Sentences with phrase «sake of humanity»

And that's power, and freedom to start great businesses for the sake of humanity.
Even today, some argue for ecological programs for the sake of humanity's future rather than from an awareness of the sacredness of the Earth.
In opposition to the blatant violation of human rights everywhere in the world, perhaps the faithful of all religious traditions will join together to do the will of God for the sake of all humanity.
If one asks why God imposed such limitations on his omnipotence, the first reply would be: for the sake of humanity (FG 206).
Many read this passage as a description of the downward spiral into humility and death which Jesus undertook for the sake of humanity, so that this downward spiral eventually resulted in the worst of all possible humiliations, death on a cross (Php 2:5 - 8).
Jews are the «chosen people's people»; they stand in for humanity for the sake of humanity.
Our civilization would revere the natural world and strive to only have more revealed and try to better things for the sake of humanity.
Even when others despair, we Christians must, for our sake and for the sake of all humanity, keep the faith.
Niebuhr's answer is that alongside the urge to live we need a special sort of wisdom if we are to harness and restrain self - interest, both individual and collective, for the sake of humanity.
The sense of moral discipline so strongly developed in Calvinism included the discipline of work which took on the connotation of working for the transformation of nature for the sake of humanity.
But for the sake of humanity stop with the middle men.
Martyrdom which is a sacrifice for the sake of humanity.
Lots of people have problems with the idea of God limiting Himself for the sake of humanity.
Be moralistic for the sake of humanity.
This would demand a loving, just, and stewardly dominion of nature, for the sake of humanity and in service of God.
It is not the authority, but the commitment of one's faith for the sake of humanity is very important.
weegor please for the sake of humanity GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
«Weaknesses» like menstruation are seen as strengths — how cool is it that we bleed for the sake of humanity and that we have different strengths depending on where we are in our cycles?
Astronaut Nick Adams snaps his earthling fingers in the faces of would - be alien conquerors and, though he represents the entire planet, snarls in gloriously undubbed American English: For the sake of humanity, he declares, «We're gonna fight to the last man, baby!»
Now I don't know if I feel comfortable spoiling some of the film, but I must for the sake of humanity — Scott actually defeats Todd by making him drink half - and - half milk and the goddamn vegetarian police come and take Todd's powers.
All we know is that Deadpool 2 reveals a twisted orphanage that tries to torment mutant children for the sake of humanity at large.
I hope it's the former for the sake of humanity.
So for the sake of humanity, pre-order far away from Best Buy.
Ultimately, Kane may be called upon to sacrifice a bit of his humanness, for the sake of humanity's ultimate victory.
For the sake of all humanity, nations and peoples must come together to address the ever increasing climate problems that effect us all.
Such a reframing could be a step toward a clearer strategy for keeping within our planetary boundaries for the sake of both humanity and nature.
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