Sentences with phrase «salty waters sink»

It is also often called an «overturning» circulation because cold, salty waters sink in the North Atlantic and travel back southward at deep ocean depths.
(Page 384) The cold, saltier water sinks and starts moving back towards the equator along the bottom of the ocean.
The cold, saltier water sinks and starts moving back towards the equator along the bottom of the ocean.
But he said that other impacts of climate change could upset the cycle, which is caused by variation in the salinity of the water as denser, saltier water sinks.
The heavier, hotter, saltier waters sank — carrying with them the Equatorial surface heat which they then delivered to the ocean bottom.

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As the warm water reaches high North Atlantic latitudes, it gives up heat and moisture to the atmosphere, leaving cold, salty, dense water that sinks to the ocean floor.
This global circulation is propelled by the sinking of cold, salty — and therefore dense — ocean waters.
The warm, salty Atlantic water flows up from the mid-latitudes and then cools and sinks below the cold, fresh water from the Arctic.
Today, the salty north Atlantic waters sink before they freeze in the winter.
Theory and modelling suggest that if the sinking of the salty surface waters in the North Atlantic slowed down or stopped, there would be a reduction in the heat transport by the ocean, which would have implications for the climate of northern Europe.
This warmed salty dense water is some of the water that sinks to replace the cold water that came up near South America.
By the time it reaches the far North Atlantic, the dense, salty water has cooled and sinks.
When this salty surface ocean water is cooled sufficiently, it becomes too dense to float above the waters it overlies, so it sinks «like a rock».
If enough fresh water from melting glaciers flows into the North Atlantic, this would make the seawater less salty and less dense, so that it couldn't sink anymore.
In shallow seas that dominated subtropical regions, warm salty water became dense enough to sink to the bottom.
A greater - than - normal volume of warm salty tropical water was transported north with the current and this was drawn down into the ocean in the region around 60 ° N - where dense water sinking occurs.
Many factors — like the thermohaline circulation, which reverses direction at the poles as warm salty water releases heat into the air and sinks down to the bottom — are heavily influenced by the ocean's salinity, and thus, the movement of freshwater into and around the Arctic plays an important role in shaping both regional and global climate.
In this case, the study suggests that the massive amounts of fresh water melting into the ocean from Greenland can prevent the sinking of the dense, cold, salty water and alter the AMOC circulation.
Climatologists believe this is because more fresh water is coming into the Arctic (from increased river flow and ice sheet melting) and making the water up there less salty and thus less able to sink.
So, the saltier and more dense Atlantic water sinks below the surface and a colder fresher layer of water above it acts as a insolation blanket that limits the amount of ocean heat in contact with the ice above.
Must be some significant cause and effect to saltier brine water melting and re-freezing every year and sinking into the thermocline that affects ocean currents over long term time scales.
This lower - density water does not mix and sink as readily as colder, saltier water, and may be changing the rate of bottom water renewal.
Because surface water that evaporates leaves nearly all of its salt behind, the surface becomes saltier — and if it becomes more dense than the underlying water, it sinks, sometimes in great blobs that do not mix very well with underlying waters, just like Dan's cream.
This water warms up to the east, where it becomes saltier and then sinks in the Levantine Sea before circulating west and exiting through the Strait of Gibraltar.
The water sinks because it has cooled and become saltier, due to prolonged evaporation, which transfers heat to the atmosphere.
The cycle starts when saltier, denser water at the surface northern part of the Atlantic, near Iceland, causes the water to sink.
«A key heat storage mechanism, they say, is the «conveyor belt» current that moves salty tropical water to the North Atlantic, where it sinks, carrying heat with it.»
At high - latitudes, the salty water cools and sinks, and this sinking is commonly thought to force the overturning circulation.
This would make the surface ocean less salty, which (along with the warming) makes the surface waters less dense, and less likely to sink, meaning that the AMOC would weaken or maybe collapse completely.
Saltier water is denser, sinks faster, and takes surface heat with it.
If this water becomes slightly warmer and a lot saltier it could still sink and displace slightly colder and much less salty water.
However, the upwelling of cold water off of the east coast of South American is also part of the meridional overturning of the ocean that begins with the sinking of cold salty water near the poles (thermohaline circulation) that forms the characteristic deep water found at the bottom of the major oceans.
This sea ice formation creates cold, dense, salty water that sinks to the seafloor and forms very dense Antarctic bottom water.
Because saltier water is denser and thus more likely to sink, the transport of salt poleward into the North Atlantic provides a potentially destabilizing advective feedback to the AMOC (Stommel, 1961); i.e., a reduction in the strength of the AMOC would lead to less salt being transported into the North Atlantic, and hence a further reduction in the AMOC would ensue.
The counter-current could be interrupted when the surface water in the Arctic becomes less salty and fails to sink, and the water could become less salty when the warming climate increases the Arctic rainfall.
Before 1980 this salty water reached the surface releasing large amounts of heat, then cooled and sank to the bottom of the ocean.
As the warm water reaches high North Atlantic latitudes, it gives up heat and moisture to the atmosphere, leaving cold, salty, dense water that sinks to the ocean floor.
That sinking of cold, salty water «drives the three - dimensional oceanic conveyor belt circulation.
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