Sentences with phrase «sale mode»

As an entrepreneur, you are constantly in sales mode — you are selling to customers, investors, the people who work for you.
Be completely in inquiry mode and not sales mode.
The big challenge for Indian startups having ready - to - market products is to come out quickly from a development skin, go into sales mode and scale rapidly.
A lot of brands are still in post-holiday sale mode and I promise that the discounts don't disappoint!
Of course, when you talk with your agent about any of this, they're just going to go into sales mode again, with blah blah blah broken record about all of the wonderful tax benefits and expensive slick features (riders that have hardly any real benefits relative to what's being touted, compared to what they cost in premiums).
Insurers are also able to get more detailed customer information through the online sales mode.
Or if you assume that every inbound sales lead is ready to buy, you run the risk of driving away the customer by switching to quickly to «sales mode» — instead of nurturing the lead and building trust.
At the moment I'm two months away from publication of my début novel, so I'm definitely in sales mode.
At this point, you need to go into «sales mode» to win over the lead and earn their business.
We get in that «what if we sale mode» and forget about how we enjoy our home.
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