Sentences with phrase «safest ultrasound technology»

Our dental technicians use the safest ultrasound technology to clean your pet's teeth below and above their gum line.
At West Flamingo Animal Hospital, we use modern and safe ultrasound technology to clean each tooth thoroughly, both above and below the gum line to eliminate plaque, tartar, and gum discoloration.

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It's true that ultrasound technology is widely considered safe, but know that businesses may be using machines that aren't routinely checked for safety.
Ultrasound focused within the skull can trigger movement in animals — could it give us a safe way to plug technology into the brain?
«Ultrasound is such a beautiful technology because it's inexpensive, it's portable, and it's completely safe in every patient,» said Broder.
Ultrasound is a safe, non-invasive medical imaging technology that allows us to see the inside of the body, in real time - both at rest and as the body moves.
Carter claims that the technology is totally safe, which you'd hope, considering ultrasound is how we do imaging of babies in the womb.
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