Sentences with phrase «said younger generation»

Perez Williams said younger generations in the city don't have the opportunity to work because the education system doesn't offer a lot of resources for students.

Not exact matches

«It is not money the younger generations are focusing on,» he says.
«It's really embracing not just the younger generation but showing the next generation that diversity's important — and bringing those partners in as partners, and as successors,» Glassman said.
«Advertisers are attracted to Snapchat for its broad reach among young millennials and those in Generation Z, which are valuable demographic groups for many businesses,» said eMarketer principal analyst Cathy Boyle in a statement.
«It's back with a whole new generation of young women,» she says.
That's a contested issue in the blogosphere with some saying today's young people are a born generation of business owners and others arguing they're simply victims of the terrible economy forced into finding alternate routes to employment.
«Our data suggests the younger Gen Y population is adopting motorcycling at a far lower rate than prior generations,» AB analyst David Beckel said in a July note downgrading its rating of Harley - Davidson shares from «outperform» to «market perform.»
She says she watched the younger generation of leaders became confused about feminist principles — and men steered clear of joining the movement.
He said other issues included national security, crime and «the huge issue of economic growth and development, the big question is the unemployment among the younger generations
«Our data suggests the younger Gen Y population is adopting motorcycling at a far lower rate than prior generations,» AB analyst David Beckel said in the note.
That appears to be the thinking behind a field garnering a lot of interest in the U.S., and one which the president of the Investor Education Fund in Toronto says reflects the fact that younger generations are changing the way they interact with every market place.
«As we see the younger generations seeking out their first jobs, we want to make them aware of the great opportunities available at McDonald's,» Jez Langhorn, a human resources executive with McDonald's, said in a statement.
«What's driving it is the mistrust of consumers with restaurants, and particularly the younger generation, [which] is looking for greater transparency,» he says.
«This presents significant opportunity for luxury brands that cater to the younger generation,» the report said.
And this segues into a particularly eyebrow - raising (if not surprising) finding: 89 percent of millennials say they have a strong work ethic, while 74 percent of non-millennial respondents think younger workers lack the work ethic of previous generations.
And the younger generation, one that never lived under Stalin, has grown accustomed its presence and «even think [s] it's cool,» Hankiewicz said, referencing a popular T - shirt with the Palace as a heart.
One option is Disney, which has blockbuster movie franchises like «Frozen» and «Star Wars» under its belt that resonate with younger generations, he said.
Video works because younger generations are «video natives,» says Wetsch.
This number grew with younger generations: 68 % of employees age 45 to 54, 67 % of employees age 30 to 44, and 73 % of employees under 30 said they had not run a retirement projection.
Hiroomi Kinoshita, President & Chief Executive Officer at Four Link Systems, Inc., who's worked on the creation of next - generation smart vehicle since 2008, said he was also hoping to appeal to a younger generation of drivers who are less interested in cars than previous generations.
The GOP is alienating a generation of young conservative voters by ignoring climate science, say Kiera O'Brien and Ben Zollinger.
On the other hand, 69 percent of millennials say it's a good thing for parents to encourage young boys to play with toys and pursue activities normally associated with girls, while older generations don't support such a move as much.
«The younger generation, the 28 - year - olds buying organic food, they're not into markups and they're super concerned about traceability,» says Vrai & Oro founder Vanessa Stofenmacher.
As for where their company is headed in the future, Konzelmann said they've just started to scratch the surface of products and services that are widely available and popular amongst a younger generation, but haven't yet been applied to seniors.
The Internet is a more influential source of consumer information for U.S. Millennials than for older generations: 50 percent of younger Millennials and 47 percent of older Millennials said that they trust retailer websites, compared with 33 percent and 36 percent of Gen - Xers and boomers, respectively.
So, the choice is to keep up with the younger generations and «their evolving behaviors and attitudes,» or grow up with its original audience as it ages, said Jessica Liu, an analyst at Forrester Research.
The company is reducing senior management by 5 to 10 per cent, replacing veteran executives with a younger generation in their late 30s or close to 40 and putting more responsibilities into fewer hands, while preparing the company for succession in the coming years, sources said.
«By entering a new market, they've got an opportunity to focus on the younger shopper,» says Outcalt, «without being burdened by the legacy of three generations of shoppers who haven't experienced Nordstrom this way.
Retail experts say that chains like Nordstrom, Urban Outfitters and American Eagle have bolstered their businesses by offering products and services that are particularly appealing to the nation's younger generation.
While a majority of those from younger generations in Canada's westernmost province tend to side with the B.C. government in this dispute, seven - in - ten (70 %) residents over 55 say it is making the wrong call.
The researchers said there are likely to be some definite implications of the recent recession on the current generation of young Americans.
Even though the current Millennials ages 25 to 32 are better educated than the generations of young adults who preceded them, 14 the survey found only one significant generational difference in the overall perceived value of their education in preparing them for a job and career — some 41 % of Millennials ages 25 to 32, 45 % of Gen Xers and 47 % of Baby Boomers say their schooling was «very useful» in getting them ready to enter the labor force.
2015.01.27 Majority of younger Canadians say they owe parents a comfortable retirement, parents say'No Thanks»: RBC Poll Boomer generation wants to be financially independent in retirement...
After speaking to the Bow Valley High School graduating class, MP Blake Richards says that promising a prosperous future to younger generations will be difficult without change.
«I also think the younger generations... their view of their careers is very portable, they're not going to sign on to a place out of college and work there and retire, so they need to make sure they're squeezing everything they can out of each employment opportunity when it comes to their retirement,» he said.
TORONTO, January 27, 2015 - While a majority (72 per cent) of younger Canadians aged 18 to 34 say they owe it to their parents to keep them comfortable in retirement, a higher majority (76 per cent) of their parents» Boomer generation (aged 50 - 69) doesn't want this «IOU», according to the 2015 RBC Financial Independence in Retirement Poll.
«Younger generations, especially Millennials, see flexible work options as standard operating procedure and this means a significant shift in the future of HR,» said Sutton Fell.
«Younger generations, especially millennials, see flexible work options as standard operating procedure and this means a significant shift in the future of HR,» said Sutton Fell.
He said «First let us make the younger generation good pagans and afterwards let us make them Christians.»
The number of people below the poverty line, measured in terms of minimum necessary nutritional standards, is said to be going down and yet malnutrition as well as severe physical debilities and destitution are on the increase, especially these affecting women and children, the simple physical capacity of the youngest generation to withstand the strains of living becoming ever more unstable and fragile.»
Instead, the Church too often seems to front a position of defensiveness regarding science, a defensiveness that is not lost on the younger generation of Catholics pursuing careers in biology, physics and chemistry, to say nothing of medicine.
«None of that has any appeal to the younger generation today,» he said.
John Shea, a young theologian and author of three books, says that many fine thinkers of his generation prefer to «act out what they believe in social or political programs, or talk out their ideas in conferences and workshops, rather than write them out.»
When asked how we can bring Christianity to young people in 2018 he said: «We're really exploring what it means to reach out to a digital generation and take the good news in an effective way but find a way to bring them into relational contact with the local church.»
There's a young generation that could care less about labels that says «we love Jesus and we want to change the world».
The generation after the sixties, says Lasch, doesn't even have a name, but that doesn't prevent it from coming in for harsh criticism from those who say young people have failed to «keep the faith» with the earlier radicalism.
They say that a younger generation is less interested in the big show that megachurches are renowned for putting on.
«Like other young generations before them, they are idealistic,» says Jean Case, CEO of the Case Foundation, «but what sets this generation apart is they are turning their idealism into action.»
«The changes are primarily due to generation — suggesting people develop their sexual attitudes while young, rather than everyone of all ages changing at the same time,» said study leader Jean Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University.
Although Cardinal Dulles says that «a new generation of seminarians and religious is arising,» and that «it consists of young men eager to retrieve the tradition of former centuries and to serve the hierarchical Church,» Fr.
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