Sentences with phrase «same amount of water»

I couldn't find a 6oz bx of buttermimmilk corn bread so i used 8.5 oz jiffy mix with same amount of water.
If you melt ice, you get water and if you freeze that water (as.suming that none had evaporated), then you will get the exact same amount of water.
Halve lengthwise and place cut side down in a cooking dish with 1/2 inch of water, cover and bake for 30 - 40 minutes at 375 degrees, or microwave halves in same amount of water covered for 7 - 10 minutes.
After irrigation ditches and gates replaced untimely flooding (same amount of water overall being spread out, but diverted to where it was needed and controlled better), the folks that get their knickers in a twist over fish getting caught in irrigation ditches decided to fish screen them.
So, on day 3, we brought the same amount of water we had the previous two days.
Twelve hours later, I add the same amount of water and flour again.
To make the vegan heavy cream, simply blend soaked cashews with the same amount of water in a blender.
When we add the tomato product we also add the same amount of water to clean out the extra tomato.
Since the tartness of lemons and personal taste vary, try it once as written, and if it's not tart enough for you, up the juice while nixing the same amount of water until you get the tartness of your dreams.
One beef burger requires the same amount of water than 60 showers, and with the detrimental drought South Africa is facing, we can't risk wasting one drop.
So, you can use that same amount of water to boil all of them, no matter how many you have.
If you use the same amount of water for brown as for white, all the water will get absorbed into the rice before it got a chance to fully cook, so the brown rice would end up hard.
Just the same amount of water instead of maple?
Throwing away one burger wastes the same amount of water as a 90 - minute shower!
I would maybe substitute the same amount of water in the berries, just to help give them a bit of a sauce.
Reconstituted juice is simply this concentrated juice with the same amount of water added back as was originally evaporated off.
To use the concentrate again the same amount of water is added back to bring the juice up to the same concentration as fresh fruit juice.
It's a very high quality flour that makes delicious bread but one quirk is if you use the same amount of water as with other flour it turns to soup.
We should make sure exactly the same amount of water is in each ice cube and that the fish are the same size.
Washing your own cloth diapers every 2 - 3 days uses about the same amount of water as a toilet - trained child or an adult flushing the toilet.
The water used to wash cloth diapers is about the same as the amount used by the same number of kids to flush a toilet — so a child in toilet training uses the same amount of water as a child in diapers.
«The same amount of water coalesces on a much larger number of particles,» Rosenberg says, «and so the drops are smaller.»
The city of Phoenix today uses about the same amount of water as a decade ago because of per capita reductions.
Turns out, it uses roughly the same amount of water as native riparian trees like willows and cottonwoods.
But imagine that the same amount of water melting from Greenland each year is being lost in California and the rest of the West because of the epic drought there.
THE deep Earth holds about the same amount of water as our oceans.
Consequently, while it was floating, the ball should have displaced the same amount of water as it decreased in diameter, and so the buoyant force should have remained the same.
For the first time, scientists investigated systematically the worldwide potential to produce more food with the same amount of water by optimizing rain use and irrigation.
As one example, he said that it takes the same amount of water to make $ 250,000 worth of alfalfa as it does to run an Albuquerque, N.M.'s computer chip plant, yet farmers «can't sell their water rights» in the state, he said.
Each microcosm contained the same amount of water and sediment from the lake.
The answer is likely «both,» according to researchers at The Ohio State University — and the same amount of water that currently fills the Pacific Ocean could be buried deep inside the planet right now.
Atmospheric rivers can carry the same amount of water vapor as 15 to 20 Mississippi Rivers — and deliver punishing winds, too.
«Our observation that plants use roughly the same amount of water regardless of water availability suggests that a warmer or longer growing season may have a relatively small effect on evapotranspiration and thus could affect landscape water balances less than we previously thought,» Hamilton said.
He found that more than one percent of the weight of the ringwoodite's crystal structure can consist of water — roughly the same amount of water as was found in the sample reported in the Nature paper.
An alternative system that uses the same amount of water and involves the same number of rinses is more hygienic, says microbiologist Joanna Hargreaves, who conducted the new study.
The latter figure is just about the same amount of water that the government has allocated to the big and small towns across the basin, and to farmers who irrigate globally significant crops of rice, alfalfa, cotton, oranges, grapes, apples and vegetables.
If you get up every morning and do the same cardio, eat the same foods, drink the same amount of water, have the same café latte for morning tea and perform the same habits on a daily basis, you are going to need a microscope to detect any change to your physique.
On the other hand, whey protein is more gritty and becomes quite sticky or tacky with the same amount of water.
When we add the tomato product we also add the same amount of water to clean out the extra tomato.
Or you could use an equivalent amount of ground sunflower seeds or sesame seeds (same amount of water).
But, look, since they kept drinking the same amount of water, «this study suggest [s] that the contribution of drinking water may be negligible in the daily amount of antibiotics that are inadvertently consumed.»
For example: If you drink a 16oz coffee, the caffeine will cause about the same amount of water to be eliminated from the body, thus not producing a dehydrating effect.
Athletes should learn the optimal way to hydrate during a long race — drinking about the same amount of water that's lost — and avoid using sports drinks as everyday beverages.
When I made the batter with the same amount of water as the lentil tortillas, it was very challenging to make anything other than a very thick pancake.
Though it requires the same amount of water and labor as its conventional counterpart, organic cotton is totally biodegradable.
pim, why do you add the same amount of water as soy sauce and then reduce it by half.
During that time, you make a reduction of same amount of water and soy sauce, then you do like a beurre fondu (of course butter ee eez French!).
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