Sentences with phrase «safe glass measuring cup»

Not exact matches

Put the honey and brown sugar in a microwave safe dish (I used my glass measuring cup) and heat for 1 minute, or until the brown sugar dissolves into the honey.
Alternatively, place the milk in a large microwave - safe bowl or a large glass measuring cup with a spout (for easy pouring) and microwave it in 2 - to 3 - minute intervals, until it reaches 180 ° or boils.
• In a glass microwave safe bowl (I use a measuring cup) add the 1 cup of chocolate chips and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and microwave for about one minute until melted and smooth.
If your raw honey or coconut oil is solid (coconut oil has a melting point of 76 °F, so if you keep your house cool, it will likely be soft but solid), put them into a glass oven - safe bowl or measuring cup (such as Pyrex), and place it in pot filled with shallow, boiling water (do not let the water get into the bowl or cup containing the honey and / or coconut oil).
If you don't have a double boiler, no problem — put them into a glass oven - safe bowl or measuring cup (such as Pyrex), and place it in pot filled with shallow, boiling water (be careful not to let the water get into the bowl / measuring cup).
Measure peanut butter and coconut oil into a microwave safe bowl — I often just put it in a glass liquid measuring cup.
In a microwave safe bowl or glass measuring cup, melt together the butter, bittersweet chocolate and dark chocolate.
In a glass measuring cup or microwave - safe bowl, whisk together 3/4 cup coconut milk, pumpkin puree, brown sugar, and pumpkin pie spice.
To make the molten chocolate filling, add the chocolate and butter to a small microwave safe bowl or glass measuring cup.
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