Sentences with phrase «safe environment for children up»

provide a fun and safe environment for children up to the age of twelve.

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Schulman hopes that, armed with new federal funding to tackle these challenges, states will step up and begin filling the gaping holes in the American child care system — smoothing out the child care cliff while also making it easier for families access care in the first place, increasing the number of American kids who spend their days playing, coloring, building, and singing in a safe, caring environment their parents can actually afford.
globalisation with a human face, global citizenship, sustainable development, good governance, consensus - building, global ethic, cultural diversity, cultural liberty, dialogue among civilizations, quality of life, quality education, education for all, right to choose, informed choice, informed consent, gender, equal opportunity, empowerment, NGOs, civil society, partnerships, transparency, bottom - up participation, accountability, holism, broad - based consultation, facilitation, inclusion, awareness - raising, clarification of values, capacity - building, women's rights, children's rights, reproductive rights, sexual orientation, safe abortion, safe motherhood, enabling environment, equal access, life skills education, peer education, bodily integrity, internalisation, ownership, bestpractices, indicators of progress, culturally sensitive approaches, secular spirituality, Youth Parliament, peace education, the rights of future generations, corporate social responsibility, fair trade, human security, precautionary principle, prevention...
So, making your home a safe environment for your children to grow up and playing is a very important thing to do as a parent.
Services may include: breastfeeding education and support, maternity and newborn sleep hygiene education (including safe co-sleeping practices), birth options information and referral, greenproofing (educating about eco-friendly pregnancy, birth and home environment options), baby wearing information, cloth diapering information, safety awareness, education regarding stages of pregnancy, referrals to childbirth education classes, nursery set up support, child proofing information and referral, registry information and support, baby shower planning, bed rest plans, post-partum and return to work plans (including referrals for postpartum care and support), transition resources for those who plan to stay home, pregnancy and newborn photography referrals, and more!
There are many concerns surrounding safe sleeping environments and practices for children today and it's up to parents to do their research and learn what they should and shouldn't be doing for their children.
In writing the Raven Riders, I was inspired by the organization Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA), which works to create a safer environment for abused children by showing support, providing escorts, offering protective services and bringing them into a community that will stand up for them.
You can set up a safe environment for the children.
Children at Risk The benefits of a child growing up with a dog far surpass the risks if adults provide a safe environment for both.
They see how their choices have affected their children and they learn how to become better role models for their children, who can then grow up in safe, nurturing, supportive and loving environments.
Yaail Lung Dardee Stronger Families; Wanjana Lidj offers this program to families for up to 12 months to preserve the family unit and maintain a safe environment for the children within Aboriginal families who wish to receive an Aboriginal specific service.
Sign - up for Jackie's Free Class «How to Create an Emotionally Safe Environment for Your Child through Divorce» at
Stephanie creates an emotionally safe and trusting environment for the children to open up about their social awkwardness and struggles.
Grown - ups who feel safe and valued by their partners can successfully create loving and supportive home environments for their children.
When we create safe, healthy environments for children to grow up in, we are promoting a healthier and more productive future.
It's one more way we can help support parents as they try to create safe environments for their children to grow up,» says Kristen Rector, President and CEO.
• Withstands heat, cold and wet and dry conditions • Warrantied against chipping, peeling, fading or stains • Dries twice as hard as other epoxy floor coatings • Resistant to chemicals and food and drink spills; wipes up clean with a cloth, towel or damp mop • No strong cleaners; periodically deep clean with a mild, neutral cleanser like Simple Green • Free of volatile organic compounds (VOC), creating a safe environment • Reduces the buildup of allergens, dust and dirt that can cling to other flooring materials • No need to replace every few years, an occasional resealing will keep your floors like new Childcare centers and schools can provide more allergen - free spaces for children with easy - care, PremierOne Solids floor coatings.
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