Sentences with phrase «sake of the gospel»

Christians should prepare to suffer for the sake of the gospel.
God has placed you in your place of employment or education to show love to others and be an influencer for the sake of the Gospel.
Shepherds like him and others, who have staked all for the sake of gospel, are believable not because of their rank but because of their love.
Once again they could trust the promise that «those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it.»
If our defense of the gospel causes bitterness, strife, and division «for the sake of the gospel,» it is likely that we do not understand or defend the true gospel of peace in Jesus Christ.
It is much more difficult to risk the self - interest of our family members, especially the ones who do not share our faith commitment, than it is to risk our own self - interest for the sake of the Gospel.
The parables of the Kingdom challenge us to give up everything for the sake of the Gospel.
It will be on the subject of giving up our religious rites and giving up our legal rights for the sake of the gospel.
Two of my favorite books include Being White: Finding our Place in a Multi-Ethnic World by Paula Harris and Doug Schaupp, and More Than Equals: Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel by Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice.
That I should keep quite for the sake of the gospel.
But for the sake of the gospel, we have to try... More
But for the sake of the gospel, we have to try...
That, Christians understand, is what the gospel does, and it is ultimately for the sake of the gospel's integrity and uniqueness that the church needs to rehabilitate the old Lutheran doctrine of the orders of creation.
But it does also mean for the sake of the gospel we should try to stretch as much as we can to be as welcoming to as many as possible.
For more on 1 Timothy 2, see: «For the Sake of the Gospel, Let Women Speak» See also, «Is Patriarchy really God's dream for the world?»
I often wonder what would happen if, for the sake of the gospel, rather than sue people over our rights, we followed Paul's advice in 1 Corinthians 6:7: «Why not rather be wronged?»
In more recent years, it is not at all uncommon to hear some Christian go around pronouncing curses and condemnation on people, and when you challenge them about their unloving behavior, they quote Galatians 1:8 - 9 and say, «Paul cursed people for the sake of the gospel; so can we.»
Also, Augustine believed that since God sometimes uses terror for the good of humans (a questionable premise), the church may also use terror for the sake of the gospel (The Myth of a Christian Nation p. 78).
This post is the conclusion to the series on Giving up our Rights in which we have looked at some of the rights we think we deserve, and have seen that as followers of Jesus, we may be called upon to give up these rights for the sake of the gospel.
If something like ISIS / ISIL were to overrun much of North America, would we be willing to give up our lives for the sake of a gospel so fixated on the self and its needs?
Since the time of Christ, His followers have gladly suffered pain, persecution and death from government after government — from Rome on — for the sake of the Gospel.)
Saint Paul endured shipwreck and imprisonment for the sake of the Gospel; the Totus Tuus missionaries are happily willing to be pummelled with water balloons on a hot summer afternoon for the Kingdom.
I think we have a lot to learn about the gift of singleness to the Church and for the sake of the gospel.
I do not know whether I am doing the «whining» Mr. Nuechterlein complains of, but it is indeed what he called an «unhappy predicament»; and the moral and personal price of staying» one hopes for the sake of the gospel and not for meaner reasons» is real.
Scot McKnight has wisely asked: «Do you think Paul would have put women «behind the pulpit» if it would have been advantageous «for the sake of the gospel»?
It's faith in Jesus Christ, in the Gospel, and for the sake of the Gospel in the world.
It is despicable what some people do «for the sake of the Gospel» and «to advance the kingdom.»
There are many stories like that of Jared Wilson, who migrated out of the Bible Belt to a less religious area for the sake of the gospel.
So, it's time to time to work for the sake of the gospel, and to live for the cause of the gospel, not run around proclaiming the sky is falling.
He claims that an attempt to unite evangelicals beneath one creed will fail because «evangelicalism never has been and never will be uniform in theology... [Evangelicalism] has always been ecumenical for the sake of the gospel
In I Corinthians 9.19 he obviously regards it as equivalent to slavery, and elsewhere he includes his labours, both physical and spiritual, among the sufferings which he has experienced for the sake of the gospel (I Cor.
We need at least two functioning parties, probably more, if we are to have any measure of stability, something for which we pray for the sake of the Gospel's enunciation (1 Tim.
They refused to give up, even as they suffered for the sake of the gospel.
Their sacrifice for the sake of the Gospel might even be a source of great inspiration for future missionaries, like Christ's own sacrifice.
If in one's mind art and truth are so juxtaposed that the increase of one means the decrease of the other, then art must forfeit the contest for the sake of the Gospel.
Life can be given for the sake of the Gospel in mass movements, in political revolution, in complex social strategies and cultural creativity.
«He who saveth his life will lose it; but he who loses his life for the sake of the Gospel will save it.»
It thrives and gets out of control and the next thing you know you're on TBN prophesying that someone in Oklahoma should donate their car for the sake of the Gospel.
I later joked that I laid down my hair for the sake of the gospel, although there was never much to lay down.
We are to live for the sake of the gospel and to do that through suffering.
The pathway of salvation is the pathway of «losing one's life for the sake of the gospel
For it is the scriptures that have caused us in ministry to lay our lives down, and work for little, for the sake of the gospel.
Multiracial churches — congregations in which less than 80 percent belong to a single racial group — are supposed to demonstrate the unity of the church for the sake of the gospel.
For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel will save it.»
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