Sentences with phrase «safer anesthetic agents»

Our success in safely using anesthesia is also due to our hospitals» use of modern anesthetic products and techniques, which we continually update as the medical industry develops newer and safer anesthetic agents.
«There are no safe anesthetic agents; there are no safe anesthetic procedures; there are only safe anesthetists.»
The safest anesthetic agents are used, and patients are continuously monitored throughout anesthesia.
Our patients are anesthetized with safe anesthetic agents.
We use only the safest anesthetic agents and the latest pain - relief medications.
Our practice is equipped with the latest specialized instrumentation and equipment, and we use only the safest anesthetic agents and the latest pain - relief medications.

Not exact matches

However, today's anesthetic agents are so much safer than older protocols.
A pet with healthy internal organs will have no trouble with the process of anesthesia and recovery, but one with compromised hepatic (liver) or renal (kidney) function can have severe issues processing some of the common — and usually very safeanesthetic agents.
«Balanced anesthesia» refers to the use of a combination of drugs and anesthetic agents that ensure safe, reversible loss of consciousness together with physical and mental relaxation and pain control.
We practice a safe, multi-modal approach that is individually created for each dog or cat and includes injectables for sedation and pain management as well as gas anesthetic agents.
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