Sentences with phrase «safe situation»

These are not safe situations for cats and are and extremely terrifying to cats.
Find safe situations to do this with known dogs and owners and / or good puppy classes.
Adult animals require less supervision than puppies or kittens, who sometimes can't distinguish between safe situations and dangerous ones and may not know — or care — what «no» means.
Scholars in safe situations, for example, can «help combat the isolation of those under pressure at home... by inviting colleagues from restricted places to conferences, workshops and fellowships, and by visiting colleagues in these places to share solidarity as well as professional expertise,» Quinn writes.
, revitalize lationships The situation does not sound like a really safe situation.
If you've created safe situations for your feline friend to have a taste of the outdoors and it still doesn't seem to satisfy his love for the outdoors, your cat's hormones may be to blame.
It will strike a chord with any traveler (particularly any female traveler) who has slipped unknowingly into a marginally safe situation, late at night, in unfamiliar surroundings.
Scholars in safe situations, for example, can «help combat the isolation of those under pressure at home.»
It doesn't take much common sense to know that these are not safe situations, but many of us still allow our dogs to ride in the car unrestrained.
«These are big changes... I'm hopeful it will be a much safer situation
The proposed solution, described in a paper co-authored by Laurent Orseau from Google's DeepMind and Stuart Armstong of Oxford's The Future of Humanity Institute, would «prevent the agent from continuing a harmful sequence of actions — harmful either for the agent or for the environment — and lead the agent into a safer situation
Unlike previous Super Bowls where the sportsbooks were in danger of a huge loss on Super Bowl bets, the 2013 edition of the game appears to be a safer situation.
She also points out that there's a difference between a mom who brings her baby into bed as a last resort and falls asleep and a mom who has done her research and knows how to safely bed share — like she did, as did I. «It isn't a last resort of the exhausted, but a well - thought out, planned, and safe situation
Even with me doing «all the right things,» there could have been a need to go to a hospital and I would have been completely okay with that, if it resulted in a safer situation for me and my baby.
Address your real concerns by saying something like: «I'm not sure this party is a safe situation for you.
If a baby is wrapped in a blanket and is able to roll over, it's not exactly the safest situation.
Don't try to change a safe situation.
«The community can talk to the police and the police can talk to the community in a safe situation and in a safe setting, with frankness and candor to work through issues,» he said.
They are triggered by surprise in a safe situation (think peek - a-boo), and don't just endear babies to their parents.
«This approach really has the potential to become a therapy during rehab where people do this kind of exposure therapy, where they look at the stimuli that used to trigger their craving, while they are abstaining in a safe situation,» he said.
Laughter signals to our brains that we're in a safe situation, which means we dial back our stress responses.
Was this a safe situation?
There are better and safer situations to contemplate.
This can lead to a dog choking, gagging or simply becoming frustrated enough to lash out at the child — not a safe situation for your dog or your toddler.
If it is a safe situation, allowing the cats outdoor time to explore and get exercise is ideal.
When she began losing her eyesight, her friends realized they had to find her a safer situation.
However, we do take every measure to ensure that you and your family are in a safe situation while paddling.
Do you feel like you're not in a safe situation?
On - call rotation with the Safe Place crisis line, one week night, every fifth weekend, and two mahor holidays; required problem - solving in the midst of a crisis, advocacy for placing youth in safe situations, resourcelfulness for solutions, empowering the youth to make choices and take responsibility, and communications with other agencies to maintain healthy / beneficial relationships within the community based upon integrity.
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