Sentences with phrase «said team members»

According to him, the bill was far advanced and needed only three readings in Parliament to become law, but Mensah - Bonsu, who was then the Minority Leader, said his team members were not interested.
While he can't peg a specific ROI to Compete, Besmertnik says team members are «more inspired, more motivated, having more fun and performing more consistently.
It's a lot of improvisation in the moment,» said team member Jeremy David.
«This one's at the scene of the crime, but we still have the fingerprints of the other two,» says team member Benjamin Montet at the California Institute of Technology.
The effect was big enough that people should have noticed the difference when coping with the glare of car headlights at night, for instance, says team member John Nolan, a nutrition and vision researcher at Waterford Institute of Technology in Ireland.
«Noise in neural systems can play a useful role» by enhancing transmission, says team member Frank Moss, a physicist at the University of Missouri in St. Louis.
«eXTP will get good estimates of the radii of a few neutron stars, but really mapping out the parameter space nature provides will require STROBE - X,» says team member Thomas Maccarone of Texas Tech University in Lubbock.
The much steeper decline in men could be because older men used to have unhealthier lifestyles than women, so they had more room for improvement, says team member Fiona Matthews of Newcastle University, UK.
«One of the alternative models was just little pockets of water driving the jets, and in that model you wouldn't have much in the way of life because it wouldn't be in contact with the rock,» says team member Jonathan Lunine at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
Now we know roughly how big it is, and also that it has a surprisingly low density,» says team member Francis Nimmo at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
«It's testing whether we can get bigger changes in diet using a personalised approach, and part of that is using genetic information,» says team member John Mathers, director of the Human Nutrition Research Centre at Newcastle University, UK.
«The nebula around J1834.9 stores the magnetar's energetic outflows over its whole active history, starting many thousands of years ago,» said team member Jonathan Granot, an associate professor in the Department of Natural Sciences at the Open University in Ra'anana, Israel.
«[This] tells us that methane - making microbial activity is very limited but it doesn't weigh in on the possibility that there are other microbes that don't produce methane still in existence in the subsurface,» says team member Chris Webster.
The pattern is even stranger than a mysterious spider - shaped pattern of troughs found in Mercury's Caloris basin, during Messenger's first Mercury flyby in January 2008, says team member Thomas Watters of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC.
«That was the missing piece of the puzzle,» says team member Dibyendu Mandal, now at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
«This basically confirms that AGN seem to be the best sources,» says team member Peter Biermann from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany.
Another light - absorption test showed that the sample was a semiconductor — it conducted electrical currents, although the extreme pressure needed to create nonmolecular nitrogen makes it unlikely it could ever serve as a useful semiconductor, says team member Alexander Goncharov.
There are easier ways to determine whether a house is empty, says team member Marco Gruteser at Rutgers University in North Brunswick, New Jersey.
One thing, however, is clear — at least in a fair fraction of cases, «hot Jupiters are lonely,» says team member Eric Ford of the University of Florida, Gainesville.
«Massive stars are principal sculptors of gas and dust,» says team member Charles Kerton of Iowa State University in Ames.
The craters may be up to 4 billion years old, from a time when asteroids were heavily bombarding the early Solar System, says team member William McKinnon, a planetary scientist at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.
«We are not against the idea that there might have been multiple species 2 million years ago,» says team member Christoph Zollikofer of the Anthropological Institute and Museum in Zurich, Switzerland.
«It shows you strange - looking frames at very high rates,» says team member Gordon Wetzstein.
«Whether pure water or salty water, it would all behave similarly in terms of sediment transport,» says team member Rebecca Williams of the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona.
... There were no proven methods for doing this,» says team member Thomas Weber, an acoustician at CCOM.
Some Mars scientists have suggested quickly evaporating carbon dioxide ice could have triggered rockslides, forming gullies elsewhere on the planet, but that's a less popular theory, says team member Sanjeev Gupta of Imperial College London.
«Our findings are the first to suggest that prominences are sources of significant wave generation in the inner corona, and could therefore contribute to the acceleration of solar wind particles,» says team member Shadia Habbal.
«I view this as the best evidence of the supranova model,» says team member Donald Lamb, an astrophysicist at the University of Chicago.
«We found that A20 was absolutely essential for down - regulating the inflammatory response and averting the damage unrestrained inflammation can cause in multiple tissues,» says team member Averil Ma.
CoGeNT's detector has not been examined yet, says team member Juan Collar of the University of Chicago in Illinois.
«We thought sleep loss has an adverse effect on performance,» says team member Niels Rattenborg.
«One would think that gravity would make something this size into a spherical object,» says team member Stephen Tegler of Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff.
The way their light has been bent can also be used to study the dark matter content of the intervening galaxies, says team member Asantha Cooray of the University of California, Irvine.
«It's a three - cornered hat system,» says team member Giorgio Santarelli.
«SeaWiFS not only adds finer detail to our observing capability,» says team member James Randerson of the California Institute of Technology, «it supplies essential continuity between data records that is critical to long - term monitoring of changes in the biosphere.»
«Cassini data,» says team member Ralph Lorenz of the Applied Physics Lab, «is going to keep us busy for decades.»
«It's just not responding,» says team member Ray Arvidson of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, US.
On the first pass the computer found «a huge portion of the basin was similar to what we had always found to be productive locations», says team member Jay Emerson, also at Western Michigan University.
«It's kind of like cockroaches — if you see one, then there are dozens hiding,» says team member John Johnson, also of Caltech.
«Titan has been doing prebiotic chemistry experiments for us for a huge amount of time,» says team member Elizabeth Turtle.
Women with two copies of s fared even worse: They had bones that were 4 % less dense — and faced a 280 % higher risk of fracture — than did women without any s alleles, says team member Andre Uitterlinden, a molecular geneticist at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
A step up would be an improvement in bladder or bowel or sexual function,» says team member Tim Geraghty, director of the Spinal Injuries Unit of Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane.
The peculiar locomotion could also help grow layered nanocrystals, which are used in electronics and drug delivery, says team member Alex Zettl, also at Berkeley.
«We are, in fact, seeing true genomic changes — permanent changes,» says team member George Fox at the University of Houston.
«Ions are nature's quantum units,» says team member Shantanu Debnath.
«We can actually reach immune cells in the oral cavity,» says team member Kiana Aran, a bioengineer at the Keck Graduate Institute in Claremont, California.
«Analysis was one of the stumbling blocks for simulations at this scale,» said team member Roland Schulz, a UT postdoctoral researcher.
«In this case, we knew all the people that touched the bones,» says team member Guido Barbujani, a population geneticist at the University of Ferrara, Italy.
«The finding of completely blind birds in good physical condition was absolutely stunning,» says team member Christopher Murphy at the University of California, Davis.
The researchers found higher levels of carotenoids in the guts and reproductive organs of Amperima than in other kinds of sea cucumbers that haven't boomed, suggesting that Amperima may have a distinct diet, says team member Ian Hudson of the Southampton Oceanography Centre in the United Kingdom.
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