Sentences with phrase «salvation lies»

Possible salvation lies in a faraway blue planet discovered orbiting a yellow sun - a planet whose energy resources could save the Transformers from extinction.
Potential salvation lies with ramping up production asap — unfortunately, commodity prices have declined significantly, and now Kenmare basically lacks the financing to accelerate production.
It is worth considering that at this point our salvation lies in putting pressure on the politics rather than in increasingly nuanced climate science discussions.
But Ghaemi provides exhaustive research and makes a compelling case for his point, which is perhaps best summed up by an aphorism from Martin Luther King, Jr.: «Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.»
As far as salvation goes with obtaining it and losing it, theirs alot more studying to do on this topic for me, as far as I know, I do nt know at this time, but I do know that my salvation lies in God's hands and not the hands of men, same goes for anyone condemning anyone else to hell, they do nt trully know because they are not God, but the Bible does tell us that we will know who does the will of God by the fruit they bear, and that a good tree can not produce bad fruit, and vise versa, but ultimatly that persons salvation is in Gods hands, and only God knows the future and what will be.
If it is true, as I suggest, that salvation lies in the direction of an Earth organically in-folded upon itself, it is then surely evident that, though a reciprocal mechanism of action and reaction, the vision and prevision of this ultimate end, this outcome of History and of Life, may be made to play an essential part in the building of the future, if only by creating the atmosphere, the psychic field of attraction, without which it will be impossible for Humanity to continue to converge upon itself.
Our salvation lies not in the perfection of our obedience, but in the completeness of our submission and in the sincerity of our repentance — or better, it lies not in ourselves at all, but in God's infinite compassion, which only our pride and complacency can obstruct.
It's hard when you've been force - fed a series of false fundamentals from which your salvation lies (there is absolutely no evidence for evolution!)
To these people, salvation lies at the feet of Musk.
The fundamental problem now in Puerto Rico is the current sterile debate between those who believe that salvation lies in more debt relief and more federal support and those who believe in more belt - tightening by Puerto Rico and market - oriented structural reforms.

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If you say that there is a «greater freedom» than this, then you are also saying that Jesus lied when He said that His way was the only way to salvation (John 14:6).
The atheist who claims to come from a «faith» background is extremely confused and more to be pitied than admired.Had the supposed «believer» continued in the «faith» they claim to have forsaken, they would ultimately have appeared before God and been rejected.These were deceived, they never met God, they never knew God and they never understood God.They are devoid of the Truth and twice lost.There is hope while they still breathe Gods gift of life that they might someday meet and be reconciled to God, but their lying nature makes salvation less likely.Debate with them is an exercise in futility.God bless
All of us are interested in salvation, but all of us have interests in the church that frequently lie outside the church's chief purpose.
For the people to ignore justice and oppress the alien, and then to turn to the temple of Yahweh for salvation is to trust in a lie rather than in the true God of Israel (Jer.
This is a lie by Satan and men and keeps people in bondage not only before salvation but after trying to get their sins forgiven.
Yet the only God worth worshiping does not require that we lie, sacrifice critical thinking, or believe nonsense to find salvation for selves or civilizations.
Otto's great study of the eschatological proclamation of Jesus discovers the fundamental and distinctive motif of Jesus» message to lie in its announcement of the «dawning» of the Kingdom of God, a dawning that is itself a forward - moving process, a process whereby a future and transcendent Kingdom penetrates from the future into the present, from its place in the Beyond into this world, and is operative here as an inbreaking realm of salvation.
what i get from this is that (and i may be incorrect) but i can rape, murder, lie, and commit adultery (and i choose these because these are some of the types of sin i would call willful) and still have my free gift of salvation, meaning simply i will go to heaven.
The eschatological elements of the salvation history theme have implied that the fullness of life lies only in the future; consequently, American churches have often responded to human suffering in the present by pointing the sufferer to God's future.
The bible assures us that no believer is without that willing sinful nature so the people who believe faith + consistent works = salvation are lying to themselves about their own integrity.
Example: You believe in God and salvation through Jesus Christ only because of a lie you were told.
The focus lies on the Trinity as a typology of religions, elaborated in dialogue with the three margas («ways» to salvation) of the Bhagavadgita.
He amplifies: «Not in maxims, not in Anschauungen, but in accumulated acts of thought lies salvation.
Because this human being exists, in the darkness the light lies hidden, in fear salvation, and in the callousness of one's fellow - men, the great Love.
So far as the prophet himself is concerned, the contingent possibility of quiet salvation through repentance is an impossible possibility: Israel's redemption, and the ultimate fulfillment of Yahweh's covenant purpose — these lie now only beyond judgment.
Don't fall into CNN or Fox Network lies, they don't care about God or your eternal salvation, just posting something so Ungodly like this is so Bad, (listen... Get close to Christ the redeemer of mankind) don't get into foolish arguments like this, Hollywood and all media is just the tipping point of the iceberg of something more evil happening, and to believers: get your doctrine straight and don't defend the works of this man (Stephen King) he is not giving glory to God with his live and work, there's many men of God that need your support that really give glory to God.
Still, it seemed worth voicing a few protests, even if only a debiliori: that the biblical imagery of the redeemed state is cosmic in scope and positively teeming with fauna (lions lying down with lambs and such)-- that Paul's vision of salvation in Romans 8 is of the entirety of creation restored and glorified — things of that sort.
«The future lies with those who believe salvation likelier to spring from the imagination of possibility than from the delineation of the historical....
But now since God has taken my salvation out of my hands into his, making it depend on his choice and not mine, and has promised to save me, not by my own work or exertion, but by his grace and mercy, I am assured and certain that he is faithful and will not lie to me... if we do less than we should or do it badly, he does not hold it against us.
While Washington's Whip does grapple with an internal struggle that's soaked in lies, denial, self - loathing and more (and this is where Washington shines the most, when he's not uttering a word, but generally drowning in consequences and negotiating what maneuvers he's got left), his final act of redemption is far too predictable (and therefore less satisfying), as every other option of salvation has been exhausted by his self - destructiveness.
The soul of good teaching lies in motivation.A self - motivated person can spread inspiration like sunrays.But in my country India, we value a GURU higher than God himself, for he enlightens the path and leads the disciple to attain knowledge and ultimately, salvation.
Indeed, for years we've been assured that salvation for the world's exclusive carmakers lies in becoming less exclusive by urgent multiplication of volume — leading us to the present moment where the ever - expanding sales targets of luxury brands such as BMW and Mercedes - Benz (and to a lesser extent Porsche) all but require them to crank production like General Motors puking out full - size Chevrolets in its 1960s heyday.
In the end, each will come to realize that her salvation, if not survival, lies with the other
Both games feature an ordinary dude in a dying world, hoping against hope that salvation might lie across the chasm.
Naturally, our only chance for salvation and getting those reality shows back on - air lies with a jet - piloting dog, Lt. Snops.
For Gilbert & George's American devotees, salvation may lie in the South.
At the heart of the film is the question of Tomás» welfare and, if he is in need of salvation - whether this lies in tradition or modernity.»
Though a worthy company, UK's economic salvation can not lie in building windmills..
National branding The speed at which firms appear to be signing up to the QualitySolicitors scheme — 100 new branches opened last week — suggests a somewhat late - in - the - day conversion on the part of the profession to the belief that salvation does indeed lie in the power of collective marketing schemes.
In that kind of technology, it seems to me, lies true salvation for the worried tunesmith: a database of a very large number of published melodies, accessible over the internet, would do wonders to reassure composers.
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