Sentences with phrase «said in the book»

«The chance that Don Jr. did not walk these jumos up to his father's office on the twenty sixth floor is zero,» Bannon says in the book.
As Umpqua Bank CEO Ray Davis said in his book Leading Through Uncertainty, «I always tell our people that they're entitled to get answers to every question they have.
Now, we've always had a small number of very powerful players — what we're saying in the book is there's a very high likelihood that it could be a different set of players if the traditional industry folks don't move quickly.
«Another way to keep our brain as healthy as possible is to ensure they get the right amount of exercise through cognitive training,» he said in his book.
As Ann Handley says in her book, Everybody Writes, we all have the capacity to create «ridiculously good content.»
As Peter Thiel said in his book Zero to One, «It's hard to blame people for dancing when the music [is] playing.»
As he said in the book, «It was no accident I chose it.
And as I also said in the book, we should probably incorporate incentives into that.
You say in your book that retirement is a broken concept that we shouldn't strive for.
You say in your book that many of them are unhappy.
«The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor — with no lawyers,» Bannon is quoted as saying in the book, according to The Guardian.
«If you're trying to create a high - trust organization, an organization where people are all - for - one and one - for - all, you can't have secrets,» he says in the book.
Head of People Operations, Laszlo Bock, says in his book, Work Rules!
My intrigue stems back to my earlier comments that the long term trends in appreciation in real estate are simply not very competitive versus equities, despite what Robert Kiyosaki had to say in his book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
Xi says in a book of his speeches, The Governance of China, that China's export - driven economy «though large in size, is not strong» and concludes that scientific and technology innovation is the future.
As I say in my book, in a globalized world anything that affects the relationship between savings and investment in one country — and nearly everything affects that relationship — must have the opposite effect on the rest of the world.
As Malcolm Gladwell said in his book Outliers, «It takes roughly ten thousand hours of practice to achieve mastery in a field.»
As reported by Business Insider, Mr. Corley says in his book Change Your Habits, Change Your Life, that rich people tend to avoid people who are pessimistic, instead focusing on relationships with people who are «goal - oriented, optimistic, enthusiastic, and who have an overall positive mental outlook.»
Robert Kiyosaki also said in his book: «Remember that anything important can't really be learned in the classroom.
Get Real, Look, frankly I believe in God and I believe what he says IN HIS BOOK..
but don't believe NOTHING nobody else says about God because I know God and I know what he said in HIS book, but I have to tell you... 99.99 % of the stuff «religion» claims God said... Is not what he actually said... If you look at what he said.
Madeleine L'Engle said in her book Walking on Water that art is something we are invited to be a part of versus the other way around.
Doesn't it say in your book «By their fruits you shall know them»?
for a being who «knows all» why would he??? say in his book of all holy knowledge... aka bible... state that you need to stop the sun to make days longer so YOUR army could defeat your enemies?
«I went one year, and I will never go again, because this sermon was outrageously anti-abortion,» Ginsburg said in the book «Stars of David: Prominent Jews talk About Being Jewish» by author Abigail Pogrebin.
«It says in the book He made us all to be just like him, so if we're dumb, then God is dumb... and maybe even a little ugly on the side.»
As Dr. Diller says in this book Running on Ritalin:
Francis said in his book - length blueprint for the church.
«There could be single cases that can be justified, for instance when a prostitute uses a condom, and this can be a first step towards a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility, to develop again the awareness of the fact that not all is allowed and that one can not do everything one wants,» Benedict says in the book, «Light of the World: The Pope, the Church, and the Signs of the Times.»
To see the world in the Christian way — which, as I say in the book, requires the eye of charity and a faith in Easter — is in some sense to venture everything upon an absurd impracticality (I almost sound Kierkegaardian when I say it that way).
This feedback enables people to learn to control their physiological reactions to mental stimulation — which, as Jodi Lawrence says in her book Alpha Brain Waves, provides «you with instant information concerning your inner state, a kind of electronic mirror to see into your mind.»
But I wasn't sure exactly what he would say in the book, since it hadn't yet been published.
they say this in the book also.
Buber says in this book that he is not a mystic, and this statement is supported by the emphasis on the life of the senses in many of its essays.
What I'm saying in this book is look, you don't need a chapter and verse for this; you don't need to be a church person for this; here's what we know experientially: That the relationship is the key to happiness, and getting involved sexually on the front end of a relationship masks unhealthy relationships and ultimately undermines sexual satisfaction.
Like somebody said in his book «No peace is bad peace and no war is good war».
It is curious that in spite of the great optimism with which Fromm writes about man, he says in this book, «It is man's fate that his existence is beset by contradictions, which he has to solve without ever solving them» (p. 362).
C. S. Lewis says in his book, A Grief Observed that while he was grieving the loss of his wife, some people told him that since God only wants what is best for us, we do not have to fear His will.
Illustrates clearly what Christopher Hitchens was saying in his book «The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice», specifically how her hospitals were more keen on proselytizing to the dying than actually helping them with their pain.
Malachi 3:16 says that those that feared the Lord spoke often to one another, and the Lord listened to them, and wrote was being said in a book of remembrance.
Lewis even went so far as to say in his books that serving Tash (Satan) was serving him Aslan.
Sometimes — and this is more in accord with what has been said in this book — it has been urged that every access to divine reality (however this may be conceived) which has been opened to men and women is nothing other than the working of the Self - Expressive Activity of God which in Jesus, as we are convinced, is given focal statement in human existence.
You can't compare what she said in the book with what she said in interviews per se.
The August / September 2001 issue of First Things contained Neuhaus» own clarification of what he intended to say in his book.
So John, what do you think of Bonhoeffer when he says in his book, Life Together: â $ œEvery human wish dream that is injected into the Christian community is a hindrance to genuine community and must be banished if genuine community is to survive.
While I suspect you agree with synergistic balance in doing evangelism and good works, it does not come through in what you say in your book abstract from your new e-book above.
Hawking says in the book «The Grand Design» that given the existence of gravity, «the universe can and will create itself from nothing.»
As Elizabeth Eisenstein says in her book on the role of the printing press, Protestant clergy «viewed printing as a providential device which ended forever a priestly monopoly of learning, overcame ignorance and superstition, pushed back the evil forces commanded by Italian popes, and, in general, brought Western Europe out of the dark ages.»
Brennan Manning always said in his books: God Loves you as you are, and not as you should be, because we will never be as we should be.
As Jeremy has said in his books look at scripture through the lens of Christ and you will start to see a different God to what the Church has painted ie A angry wrathful God demanding a sacrifice, where as Christ portrays love, forgiveness, compassion.......
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