Sentences with phrase «salty solution»

The researchers determined that subjects with a family history of alcoholism found salty solutions less pleasurable than did those individuals not related to alcoholics.
Grocery stores of course do their own brining with overly salty solutions with questionable ingredients (that you end up paying for since it adds to the weight).
I absolutely hated and would gag while swirling the warm salty solution in my mouth.
Graduate students Karen Junge and Aaron Stierle worked in a cold room and applied salty solutions of a bacterial stain to intact ice.
One way to describe salt concentrations is with a number called the water activity, which is 1 for pure water, and smaller for saltier solutions.
Cup 1 had the undiluted salty solution that you originally prepared, which was one half cup of salt in two and one half cups water total.
The amount of capsaicum in both the sweet and salty solutions ranged from zero to 8 parts per million.
The salty solution — based on apple cider vinegar — acts as a tenderizer.
Just rinse the beans in hot water which will remove the salty solution they're stored in plus get them a little warmer.
They suggest that calcium perchlorate in the ground absorbs water from the atmosphere until it dissolves into a salty solution, or brine.
In the first step, the researchers used osmosis — a process in which some substances pass through a membrane — to separate large organic molecules from the water, urea, and other small dissolved molecules or atoms, which pass through the membrane into a salty solution.
When a saline solution sits on one side of a semipermeable membrane and a less salty solution is on the other, he explains, water diffuses through the membrane from the less concentrated to the more concentrated side.
Surprisingly, they found the largest differences in the resting saliva of the subjects compared to saliva produced after swishing around a salty solution.
They then varied the temperature and salt concentration and monitored the ion dispersion in the salty solution.
Those who ate bigger portions, and those who ate protein - rich or salty solutions, generally slept the longest.
People forget everyone was born in a salty solution — our mothers amniotic fluid.
The salty solution is effective in washing the excess mucus out of nasal passages and eliminating sinus infections.
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