Sentences with phrase «same academic class»

Not exact matches

This year, other academics have cited homophily in elucidating everything from why teenagers choose friends who smoke and drink the same amount that they do to «the strong isolation of lower - class blacks from the interracial - marriage market.»
At the same time, Turnaround's staff works to improve the classroom environment as a whole, coaching teachers on strategies to improve students» academic outcomes by improving their experience in class.
The same chapter also explores school - start times, a topic of heated debate this year in Palo Alto after Superintendent Max McGee decided to eliminate academic classes during the early - morning zero period at Gunn High School.
At the same time that the female percentage of entering medical classes and medical school faculties has risen, the authors note, a second category of full - time academic jobs — the clinician - educator track (CET)-- has grown rapidly, alongside the traditional tenure track (TTT).
A study of how policies restricting pharmaceutical promotion to physicians affect medication prescribing found that physicians in academic medical centers (AMCs) prescribed fewer of the promoted drugs, and more non-promoted drugs in the same drug classes, following policy changes to restrict marketing activities at those medical centers.
They are also integrated into regular main stream academic classes as well, but it's usually not to the same degree as electives.
Foreign language classes are often offered in consecutive semesters in the same academic year.
Students can choose to compete either with other players within their class, school or country, and are matched to children at the same academic level as themselves (or against the computer if no suitable match is available).
At the same time, classes are designed to address the differing learning needs, academic orientations and points of engagement of boys and girls at different stages in their mental and emotional development.
Using test scores, grades, and teacher recommendations, students are assessed and placed into either a math or English academic academy; so you can have tenth - and eleventh - grade students in the same class.
Specialists work directly in classes and with the same group of students to support both the academic and social emotional growth of scholars.
In addition to the positive results, the academics discuss what it is about lessons in nature that may make the difference, highlighting previous research findings on: the benefits of physical activity (in this study the class walked 200 metres to get to the grassy area); exposure to nature being good for stress and attention; having a break from the classroom and change of scenery (a similar effect to going for recess); and the fact the teachers would also too feel less stressed and benefit from the same change of scenery and a «bit of a breather».
Make sure to target your questions at students from different academic levels, or even better, use checks for understanding that require the whole class to respond (whiteboards, thumbs up / down) and allow you to see what everyone's thinking at the same time.
For example, as we monitor the academic progress of students in teacher preparation programs we find that their average GPA is higher than that of non-teacher candidates in the same content classes.
Through the «Parent Portal», guardians with a child attending Stephen Gaynor can login and immediately see their child's academic progress, take a look at their in school and after school calendar, RSVP to events, and even speak with other parents who have children in the same class.
How many classes of your grade will exist at your school in the same academic year as your job sharing year?
«All ICT classes use gen ed curriculum and have the same sense of academic rigor as we would expect in any other class,» says Foti.
Year after year, the same students are enrolled in remedial classes, and year after year, the academic gaps don't narrow.
During the second semester of the same academic year, one full class of 18 students participated.
Petrelli states they set «world - class academic standards for student achievement» and during the same hearing, our commissioner said they were «the floor».
We compared the academic performance of SAGE students with the performance of a comparable group of students in larger classes from 17 non-SAGE schools in the same districts.
In Soulsville's academic classes, lessons are divided into units that change direction two or three times during the same class period to keep students» attention.
A Latina student defended the difficulty of my assigned reading material to another student because she did not want the teaching of the art of her ancestors watered down but rather taught with the same academic rigor as any European art class
Therein lies the rub; the more educated one becomes, institutionally only, thus, by others who have been educated institutionally only, by others created off of the same pattern, repeated over and over again by mere academics, most being bereft of real life forces acting regularly upon their perceptions beyond those gained from within the class room, the more slanted becomes the education system in favour of a one - way street view of the world as it «should» be, according to an academic's opinion based upon other academics» opinions, ad infinitum, and the beat goes on.
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