Sentences with phrase «sake of the church»

For the sake of the other women and for the sake of the church, I can not stay silent.»
The first Christians said that the world was created for the sake of the Church, because the word «church» means the people God calls and gathers together in Jesus Christ to praise him...
Indeed the catechism says: «The world was made for the sake of the Church... [which] is the convocation of men in Christ», (n. 760).
This vision of doxological theology is at odds with the standard fourfold division of seminary education in the West, which keeps «Bible,» «church history,» «theology» and «practical ministry» cordoned off from one another, For the Orthodox, theology is simply commentary upon the saints» commentary on scripture for the sake of the church's worship.
What then must our response to these scandals be, both for the sake of the Church and for the sake of those outside the Church?
Maciel to take a bullet for the sake of the Church, and Fr.
Sacrifice a holiday for the sake of church finances, and you may find greater richness in unity and love in your church.
Whether our testimony comes from center stage anymore or from the sociological and statistical periphery, it is needed for the sake of the church's completeness and for the sake of the unchurched.
Perhaps now is the time, now that Protestants are noticing that something is seriously missing, to reach back and affirm a truly «catholic» tradition: one that did not deny philosophy but used it to the glory of God and for the sake of the Church.
Sojourners encourages members to resist the allure of relocating or borrowing for career opportunities, but to be eager to move or take out a loan for the sake of the church.
«Christians of the first centuries said, «The world was created for the sake of the Church».
The church at its most faithful has always understood that we read scripture for the sake of the church's missional testimony.
Within the body of Christ, we know that we are to pray for one another and to offer up our sufferings for the sake of the Church (Colossians 1:24).
Here are a few ideas on how to read more transformatively, not only for your sake, but for the sake of your church, your neighborhood and the world.
We observe Lent so we can learn to rejoice with Paul as we fill up in our flesh what is lacking of Christ's sufferings, for the sake of his Church, the body of the One who fills all in all.
I have specifically asked for years now that when it was time for me to go for the sake of this church, that it would be made clear to me.
Countless have been spiritually mutilated for the sake of the church's desires.
The cosmos which is made for the sake of the Church - the Woman crowned with the stars (cf. Revelation 12:1)- is decreed towards union with God in the flesh of Christ.
We have passed from that time when the Pope wielded his authority in solidarity with other secular powers through that period when Rome for the sake of the Church exercised a centralising role.
The first Christians said that the world was created for the sake of the Church, because the word «church» means the people God calls and gathers together in Jesus Christ to praise him and receive his blessings.
You must understand that this is my concern, which for the sake of the Church and for the sake of my people, I shall not abandon, that no one should lose the chance for forgiveness which still is being offered to us, perhaps for the last time in the history of our people.
And for the sake of the Church and her witness in the world, very clearly a needed one.
The urban parish is an inclusive fellowship in which the universal claim of the gospel is lived out for the sake of the church everywhere.
But I gave it up because I felt this is what Scripture and Jesus wanted me to do for the sake of His church and for the sake of people all around me who would never step foot in a traditional church.
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