alone allergy - safe treats for Halloween.
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