Sentences with phrase «sale situation»

So should I pay the extra money against the mortgage principal even though I might be in short sale situation and I would lose the extra principal I paid?
In a wider context, your elevator pitch provides an essential tool in sales situations such as trade shows, conversations with investors, and networking events.
The charges will increase if there are issues like divorce, inheritance, and power of sale situations surrounding the property.
To give in and contribute the skills and education that I have acquired into a challenging and tough sales situation in order to achieve the desired result.
This allows you to avoid high - pressure sales situations, but it also allows you to talk to several companies in a very time - efficient manner.
Let's examine the typical sales situation as if the parties are seated at a table, which is most often the case.
Well, as anyone who has had to deal with a real sales situation knows this doesn't really work, and can even create unwanted outcomes in the long run.
This is equally true for short or long sales cycles, and in high volume or high value sales situations.
She's been selling long enough that for most sales situations she finds herself in, she's seen it before and has a set of strategies and messages she uses.
I am so thankful for you that your home sale situation is resolved and you can just enjoy your family without the stresses of this past year!
Can a seller / realtor not disclose that they are in a short sale situation?
Finding a lender who can lend to people in power of sale situations can be difficult, and our team specializes in finding lenders for people in power of sale.
Learn what to say and what not to say in sales situations.
This gap allowed athletes to perform at their best under immense pressure, allowed sales people to handle rejection and move onto the next sales situation with optimism, and allowed a manager to bounce back from a devastating meeting without having punished his team.
The lawsuit alleges customers were misled on savings from solar leases and whether liens could be placed, in aggressive sales situations.
I say no, and hereby offer the following solutions for different sales situations.
Your tax loss will still be disallowed in a wash sale situation if your spouse is the purchaser.
While this expanded period is intended to reduce the need for contract extensions resulting from expiring rate locks, this poses significant impacts for the client's bottom line in a real estate sale situation.
For example, using data collected through the recipient's purchase history or use of the website allows marketers to use keywords related to the particular consumer that will actually apply in the particular sales situation.
Counterintuitive to today's hyper - connected and hyper - speed world is the acknowledgement that buying cycles in complex B2B Sales situations are actually getting longer.
However, New York State does make exceptions for what it terms a «casual sale,» occasional or isolated sales situations.
Now, if the property is not a primary residence but an income property or a cottage then you could find yourself in a forced sale situation — where the CRA proceeds with the lien in federal court, prompting you to either pay your outstanding debt, or lose title and ownership of the property, which then goes through the legal procedure of foreclosure and the home is then sold as a power of sale, to clear the debts.
It is hard enough getting Countrywide to get their act together for a short sale situation where the seller IS actually involved and trying to save their credit.
Additionally, even the concept of Nintendo remaking older games for the Wii U is becoming less likely given Wind Waker HD's mediocre sales situation, and it's because remakes in general do not sell anywhere near as much as new games do.
Walmart's inventory system does not react fast enough and the retailer is over selling in flash sale situations.
I also tried this winter setting up a proxy sales situation in my Studio in Vieques, PR.
If we've had a lot of losses and disappointments, that can control how we see sales situations.
This has generated a serious distress property sale situation in Florida - perhaps even worse than the dire foreclosure situations in Arizona and Nevada.
Since in a St Paul Central short sale situation a lender could choose to foreclose on the seller, the lender's interests are potentially adverse to the seller's interests.
This is especially important when there is a power of sale situation to resolve or emergency fees to be paid.
Better yet, you'll be able to review quotes and carefully consider different policies from the comfort of your own home, far removed from the high pressure sales situation that too commonly results from speaking to insurance agents face - to - face.
The lawsuit alleges customers were misled on savings from solar leases and whether liens could be placed, in aggressive sales situations.
The IRS gives most investors a bit of a consolation prize when it comes to the wash sale rule: Even though you can't use a loss to offset gains in a wash sale situation, you are allowed — in most cases — to add the loss to the cost of the securities you repurchase, thereby increasing your basis.
Regarding «Wii U,» which still faces a challenging sales situation, Nintendo will focus on efforts that seek to stimulate the platform.
CEAs are taught, and will inform their clients, that estate sales situations are considerably different than regular transactions.
In sales situations, there are six «lines of inquiry» that you'll want to investigate:
When we enter a sales situation with a pre-conceived idea, we look for confirmation to support that idea.
So, how do you become extroverted in a sales situation when you are not naturally comfortable with it?
Lack of Prevention: The research has not only found that victims expose themselves to sales situations and are more interested in persuasion statements used by con artists, but they also take fewer affirmative steps to actively avoid being defrauded.
While formal scripts are rarely appropriate in many complex sales situations, sales organizations should be more prescriptive about how their salespeople should approach different sales situations.
While this may not be exact for every sales situation, it is a good approximation of the buyers a sales person is likely to encounter.
New laws are needed to govern this sort of sale situation.
Modern investment fraud victims are: «More likely to be male, relatively wealthy, risk - taking, interested in persuasive statements, open to sales situations, and better educated than the general public.
Short Sale Situations: Sellers who find themselves in a short sale position often turn to Cameron Novak and his team of short sale Realtors who effectively negotiate with many lenders nationwide to obtain a short sale authorization.

Phrases with «sale situation»

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