Sentences with phrase «safe levels if»

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«We think the Model 3 will feature hardware and software that provide a level of active safety that could significantly lead all other cars on sale today and could, if the company achieves its goal, be an order of magnitude (i.e. 10x) safer than the average car on the road,» Jonas wrote in a note Thursday.
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
Travis Tygart, president of the USADA, said in a statement, «This is a heartbreaking example of how the win - at - all - costs culture of sport, if left unchecked, will overtake fair, safe and honest competition, but for clean athletes, it is a reassuring reminder that there is hope for future generations to compete on a level playing field without the use of performance - enhancing drugs»...
For two reasons: the most important is that I'm not sure if the level of onion in the recipe would make it safe to can.
California's Prop 65, the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act requires companies to place a warning label on any product they sell within California if it exceeds the level that the State has established as risk - free for a list of over eight hundred chemicals.
higuain could be the safe bet scores goals and experienced at the top level at his peak now could come for around the # 25 - # 30 million mark if we negotiate strongly.
Kinda of works and nice guy are not the hallmarks of a true DM, if we want to move on to the next level or even back in to the top 4 we definitely need an upgrade, why should a DM only play the ball sideways or backwards just to play it safe, they should be able to pass in multiple directions long or short, there primary objective should be to sit back and defend instead of bombing forward and start attacks from there.
This poses the question then if the Wax (2010) study is not specific to whether home birth is safe in comparison to hospital birth, but if outcomes correlate with the type of midwife (level of training) and acceptance of out - of - hospital birth in the larger healthcare system?
Breastfeeding is safe even if your blood sugar levels remain high after pregnancy.
Your child won't be any less safe if a cheaper infant car seat, nor will you have to worry about any of the levels in an affordable convertible seat.
Although sometimes bad things can still happen even if you take all the precaution in the world, this does not mean that you should not try your level best to keep your kid safe.
The Safe Sleep Seven offers a middle ground: Seven research - supported criteria which, if met, offer a level of bedsharing safety equivalent to crib safety.
BPA is usually safe, but it may have harmful effects if you're exposed to high levels of BPA.
If your baby's blood glucose can't be kept at a safe level, they may need extra care.
(Sorry, FDA, but if you can't figure out a «safe level» of melamine for infant formula, then don't patronize us by telling us it's probably OK.)
Though there are ways to do so safely like drinking the beverage while you are nursing so the alcohol levels are sure to drop (so long as you only have a small dose,) by the time you are ready for the next feeding, and if you really want to be safe you can check out Milkscreen, a product designed to test the alcohol content of breastmilk.
If David Cameron really wants to give patients the best care, he should step in to support the NHS front - line, stop the job losses and ensure that every hospital in England has safe staffing levels.
«If we are to have safe nurse staffing levels on wards, which the Welsh Liberal Democrats have been campaigning for, then at least in the short term we will need to recruit talent from both at home and abroad.
«People may be less cautious about their use than they would be if they were taking a pill, so it is important to be sure that even a high level of consumption is safe before the products are sold,» Lucke says.
Even if we could regulate BPA to levels that were safe, Soto cautions, «zero plus zero plus zero is actually not zero.
«We wanted to be able to talk to the community about what we are seeing — and to have evidence,» Johnson said, adding that the coast should still be safe for recreation even if radiation levels climb over the next several years as expected.
If pregnant or lactating mice are given water containing levels of arsenic considered safe for humans, their offspring have severe growth problems.
However, Fouchier felt the review overlooked enhancements in his biosafety level 3 lab, such as special cabinets, that make it as safeif not safer — than BSL - 4, the highest safety category for the most dangerous agents.
Even if we could determine a «safe» level of interference in the climate system, the sensitivity of global mean temperature to increasing atmospheric CO2 is known perhaps only to a factor of three or less.
But if that person also eats large quantities of contaminated rice, tuna or energy bars, for instance, that could push that individual's arsenic consumption beyond levels that are considered safe.
So although radiation protection agencies typically restrict occupational exposure (for the nuclear industry, for example) to an average of 20 mSv per year, scientists don't have hard data on which to base high - stake conclusions about what level of radiation, if any, is really safe.
If the product proves safe, researchers will then seek recommendations to proceed with the therapeutic phase of the trail — again in people with type 1 diabetes — to see whether the therapy really can control blood sugar levels.
Finally, if we close the fuel cycle and recycle spent fuel, then it decays to safe levels in several hundred years rather than hundreds of thousands.
Jarris said it's not clear «whether there is a safe level of alcohol after which problems occur, a threshold, or if any alcohol, even very small amounts, can cause harm to some infants that might be subtle and hard to detect.»
If you're really curious about whether it's still safe to wear a pair of old favorites, adds Dr. Pettey, many eyeglass retailers can test lenses» UV protection levels.
To be safe, monitor thyroid hormone levels with your doctor as you introduce seaweed into your diet to see if eating seaweed will possibly cause a thyroid problem for you.
Caffeine lasts for 60 hours in the body in total, but if you leave a good 8 hours before your sleep, the residual blood levels will be safe.
If a person is feeling the symptoms of osteoporosis, or has been diagnosed with it, start by checking with the doctor to see what level of exercise will be safe.
Now, in light of everything written above, it's safe to conclude that if you train for over an hour, you will kill your testosterone levels which are vital to building muscle mass and getting lean and you won't see any meaningful results.
If Vitamin D controls cell - response to the mitogenic effects of IGF - 1, (and vitamin D is found in animal products), isn't it safe to say there's no concern with IGF - 1 level increases as long as one has optimal Vitamin D?
Two bullet points from the overview; — «Selenium protects against mercury toxicity, and 16 of the 25 highest dietary sources of selenium are ocean fish» — «If a fish contains higher levels of selenium than mercury, it is safe to eat»
So back full circle to what we were talking about, if the body's safe, now we can do that higher level work.
I wonder if practicing «at my level of comfort» may not be an ideal phrasing... Perhaps «I understand that I have the right to listen to my body and practice in accordance with my body's needs in order to remain safe» or something like that may be less limiting (no growth in the comfort zone)... also... I agree with everything relating to the student teacher relationship but I think it could be stated more succintly — my body and mind are my own and I can expect to be treated with respect and grace physically, mentally, spiritually at all times.
If you exercise for more than 90 minutes, the risk of developing a low sodium level rises, so, it's safest to drink an electrolyte - rich drink.
Overdoing it is all relative though... Flax seeds have up to 800x the amount of Lignans found in any other food source... I am still skeptical and would appreciate it if a link to a study could be provided to substantiate «safe» consumption levels to prevent unwanted side effects.
In women, a safe «cut off» is about 25 % body fat (if they want optimal hormone levels, they shouldn't get fatter than 25 % body fat).
If you are constantly tired or must lean heavily on that morning cup of Joe to get going in the morning, best to play it safe and get your levels checked.
If you want to take your health to the next level this is a well - rounded program that includes nutritional timing and combinations, and safe focused workouts for all levels.
As we have demonstrated here, if a sweetener contains manufactured fructose, it is neither safe nor natural, especially at levels up to 70 percent.
If that's the case, lifestyle changes, supplements or safe bioidentical hormone therapy can help you rebalance and restore optimal hormone levels so you can begin to shed weight and feel great about your body again!
If I do fasting would it be safe to do without Metformin if I carefully monitor by sugar leveIf I do fasting would it be safe to do without Metformin if I carefully monitor by sugar leveif I carefully monitor by sugar level?
In my opinion, the level of «safe starch» if one thinks there is a safe level declines and may be at the Rosedale level, as a person ages.
If you have any doubts about how different progesterone is from the progestins, remember that the placenta produces 300 - 400 mg of progesterone daily during the last few months of pregnancy, so we know that such levels are safe for the developing baby.
Hi, just wondering if stone ground corn is safe to consume / has low levels of phytic acid??
While a simple solution is to set an upper limit to the amount of sugar consumption in a healthy diet, Taubes warns, «We don't know if the level recommended is safe for everyone.
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