Sentences with phrase «sagittal plane»

The sagittal plane is an imaginary plane that divides the body into right and left halves. Full definition
Video: Maintaining Stability While Regaining Mobility - Restoring pelvic stability often involves limiting practice to linear, sagittal planes of movement and, for a period of time, avoiding movements that challenge SIJ stability.
They found that single - leg sagittal plane hurdle hops produced the greatest gluteus maximus EMG amplitude.
Sagittal plane exercises involve flexion and extension.
Sagittal Plane Lunge Exercise — Next, the athletes performs a lunge variation where your body moves in a more linear motion (straight ahead or straight back).
About the only person that moves exclusively in one direction is T - 1000 (sagittal plane again).
A safer version of the top to bottom sagittal plane Plank Swing.
Perhaps most important among these is the use of two - dimensiononal (2D) data collection methods for motion analysis, which can lead to misrepresentation of the real sagittal plane movements (Ho et al. 2014), although it remains a popular method for assisting coaches because it is easily available and very low cost (Garhammer & Newton, 2013).
Specifically, the team's exoskeleton taps a hybrid serial - parallel kinematic structure consisting of a 1 - degree of freedom (DOF) hip joint module and a 2 - DOF knee joint module in the sagittal plane.
These effects are illustrated in Figure 2, which shows the relationship between 90var and the ratio of our observed sensitivities to sensitivity calculated with canals constrained to strict orthogonality (OSensitivitymax and OSensitivitymin) through setting all ipsilateral canal angles as 90 ° bilaterally, and setting ASC and PSC 45 ° away from the sagittal plane for Bubbles.mat calculations.
Tissue was cryoprotected in 30 % Sucrose dissolved in PBS for 24 h and cut on a freezing microtome (Leica 1850, Solms, Germany) in six series of 40 µm thick sections in either the frontal or the sagittal plane.
For mosquitoes to be viewed as dissected whole mounts, abdomens were dissected along a coronal plane to obtain the dorsal and ventral halves or along a sagittal plane to obtain the pleural halves, washed 3 times for 5 min each with 0.1 % Tween 20 in PBS, and mounted on glass slides using Aqua - Poly / Mount (Polysciences Inc., Warrington, PA).
For humans, the degree of pelvic tilt in the sagittal plane was determined from published dissection data (53), which indicate an angle of 15 ° relative to horizontal for the segment connecting the posterior superior iliac spine and anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) reflected in the sagittal plane (SI Appendix, Fig.
Many dumbbell and barbell exercises are performed in what is called the sagittal plane.
The sagittal plane is an imaginary line that divides your body into two vertical halves and movement in this plane is forwards and backwards only.
«Many exercises work in a sagittal plane, meaning you're moving straight ahead,» Peterson says.
The beauty of the bell is the ability to transition from movement to movement seamlessly which includes movements that take you out of the sagittal plane.
Movements in the sagittal plane would include biceps curls (that is, flexion and extension), dead lifts and squats.
If you are familiar with anatomical terms, you will already know that «adduction» means movement toward the sagittal plane of the body.
Any movement where you can keep the side of your body parallel to the wall takes place in the sagittal plane.
This wall represents the sagittal plane.
Sagittal Plane: Turn to one side and place your side against the wall (your arm might have to be slightly in front of the body to get hip against the wall).
Short - axis strokes (fly and breast) require core strength in the sagittal plane as the abdomen moves forward and backward in that dolphin - like undulation.
A healthy spine has neutral curves in the sagittal plane that offset each other, called kyphosis in the thoracic spine or lordosis in the lumbar area.
The rationale for using free weights is that you need to stabilize the free weight in all three planes (frontal plane, sagittal plane, and transverse plane), which additionally trains stabilizing muscles, it allows for a greater range of motion and permits more variation.
The classic tire flip, deadlifts, farmer walks, and squats are each performed in the sagittal plane.
These muscles tend to be weak in runners, because running takes place primarily in the sagittal plane.
The powerlifter lives in the sagittal plane.
This is actually the main focus of my course on YogaUOnline — Improving posture imbalances in the sagittal plane, which are very common.
As such, in the sagittal plane it is measured in relation to the common Achilles tendon as it extends across the ankle.
Sit - ups and crunches work in the sagittal plane, which divides the body into left and right.
Many programs focus solely on the sagittal plane however to reduce injuries we should also focus on transverse and frontal plane.
Plus, medicine ball throwing offers a great way to get out of the sagittal plane and develop some rotational speed.
Looking more closely at side - stepping maneuvers, which are likely to involve the hip abductors to the greatest degree, it is apparent that the sagittal plane extensor muscles are the drivers of performance.
Indeed, within the sagittal plane musculature, there are indications that the medial hamstrings and gastrocnemius may be more involved in COD maneuvers than in linear sprinting (Houck, 2003).
A side plank with a row works in both the frontal plane (side to side), and the sagittal plane (front to back).
In the sagittal plane, the short and long head of the biceps perform elbow flexion and displays its greatest force producing potential with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees.
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