Sentences with phrase «said about abortion»

As you can see, a lot of issues can be said about abortion.
Same could be said about abortion.
Not one mentioned the Bill nor had a word to say about abortion
The Constitution has nothing to say about abortion, leaving it, like most subjects, to the judgment and moral sense of the American people and their elected representatives.
Surprisingly these so called progressive christians are strangely silent on abortion (Otherwhise known as killing babies) what would Jesus say about abortion?
I believe Mr. Sky Man doesn't approve of all the terrible things that so called «good» Christians do and say about abortion clinics, the women who use them, and the hospitals who OK them.

Not exact matches

«Even in referral centers, which are specifically set up to provide information about abortion, you find that providers are not willing to perform abortions,» Galli said.
Asked about Democrats having enough leeway on polarizing issues like gun rights and opposition to abortion, House Democratic Caucus chair Joe Crowley said in a press conference on Wednesday that the party «always has been» a big tent.
Someone said the woman in Ireland who died without an abortion about the issue.
On everything, but let me just say something about abortion.
They could preach about an issue... say abortion... but could not make political comments.
It's utterly amazing that a party of greedy, selfish, materialistic, warmongering, hate - filled people could have won a majority of support amongst Christians, while ranting about taxes, guns, abortion, and gays... four things that Jesus said nothing about.
Like the Christian terrorists who bomb abortion clinics and assault / murder those associated with the clinic (say what you will about abortion, but religiously motivated murder is still murder).
Gorsuch would not talk about his personal views on abortion or the case, but would only say that the case is now a precedent.
«honoring the Lord in a manner consistent with biblical principles» It does not say anything about abortion.
Everyone knows Francis's statement that the Church can't be «obsessed» about abortion, Terry Mattingly notes, but pretty much no one — no one who reads The New York Times, say — knows about a statement he made a few days later to a group of Catholic gynaecologists.
«I'd have to agree with that,» said Savage, who'd just suggested, apparently mostly joking, that «abortion should be mandatory for about thirty years» because «there's too many [rude word deleted] people on the planet.»
Dvd... SCOTUS also said abortion was legal, yet that has not stopped Christians from whining about that decision for decades!
«By contrast, nearly nine in 10 Jews say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, as do about seven in 10 Americans with no religious affiliation and 63 % of white mainline Protestants,» the survey reported.
He had nothing to say about masturbation, reproduction, birth control, or abortion.
PrimeNumber — So what do you say about all the women who walk with the Pro-Lifers and openly talk about their profound regret at having had an abortion; and telling about the horrific lasting effects on them physically / emotionally and psychologically????????
You calling a fetus a «person,» doesn't say anything about the supposed immorality of abortion.
Because God flooded Earth and except Noah and his family in what is clearly not a sea - bearing boat, killed everyone, including «innocent» babies (which of course begs to question the whole idea about the Bible being against abortion and all even though it doesn't explicitly say anything against abortion though the method for aborting fetuses, e.g., forced miscarriage, already existed in those days.
He said nothing about gays, He said nothing about abortion, He said nothing about most of the things Christians object to while hiding behind the Bible.
CNN Polling Director Keating Holland had this to say about the findings: «Only a minority of the rank - and - file members of both [Republicans and Democrats] take an extreme position on the issue, with just 31 % of Republicans calling for a complete ban on abortion and just 32 % of Democrats saying that abortion should be legal in all circumstances»...
I guess I feel the same way about a liberal agenda that say that to get out of debt we have to spend more, or that my tax dollars have to pay for something I think is morally wrong (Obamacare sets up a fund to pay for late term abortions) or a government that confiscates kids lunches, or tells me how much soda I can drink, or uses my tax money to choose winners and losers (mostly losers but Obma doners) in energy production that produces no energy yet we are sitting on more coal and oil than any other nation on the planet.
You could say the same about issues like abortion; you can say the say about issues like euthanasia.
Jesus never said ANYTHING about abortion or gay marriage.
Mr Newcome said the debate was not about the ethics of abortion, pointing out that the Church's position on that issue is clearly stated.
Snowdog, if abortion goes against «everything that is christian», then why didn't Christ ever say anything about it?
No one can or should be arrogant enough to say they speak for Christ about issues He never addressed while here on earth (abortion and gay marriage for example).
Second, Jon is wrong about what Pennsylvania law says on late - term abortions.
BO says abortions should be «safe, legal and rare» but says nothing about the basic tenet of proper human conduct i.e. Thou Shalt Not Kill.
«Society has to climb down from the position that says there is nothing objectionable about abortion before a certain time.
Of course she says nothing about her husband's policy of overlooking human rights violations by China, including the slave labor of uncounted thousands and forced abortions for pregnant women with more than one child.
The Christian leaders will say it's all about life (anti abortion) but yet for 6 years (2000 - 20006) the self proclaimed pro-life family values party controlled the house, senate and whitehouse yet continued to do nothing to make abortions illegal in this country.
JUSTICE AND PEACE FOR SOME Dear Father Editor The Daily Telegraph recently published a short letter of mine the gist of which was that I had recently «visited the website of every Roman Catholic diocese in England and Wales, to see what its Justice and Peace Commission was saying about the Embryology Bill and abortion.
The school policy was clear about pregnancy but said nothing about students who had abortions.
Obama says abortions should be «safe, legal and rare» but says nothing about the basic tenet of proper human conduct i.e. Thou Shalt Not Kill.
NBC reports that the twelve jury members, seven women and five men, all «said they were either pro-choice or had no opinion» about abortion.
@GT: the law isn't saying catholics you must pay to teach your employees about contreceptives and abortion... it is covering all employers.
I can guarantee that our Lord would have some pretty strong things to say about the slaughter of innocent children under the umbrella of abortion!
Agents of the state can teach your children how to have sex, give them condoms, put them on the pill, give them the morning - after pill if it doesn't work, and take them off for an abortion if that fails - and all without you having any say in the matter or necessarily even knowing about it.
Every single speaker talked about abortion,» Roberts said Sunday on ABC's «This Week.»
On Tuesday night, for instance, he said he noticed «how much the crowd goes crazy and how passionate they are about abortion and gay marriage and the social issues.»
I would totally go with treating [abortion] like any other crime up to and including hanging — which kind of, as I said, I'm kind of squishy about capital punishment in general, but I've got a soft spot for hanging as a form of capital punishment.
He says abortions should be «safe, legal and rare» (something he borrowed from B. Clinton) but says nothing about the basic tenet of proper human conduct i.e. Thou Shalt Not Kill.
Like ignoring the part where Jesus in the Bible in his own words said nothing about gays or even abortion...
Then - candidate Barack Obama had recently made a statement about abortion and the issue of deciding when life began, which he said was above his pay grade.
Who said anything about abortion.?
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