Sentences with phrase «safeguarding issues»

This commitment complies with safeguard issues under the principles of REDD +.
They are aware of and trained in safeguarding issues, which is paramount when working with children — especially in the digital age.
Rt Rev Peter Hancock, Bishop of Bath and Wells, who is the Church's lead bishop on safeguarding issues, revealed the figures responding to a written question from Kat Alldread, a lay member of the Church's governing body.
«We work closely with the police to help facilitate criminal investigations and all establishments for young offenders are subject to independent scrutiny, with safeguarding issues among the specific areas assessed.»
With hard hitting statistics like these you would think that the provision of sun protection would be more of an integrated safeguarding issue, especially for those who work outdoors with kids for prolonged periods during the summer months.
How can we be sure in group training that every single person leaves the session competent and confident to deal with modern safeguarding issues?
Despite the Government's Prevent guidance aimed at schools and childcare providers, there is a distinct lack of clarity, knowledge and understanding of how to tackle safeguarding issues.
For example, a child may need to be protected from someone, the filming may bring the school into disrepute or there may be other safeguarding issues, such as filming a PE lesson where children may be dressed in clothes that may not be appropriate for viewing on the internet.
For its part, the government insists that extremism is an important safeguarding issue that has to be addressed.
There are no current safeguarding issues around me concerning contact with my children.
Kidscape equips young people, parents and professionals with the skills to tackle bullying and safeguarding issues across the UK.
The charity added it will soon deliver a «safeguarding training course for faith organisations, especially churches, so they can understand, recognise and respond to safeguarding issues, and develop a safer culture».
Teaching staff can't be expected to be experts in all safeguarding issues, so all terms are weighted in terms of severity.
However, although many teachers — and parents — don't feel fully informed on the topic, statutory requirements in the Department for Education's «Keeping Children Safe in Education» document outlines that teachers must be trained in a variety of safeguarding issues and, as part of this, explicitly educate children about the dangers and how to deal with them appropriately.
Schools and colleges should discuss the differences between a behaviour issue and a safeguarding issue and try and define what the thresholds are, in sync with the current guidance and school policy.
The Key's latest findings also highlight changes in school leader concern about other pupil health and safeguarding issues.
He also claimed that checks made on children who are home schooled are not «rigorous enough» with home visits by Council staff not giving sufficient attention to safeguarding issues.
There is a confidence gap for most teachers and leaders and some teachers even believe it is a safeguarding issue when a student comes out to them.
Whilst this is primarily aimed at replicating the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will take effect on 25th May 2018 in EU Member States, it's unlikely to resolve the safeguarding issue of most concern to parents: age verification.
At times provision and decision making has been so woefully inadequate and flawed, as to represent a safeguarding issue, necessitating a judicial review by the courts.
Operation Falcon Instructed by the Essex Police and Crime Commissioner carry out an extensive investigation and produce a report relating to the safeguarding issues arising from a case involving a sexual assault by a teenager on a young child and Essex Police's subsequent failure properly to investigate the matter.
Company number: 0415 4208 VAT number: 781 2260 40 Report a Safeguarding Issue REPORT
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