Sentences with phrase «sake of love»

Trust me, it's worth it too pay a bit more for sake of love, health, and happiness!
Someone that would be ready to give so much of herself and can do anything, go anywhere, and sacrifice anything she has for sake of LOVE.
Like Bonhoeffer, she reminds us that our faith and life must be about more than our own comfort or security; we must learn to take risks for sake of loving others.
In the letter, Gates, who pleaded not guilty to charges announced last October, told his family that had «a change of heart» and that he ultimately settled on the «gut - wrenching decision» to plead guilty for the sake of his loved ones.
For the sake of love and compassion.
God answered this vital question by sending His Son, Jesus, as the fulfillment of the most violent religious writings, to show us that He had nothing to do with the violence, but was instead dying along with us in the midst of the violence, taking our sin and suffering upon Himself, bearing our guilt and shame in His own being, all for the sake of those He loved.
We love for the sake of love.
The disclosure of who God is has come through... his self - identification with the suffering of the world for the sake of love: God does not surrender his deity, his everlastingness, the perfection of his power and love.
A soul opened to God's love begins to love God in return, and — for the sake of that love, and in honor of that mercy — eventually conforms life and manner to God's will.
For the sake of love, he threw himself away.
He did not throw the law away, for the sake of love.
In Romans 9:3, Paul does not have a wish for hell, but a willingness to sacrifice himself for the sake of those he loves.
Anyway, if there is any way you could «overlook» and ignore their lifestyle choices for the sake of love and friendship, that would be a good place to start.
Grant this for the sake of your love» (The Book of Common Prayer).
He withholds His judgments, which ultimately lead to the full establishment of His Kingdom on earth, for the sake of love towards the wicked.
At the moment of birth, we love our child merely for the sake of loving it, not for what it gives in return, not for what it does for us, not even for the hope that someday it will love us, back.
Give us the peace of knowing that you came to share our human life and redeem us for the sake of love.
This is proved daily when death is risked, or even sought for the sake of a love, a loyalty or a protest.
As I've already said, I in fact think the best pastors are those that lay their beliefs aside for the sake of their love for their members.
He would take all the blame just for the sake of love.
Not even for the sake of the love of Hezekiah, although he was a righteous and pious king, a reformer, loyal, obedient, and believing.
For if I do not go, the Advocate will not come to you» (John 16:5) so, too, must we have the courage to say that it is best for Jesus to depart for the sake of the love of God.
Our federal rights were written before such thinks existed, let's re-examine it for the sake of our loved ones.
Finally we'll get to know what truly went on, and what he had to endure for the sake of his love for the Arsenal.
«My political history has been to fight through challenges and political conflicts, but for the sake of loved ones and the Democratic Party, it is important that I take this action.»
«Orchids, almost alone among flowering plants, have a large number of species that lure pollinators by mimicking a mate, or a nesting site or food resources — «lies all for the sake of love» — but such deceit seems to have played no role in accelerating the formation of new orchid species.»
You can survive this day by being happily single and just celebrating love for the sake of love.
They will do everything and anything for the sake of their loved ones — indeed one of the extraordinary cultures of Asia.
These are the worst date locations to avoid, for the sake of love and decency...
Many of the local girls are open to international dating and would easily move abroad for the sake of their love, no matter how close with their families they are as their number one priority is their own family.
These methods were suggested by women themselves for the sake of love on the whole earth.
For the sake of love many people forget to think about themselves and they just do every possible thing for their love.
A Russian woman has the indomitable fortitude, she is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of a loved one and go after him to the edge of the world.
Just think of the number of great deeds were done just for the sake of love and relationships.
blatant violence on woman, but endearing gable is always excusable since he's doing it for the sake of love.
Though better films finally did find their way to us, Spring remains a unique and moving story of overcoming one's own environmental and biological defects for the sake of love.
Meanwhile, Emma finds a shoulder to lean on in daughter Elisabetta (Alba Rohrwacher), a lesbian about to come out of the closet for the sake of the love (Maria Paiato) of her life.
It suggests that there's real ugliness in the compromises individuals make for the sake of love and duty.
In the 1940s they endured the separation of WWII, infertility and different personal interests that required sacrifice for the sake of love.
For example, how many romance books feature an innocent and bookish woman who manages to capture the eye of a notorious womanizing nobleman and causes him to reconsider his wicked ways all for the sake of his love for her.
Though its bewitching world and stimulating combat are brought down by some counterintuitive mechanics, it's still a provocative tale about fate and the human condition that left me contemplating what it really means to be part of a family, and the sacrifices we make for the sake of those we love.
In Bas's own words, «What's the harm in signing over your soul for the sake of love if you don't believe in hell, or if you do, you'll be going there anyway for kissing boys?»
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