Sentences with phrase «safe energy generation»

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Marilyn Kray, vice president of Nuclear Technology and Strategy for Exelon Generation, said, «By providing our knowledge and expertise of nuclear plant operations, we are advancing innovative, next - generation nuclear technology to ensure that our industry continues to provide clean, safe and reliable energy for future generatioGeneration, said, «By providing our knowledge and expertise of nuclear plant operations, we are advancing innovative, next - generation nuclear technology to ensure that our industry continues to provide clean, safe and reliable energy for future generatiogeneration nuclear technology to ensure that our industry continues to provide clean, safe and reliable energy for future generations
Response: SMR - 160 can be sited at the center of an industrial cluster to provide safe, dependable, carbon - free electrical energy or industrial steam to power a variety of industries such as desalination and hydrogen generation.
Teaching future generations to be environmentally aware is an ever - growing benefit of the curriculum, but if children can be taught in a safe and energy efficient building then that provides a practical example too.
PANAJI: Contrary to public perception that older methods of energy generation are safer compared to nuclear energy, data proves that the fatalities per kilowatt - hour are least in nuclear energy «even accounting for Chernobyll,» said Anil Kakodkar, former chairman of Atomic Energy Commission of energy generation are safer compared to nuclear energy, data proves that the fatalities per kilowatt - hour are least in nuclear energy «even accounting for Chernobyll,» said Anil Kakodkar, former chairman of Atomic Energy Commission of energy, data proves that the fatalities per kilowatt - hour are least in nuclear energy «even accounting for Chernobyll,» said Anil Kakodkar, former chairman of Atomic Energy Commission of energy «even accounting for Chernobyll,» said Anil Kakodkar, former chairman of Atomic Energy Commission of Energy Commission of India.
I'm reasonably confident that we can ensure enough safety measures are in place that current generation from nuclear power stations is indeed about as safe, statistically, as any energy source.
C. Technically, it is still possible to solve the climate problem, but there are two essential requirements: (1) a simple across - the - board (all fossil fuels) rising carbon fee [2] collected from fossil fuel companies at the domestic source (mine or port of entry), not a carbon price «scheme,» and the money must go to the public, not to government coffers, otherwise the public will not allow the fee to rise as needed for phase - over to clean energy, (2) honest government support for, rather than strangulation of, RD&D (research, development and demonstration) of clean energy technologies, including advanced generation, safe nuclear power.
Japan should balance and diversify its energy mix through a combination of renewable and nuclear energy and efficient thermal power generation, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said today in its latest review of Japan's energy policies, stressing this would help the country build a more secure, affordable, safe and decarbonised energy senergy mix through a combination of renewable and nuclear energy and efficient thermal power generation, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said today in its latest review of Japan's energy policies, stressing this would help the country build a more secure, affordable, safe and decarbonised energy senergy and efficient thermal power generation, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said today in its latest review of Japan's energy policies, stressing this would help the country build a more secure, affordable, safe and decarbonised energy sEnergy Agency (IEA) said today in its latest review of Japan's energy policies, stressing this would help the country build a more secure, affordable, safe and decarbonised energy senergy policies, stressing this would help the country build a more secure, affordable, safe and decarbonised energy senergy system.
«The many businesses and homeowners who have taken advantage of cost effective renewable energy installations are helping to create both a safer and more prosperous Commonwealth for the next generation
The Lonodon Daily Telegraph, in reporting­news/­newstopics/­uselection2008/­johnmccain/­2169365/­ John-McCain-hires-former-CIA-director-Jim-Woolsey-as-green-advisor.html that he is McCain's key energy advisor says, «He is one of a new generation of so - called «Greenocons», campaigners who are making the case for a green American foreign and energy policy not just to save the planet, but to keep America safe too.»
Rather than seeking to simply minimize the negative environmental impacts of real estate development, it celebrates the use and re-use of safe, healthy materials; the generation and harvesting of renewable energy, food, clean water and oxygen - rich air; and the restoration of ecological health and biodiversity.
Affordable housing, safe streets and sidewalks, access to open space, transit, schools, fresh food, jobs and education, energy efficiency and renewable generation, stormwater management, and green building are core principles of our work.
Directs the Secretary to conduct programs in partnership with the private sector that address: (1) hydrogen production from diverse energy sources; (2) use of hydrogen for commercial, industrial, and residential electric power generation; (3) safe delivery of hydrogen or hydrogen - carrier fuels, (4) advanced vehicle technologies; (5) storage of hydrogen or hydrogen - carrier fuels; (6) development of safe, durable, affordable, and efficient fuel cells; and (7) the ability of domestic automobile manufacturers to manufacture commercially available competitive hybrid vehicle technologies in the United States.
The right public policies can fuel America's economic revival and improve our energy security for future generations through the safe and responsible production, refining, and transportation of our country's oil and natural gas resources.
«We will continue to monitor scientific research in this area but it remains clear that the balance of scientific evidence to date continues to show that properly sited wind turbines are not harmful to human health and that wind energy remains one of the safest and most environmentally friendly forms of electricity generation
This makes energy more affordable for the 600 residents of the island, as well as making energy generation cleaner and safer.
New generations of nuclear reactors like the molten salt and pebble bed reactors promise to make nuclear energy even more safe, efficient and cheap.
Either way, and barring a major technical breakthrough in safe and sustainable energy generation AND storage, the (brief) era of cheap and plentiful energy is nearly over, and the sooner we accept that and start preparing for the transition to low energy consumption lifestyles, the better off we will all be.
Researchers at Stanford University and the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have figured out a way to prevent these dendrites from forming, making the batteries far safer and paving the way for even better performing next - generation batteries like lithium - sulfur and lithium - air batteries that could store up to 10 times more energy per wEnergy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have figured out a way to prevent these dendrites from forming, making the batteries far safer and paving the way for even better performing next - generation batteries like lithium - sulfur and lithium - air batteries that could store up to 10 times more energy per wenergy per weight.
It is also in fact the safest, wholly sustainable for hom sap on Earth, while it still rains and there are oceans, and uses MUCH less land and natural resources to build than any other source, because of the intensity of the energy sources and the massive efforts to make nuclear energy ridiculously safe, compared to any other generation or day to day toxi risk.
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