Sentences with phrase «same amount of heat»

Combustion is disrupted as the same amount of heat is spread over a larger area.
But far more manufacturers utilize the extract in dilutions to maintain an exact amount of chile heat in their products, guaranteeing that the customer gets precisely the same amount of heat each time they consume, say, spicy potato chips.
I also like to swap the sheets around halfway through so that the cookies get the same amount of heat.
Is there some kind of scale / chart that could tell me how many cayenne peppers equals the same amount of heat as the 4 habaneros called for in the recipe?
To tackle this problem, Tessera, a miniature technologies provider based in San Jose, California, is working on a solid - state alternative that tests have shown can remove the same amount of heat from a laptop as a conventional fan — but do so more quietly and using half the power.
The doped material produces a significantly greater amount of electricity than the undoped material, given the same amount of heat input.
All three standard heater models put out the same power and therefore the same amount of heat.
According to This Old House expert, John Wagner, an open fireplace damper lets out the same amount of heated air as a wide - open 48 - inch window.
Wouldn't it take something like the same amount of heat put back in to get back to the carbon?
From these measurements he concluded empirically that each doubling of CO2 trapped about the same amount of heat, though without offering any explanation of why the dependency on concentration should be logarithmic as opposed to say the square root.
The same amount of heat is released during refreeze.
Since Trenbreth did not provide a mechanism for the heat to go from the atmosphere to the lower levels of the ocean, and since we are talking about the same amount of heat, that which would make the atmosphere not climb in temperature for 10 to 15 years, it is much much more reasonable to assume the heat went from the surface of the ocean to Trenbreth's depths (the ocean simply overturned).
U.S. coal peaked a few years ago in terms of BTU (heat value) per pound — meaning that we need to burn more coal for the same amount of heat / electricity.
An ice cap which is rejecting heat all winter can absorb the same amount of heat during summer without raising its temperature to the melting point.
The same amount of heat goes out as comes in there is no extra heat to store.
Similarly, a kilogram of petroleum — whether it be gasoline, diesel fuel, or crude oil — releases the same amount of heat.
In both you provide comparable hot water systems with the same amount of heat.
Wouldn't wood chips put out the same amount of co2 as coal or natural gas for the same amount of heat created?
In equilibrium, the earth and the atmosphere radiate the same amount of heat out to space.
Using the site ZEB definition, a 95 % efficient gas boiler consumes 1053 kWh to produce 1000 kWh [3412 BTU] of heat, while an air - source heat pump with a coefficient of performance of 2.85 only consumes 351 kWh to produce the same amount of heat.
I.e., the system still has to radiate the same amount of heat to space, but since it is now doing it through a greater surface area, the flux per unit area must decrease, otherwise energy would have been created, which violates the first law.
Furthermore, natural gas produces about half as much CO2 for the same amount of heat energy.
The fact of previous climate change due to «natural cycles» is probably the strongest evidence we have that adding the same amount of heat will warm future climate about as much as the warming following the last Ice Age.
He admitted that the propane source would not create the same amount of heat or temperature as the power source that he identified as the ignition source.
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