Sentences with phrase «sake of our sanity»

There's No There There Mainly for the sake of my sanity, I had also connected my Bitcoin account to a real bank account (again, it was one from years and several businesses ago), which is the only reason I ever got started with this whole crazy system.
This selection of some of the best brokers in the business shall save you the hassle of searching for a trustworthy broker through a «Trial and Error» method (something you would most definitely want to avoid for the sake of your sanity).
That one required a big step back for the sake of sanity.
As Christians, we might try to deny our theological predilections for the sake of our sanity, but we can not escape them.
Although I probably have done my fair share of ass kissing in my time, the thoughts that come foremost to my mind have been times when I have stood up to narcissists, bringing about situations where I have either been banned from work, church or social gatherings, or chosen to leave the same for the sake of my sanity.
midwest: I learned long ago, for the sake of sanity, to try my best to avoid — 200 ton hammer — god's oldest dreamer (lionlylamb and others)-- hindu hater — reality — truth be told (and his other sock puppets)
For the sake of my sanity and my social life, I would «just say no» to potentially addictive series with more than two seasons.
Food preparation can be intimidating and confusing — when you throw nutrition into the mix, it's enough to drive any parent to canned or boxed baby foods for the sake of sanity!
In an effort to make it easier to grab what we want quickly, I try to organize each bin by what it contains (for the sake of my sanity, we'll pretend that my husband listens when I tell him what style of diaper is in each bin).
In support of pur cosleeping and sake of my sanity, hubby bought is a king size bed and I dropped the mattress of the crib and removed the side pushing our king size bed snuggly up the the crib!
Onto the third, and for the sake of the sanity of those that admire traditional cute names, hopefully the last baby produced by Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.
And though it all worked out for us in the end, and I felt totally fine about my decision to abandon the cloth bandwagon and throw my contribution into my local landfill for the sake of my sanity and my baby's comfort, it wasn't a simple road getting from Point Cloth to Point IDGAF.
For the sake of your sanity we have tried to stick to the «must haves» with a few non-essential items included which we think are too good to leave out!
For the sake of my sanity, my family, etc..
For the sake of my sanity, I won't get into how this was nominated for the 1974 Best Picture Oscar alongside Lenny, The Conversation, Chinatown, and The Godfather Part II.
For the sake of sanity, we are going to call this car the CTS4 going forward in this review.
For the sake of sanity, I'm not going to catch up on the curation.
My fiasco should warn you: get a loan, but for the sake of your sanity, stay in touch with the people who loaned you the cash and don't go into default.
Freshly launched into Early Access, T.M.R.A (we'll use that a bit for the sake of my sanity) is a step toward the fierce and frantic from Camex Games, the same folk who brought us the turn based tactical RPG Heroes Tactics.
I got halfway through and just had to put it down for the sake of my sanity.
Please, for the sake of the sanity of recruiters everywhere, if you are applying for a marketing job, don't submit a resume with a career objective that talks about working in the medical field.
If this is you, I will share why you MUST get out of limbo for the sake of your sanity, health and relationship.
coward, ive dealt with mine leaving being gone no contact then showing up out of nowhere, expecting me to understand and be forgiving just for the sake of my sanity i chose to exspect him back eventhough my trust is out the door, if he comes back home will you exspect him back?
• I have learned to keep holidays low - key for the sake of my sanity and for my children's sanity!
For the sake of my sanity she's banned me from gossiping before breakfast.
It never fails, my friends... every effing year Christmas decorating season rolls around and I tell myself I am going to «take it easy» on the holiday decor (if not for the sake of my sanity but for the sake of my wallet) by only decorating one room... my living room.

Not exact matches

With up to 40 % of your time wasted in a juggling act, it's prudent to give some consideration to developing new habits, both for productivity sakes as well as for your own sanity!
And I am wise with my time on social media, not only for their sakes but for my own creativity, health, sanity, and proper sense of perspective.
For the sake of my own sanity, and to avoid eating out during the week, I need at least a couple of go - to quick and easy meals in my back pocket, and I'm happy to report this Two - Bean Vegetarian Mexican Lasagna is now one of them.
For the sake of maintaining sanity (and saving my electric bill), this month, for the whole month, I'm turning off the oven.
So while the urgency of change is an omnipresent pressure point, it's wise to heed Gartner's disruption decree to «pace yourself, for sanity's sake
This is a close enough race to be completely different in two weeks, and I hope for sanity's sake that someone pulls ahead by the end of the season.
There are a few on here that I believe have never uttered a single positive statement about our club in the 3 years I have been on JA — I am genuinely baffled as to why they bother, and I say that for the sake of their health / sanity because they have backed themselves in to a corner with no escape.
For the sake of our collective sanity I hope we can win the cup and Wenger can step down with some dignity and credibility intact but something tells me it won't be that straightforward.
For the sake of your own sanity, though, let me tell you that the Go Diaper Free handbook remains one of my favorite baby gear purchases I have ever made - and I'm so crunchy that I never buy books if I can help it, as I prefer to patronize my local library — so take it from me that it's a worthy purchase!
Over the years, I've learned I have to relax rules about bedtime, acceptable food choices, and entertainment options for the sake of family sanity while on the road.
For the sake of our partner's sanity, we just can not abandon them during the time we now know as the «witching hour», when everyone is hungry, tired, and oh - so cranky.
You've got to start trying some kind of (gentle, gradual) extinction process, both for her sake, and for your soon - to - be-mom-of-two sanity.
I did the occasional one on one, to have alone time with both, but for the sake of time and sanity tandem was best for us.
This feature is for both your sanity and for the sake of your hungry infant.
«Some MPs for the sake of their own sanity want some formal way of organising,» a Labour source said.
De Blasio's social media director, Scott Kleinberg, abruptly quit after less than two months on the job — and took to Facebook to say he resigned «for the sake of my health and my sanity
For the sake of time (and your sanity), there are a few culprits that are great starting points.
I compromised my sanity for the sake of thinness for a very long time.
A tough call, but a necessary one for the sake of our own sanity.
We didn't really have the time to get away, considering our long list of «to - do's», but sometimes it is just necessary to take a time out for the sake of one's sanity.
This is a small tragedy that Moonee's mother, Halley (Bria Vinaite), is actually responsible for — a fact that neither Moonee nor Halley will ever know, or pretend to know, because underlying so much of the anecdotal events of this film is a sense of people, for sanity's sake, needing to often trade in denial.
That perfection must be achieved at any cost — be it his own sanity and well - being that takes a dive for the sake of the craft.
So I think we start the conversation again, and not just for the sake of our kids, but for the sake of our own sanity.
For all our sanity's sake, I've opted not to attempt writing about it through only the use of Google Translate (entertaining as that can often be).
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